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path: root/src
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authorVika <vika@fireburn.ru>2023-07-29 21:59:56 +0300
committerVika <vika@fireburn.ru>2023-07-29 21:59:56 +0300
commit0617663b249f9ca488e5de652108b17d67fbaf45 (patch)
tree11564b6c8fa37bf9203a0a4cc1c4e9cc088cb1a5 /src
parent26c2b79f6a6380ae3224e9309b9f3352f5717bd7 (diff)
Moved the entire Kittybox tree into the root
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
31 files changed, 9450 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/bin/kittybox-check-webmention.rs b/src/bin/kittybox-check-webmention.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f02032c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bin/kittybox-check-webmention.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+use std::cell::{RefCell, Ref};
+use std::rc::Rc;
+use clap::Parser;
+use microformats::types::PropertyValue;
+use microformats::html5ever;
+use microformats::html5ever::tendril::TendrilSink;
+#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
+enum Error {
+    #[error("http request error: {0}")]
+    Http(#[from] reqwest::Error),
+    #[error("microformats error: {0}")]
+    Microformats(#[from] microformats::Error),
+    #[error("json error: {0}")]
+    Json(#[from] serde_json::Error),
+    #[error("url parse error: {0}")]
+    UrlParse(#[from] url::ParseError),
+use kittybox_util::MentionType;
+fn check_mention(document: impl AsRef<str>, base_url: &url::Url, link: &url::Url) -> Result<Option<MentionType>, Error> {
+    // First, check the document for MF2 markup
+    let document = microformats::from_html(document.as_ref(), base_url.clone())?;
+    // Get an iterator of all items
+    let items_iter = document.items.iter()
+        .map(AsRef::as_ref)
+        .map(RefCell::borrow);
+    for item in items_iter {
+        let props = item.properties.borrow();
+        for (prop, interaction_type) in [
+            ("in-reply-to", MentionType::Reply), ("like-of", MentionType::Like),
+            ("bookmark-of", MentionType::Bookmark), ("repost-of", MentionType::Repost)
+        ] {
+            if let Some(propvals) = props.get(prop) {
+                for val in propvals {
+                    if let PropertyValue::Url(url) = val {
+                        if url == link {
+                            return Ok(Some(interaction_type))
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // Process `content`
+        if let Some(PropertyValue::Fragment(content)) = props.get("content")
+            .map(Vec::as_slice)
+            .unwrap_or_default()
+            .first()
+        {
+            let root = html5ever::parse_document(html5ever::rcdom::RcDom::default(), Default::default())
+                .from_utf8()
+                .one(content.html.to_owned().as_bytes())
+                .document;
+            // This is a trick to unwrap recursion into a loop
+            //
+            // A list of unprocessed node is made. Then, in each
+            // iteration, the list is "taken" and replaced with an
+            // empty list, which is populated with nodes for the next
+            // iteration of the loop.
+            //
+            // Empty list means all nodes were processed.
+            let mut unprocessed_nodes: Vec<Rc<html5ever::rcdom::Node>> = root.children.borrow().iter().cloned().collect();
+            while unprocessed_nodes.len() > 0 {
+                // "Take" the list out of its memory slot, replace it with an empty list
+                let nodes = std::mem::take(&mut unprocessed_nodes);
+                'nodes_loop: for node in nodes.into_iter() {
+                    // Add children nodes to the list for the next iteration
+                    unprocessed_nodes.extend(node.children.borrow().iter().cloned());
+                    if let html5ever::rcdom::NodeData::Element { ref name, ref attrs, .. } = node.data {
+                        // If it's not `<a>`, skip it
+                        if name.local != *"a" { continue; }
+                        let mut is_mention: bool = false;
+                        for attr in attrs.borrow().iter() {
+                            if attr.name.local == *"rel" {
+                                // Don't count `rel="nofollow"` links — a web crawler should ignore them
+                                // and so for purposes of driving visitors they are useless
+                                if attr.value
+                                    .as_ref()
+                                    .split([',', ' '])
+                                    .any(|v| v == "nofollow")
+                                {
+                                    // Skip the entire node.
+                                    continue 'nodes_loop;
+                                }
+                            }
+                            // if it's not `<a href="...">`, skip it
+                            if attr.name.local != *"href" { continue; }
+                            // Be forgiving in parsing URLs, and resolve them against the base URL
+                            if let Ok(url) = base_url.join(attr.value.as_ref()) {
+                                if &url == link {
+                                    is_mention = true;
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                        if is_mention {
+                            return Ok(Some(MentionType::Mention));
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    Ok(None)
+#[derive(Parser, Debug)]
+    name = "kittybox-check-webmention",
+    author = "Vika <vika@fireburn.ru>",
+    version = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"),
+    about = "Verify an incoming webmention"
+struct Args {
+    #[clap(value_parser)]
+    url: url::Url,
+    #[clap(value_parser)]
+    link: url::Url
+async fn main() -> Result<(), self::Error> {
+    let args = Args::parse();
+    let http: reqwest::Client = {
+        #[allow(unused_mut)]
+        let mut builder = reqwest::Client::builder()
+            .user_agent(concat!(
+                env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME"), "/", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")
+            ));
+        builder.build().unwrap()
+    };
+    let response = http.get(args.url.clone()).send().await?;
+    let text = response.text().await?;
+    if let Some(mention_type) = check_mention(text, &args.url, &args.link)? {
+        println!("{:?}", mention_type);
+        Ok(())
+    } else {
+        std::process::exit(1)
+    }
diff --git a/src/bin/kittybox-indieauth-helper.rs b/src/bin/kittybox-indieauth-helper.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3377ec3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bin/kittybox-indieauth-helper.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+use kittybox_indieauth::{
+    AuthorizationRequest, PKCEVerifier,
+    PKCEChallenge, PKCEMethod, GrantRequest, Scope,
+    AuthorizationResponse, TokenData, GrantResponse
+use clap::Parser;
+use std::{borrow::Cow, io::Write};
+const DEFAULT_CLIENT_ID: &str = "https://kittybox.fireburn.ru/indieauth-helper.html";
+const DEFAULT_REDIRECT_URI: &str = "http://localhost:60000/callback";
+#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
+enum Error {
+    #[error("i/o error: {0}")]
+    IO(#[from] std::io::Error),
+    #[error("http request error: {0}")]
+    HTTP(#[from] reqwest::Error),
+    #[error("urlencoded encoding error: {0}")]
+    UrlencodedEncoding(#[from] serde_urlencoded::ser::Error),
+    #[error("url parsing error: {0}")]
+    UrlParse(#[from] url::ParseError),
+    #[error("indieauth flow error: {0}")]
+    IndieAuth(Cow<'static, str>)
+#[derive(Parser, Debug)]
+    name = "kittybox-indieauth-helper",
+    author = "Vika <vika@fireburn.ru>",
+    version = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"),
+    about = "Retrieve an IndieAuth token for debugging",
+    long_about = None
+struct Args {
+    /// Profile URL to use for initiating IndieAuth metadata discovery.
+    #[clap(value_parser)]
+    me: url::Url,
+    /// Scopes to request for the token.
+    ///
+    /// All IndieAuth scopes are supported, including arbitrary custom scopes.
+    #[clap(short, long)]
+    scope: Vec<Scope>,
+    /// Client ID to use when requesting a token.
+    #[clap(short, long, value_parser, default_value = DEFAULT_CLIENT_ID)]
+    client_id: url::Url,
+    /// Redirect URI to declare. Note: This will break the flow, use only for testing UI.
+    #[clap(long, value_parser)]
+    redirect_uri: Option<url::Url>
+fn append_query_string<T: serde::Serialize>(
+    url: &url::Url,
+    query: T
+) -> Result<url::Url, Error> {
+    let mut new_url = url.clone();
+    let mut query = serde_urlencoded::to_string(query)?;
+    if let Some(old_query) = url.query() {
+        query.push('&');
+        query.push_str(old_query);
+    }
+    new_url.set_query(Some(&query));
+    Ok(new_url)
+async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
+    let args = Args::parse();
+    let http: reqwest::Client = {
+        #[allow(unused_mut)]
+        let mut builder = reqwest::Client::builder()
+            .user_agent(concat!(
+                env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME"), "/", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")
+            ));
+        builder.build().unwrap()
+    };
+    let redirect_uri: url::Url = args.redirect_uri
+        .clone()
+        .unwrap_or_else(|| DEFAULT_REDIRECT_URI.parse().unwrap());
+    eprintln!("Checking .well-known for metadata...");
+    let metadata = http.get(args.me.join("/.well-known/oauth-authorization-server")?)
+        .header("Accept", "application/json")
+        .send()
+        .await?
+        .json::<kittybox_indieauth::Metadata>()
+        .await?;
+    let verifier = PKCEVerifier::new();
+    let authorization_request = AuthorizationRequest {
+        response_type: kittybox_indieauth::ResponseType::Code,
+        client_id: args.client_id.clone(),
+        redirect_uri: redirect_uri.clone(),
+        state: kittybox_indieauth::State::new(),
+        code_challenge: PKCEChallenge::new(&verifier, PKCEMethod::default()),
+        scope: Some(kittybox_indieauth::Scopes::new(args.scope)),
+        me: Some(args.me)
+    };
+    let indieauth_url = append_query_string(
+        &metadata.authorization_endpoint,
+        authorization_request
+    )?;
+    eprintln!("Please visit the following URL in your browser:\n\n   {}\n", indieauth_url.as_str());
+    if args.redirect_uri.is_some() {
+        eprintln!("Custom redirect URI specified, won't be able to catch authorization response.");
+        std::process::exit(0);
+    }
+    // Prepare a callback
+    let (tx, rx) = tokio::sync::oneshot::channel::<AuthorizationResponse>();
+    let server = {
+        use axum::{routing::get, extract::Query, response::IntoResponse};
+        let tx = std::sync::Arc::new(tokio::sync::Mutex::new(Some(tx)));
+        let router = axum::Router::new()
+            .route("/callback", axum::routing::get(
+                move |query: Option<Query<AuthorizationResponse>>| async move {
+                    if let Some(Query(response)) = query {
+                        if let Some(tx) = tx.lock_owned().await.take() {
+                            tx.send(response).unwrap();
+                            (axum::http::StatusCode::OK,
+                             [("Content-Type", "text/plain")],
+                             "Thank you! This window can now be closed.")
+                                .into_response()
+                        } else {
+                            (axum::http::StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST,
+                             [("Content-Type", "text/plain")],
+                             "Oops. The callback was already received. Did you click twice?")
+                                .into_response()
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        axum::http::StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST.into_response()
+                    }
+                }
+            ));
+        use std::net::{SocketAddr, IpAddr, Ipv4Addr};
+        let server = hyper::server::Server::bind(
+            &SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::LOCALHOST),60000)
+        )
+            .serve(router.into_make_service());
+        tokio::task::spawn(server)
+    };
+    let authorization_response = rx.await.unwrap();
+    // Clean up after the server
+    tokio::task::spawn(async move {
+        // Wait for the server to settle -- it might need to send its response
+        tokio::time::sleep(tokio::time::Duration::from_secs(1)).await;
+        // Abort the future -- this should kill the server
+        server.abort();
+    });
+    eprintln!("Got authorization response: {:#?}", authorization_response);
+    eprint!("Checking issuer field...");
+    std::io::stderr().lock().flush()?;
+    if dbg!(authorization_response.iss.as_str()) == dbg!(metadata.issuer.as_str()) {
+        eprintln!(" Done");
+    } else {
+        eprintln!(" Failed");
+        #[cfg(not(debug_assertions))]
+        std::process::exit(1);
+    }
+    let grant_response: GrantResponse = http.post(metadata.token_endpoint)
+        .form(&GrantRequest::AuthorizationCode {
+            code: authorization_response.code,
+            client_id: args.client_id,
+            redirect_uri,
+            code_verifier: verifier
+        })
+        .header("Accept", "application/json")
+        .send()
+        .await?
+        .json()
+        .await?;
+    if let GrantResponse::AccessToken {
+        me,
+        profile,
+        access_token,
+        expires_in,
+        refresh_token,
+        token_type,
+        scope
+    } = grant_response {
+        eprintln!("Congratulations, {}, access token is ready! {}",
+                  me.as_str(),
+                  if let Some(exp) = expires_in {
+                      format!("It expires in {exp} seconds.")
+                  } else {
+                      format!("It seems to have unlimited duration.")
+                  }
+        );
+        println!("{}", access_token);
+        if let Some(refresh_token) = refresh_token {
+            eprintln!("Save this refresh token, it will come in handy:");
+            println!("{}", refresh_token);
+        };
+        if let Some(profile) = profile {
+            eprintln!("\nThe token endpoint returned some profile information:");
+            if let Some(name) = profile.name {
+                eprintln!(" - Name: {name}")
+            }
+            if let Some(url) = profile.url {
+                eprintln!(" - URL: {url}")
+            }
+            if let Some(photo) = profile.photo {
+                eprintln!(" - Photo: {photo}")
+            }
+            if let Some(email) = profile.email {
+                eprintln!(" - Email: {email}")
+            }
+        }
+        Ok(())
+    } else {
+        return Err(Error::IndieAuth(Cow::Borrowed("IndieAuth token endpoint did not return an access token grant.")));
+    }
diff --git a/src/bin/kittybox-mf2.rs b/src/bin/kittybox-mf2.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4366cb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bin/kittybox-mf2.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+use clap::Parser;
+#[derive(Parser, Debug)]
+    name = "kittybox-mf2",
+    author = "Vika <vika@fireburn.ru>",
+    version = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"),
+    about = "Fetch HTML and turn it into MF2-JSON"
+struct Args {
+    #[clap(value_parser)]
+    url: url::Url,
+#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
+enum Error {
+    #[error("http request error: {0}")]
+    Http(#[from] reqwest::Error),
+    #[error("microformats error: {0}")]
+    Microformats(#[from] microformats::Error),
+    #[error("json error: {0}")]
+    Json(#[from] serde_json::Error),
+    #[error("url parse error: {0}")]
+    UrlParse(#[from] url::ParseError),
+async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
+    let args = Args::parse();
+    let http: reqwest::Client = {
+        #[allow(unused_mut)]
+        let mut builder = reqwest::Client::builder()
+            .user_agent(concat!(
+                env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME"), "/", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")
+            ));
+        builder.build().unwrap()
+    };
+    let response = http.get(args.url.clone()).send().await?;
+    let text = response.text().await?;
+    let mf2 = microformats::from_html(text.as_ref(), args.url)?;
+    println!("{}", serde_json::to_string_pretty(&mf2)?);
+    Ok(())
diff --git a/src/bin/kittybox_bulk_import.rs b/src/bin/kittybox_bulk_import.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e1f6af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bin/kittybox_bulk_import.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Context, Result};
+use std::fs::File;
+use std::io;
+async fn main() -> Result<()> {
+    let args = std::env::args().collect::<Vec<String>>();
+    if args.iter().skip(1).any(|s| s == "--help") {
+        println!("Usage: {} <url> [file]", args[0]);
+        println!("\nIf launched with no arguments, reads from stdin.");
+        println!(
+            "\nUse KITTYBOX_AUTH_TOKEN environment variable to authorize to the Micropub endpoint."
+        );
+        std::process::exit(0);
+    }
+    let token = std::env::var("KITTYBOX_AUTH_TOKEN")
+        .map_err(|_| anyhow!("No auth token found! Use KITTYBOX_AUTH_TOKEN env variable."))?;
+    let data: Vec<serde_json::Value> = (if args.len() == 2 || (args.len() == 3 && args[2] == "-") {
+        serde_json::from_reader(io::stdin())
+    } else if args.len() == 3 {
+        serde_json::from_reader(File::open(&args[2]).with_context(|| "Error opening input file")?)
+    } else {
+        bail!("See `{} --help` for usage.", args[0]);
+    })
+    .with_context(|| "Error while loading the input file")?;
+    let url = surf::Url::parse(&args[1])?;
+    let client = surf::Client::new();
+    let iter = data.into_iter();
+    for post in iter {
+        println!(
+            "Processing {}...",
+            post["properties"]["url"][0]
+                .as_str()
+                .or_else(|| post["properties"]["published"][0]
+                    .as_str()
+                    .or_else(|| post["properties"]["name"][0]
+                        .as_str()
+                        .or(Some("<unidentified post>"))))
+                .unwrap()
+        );
+        match client
+            .post(&url)
+            .body(surf::http::Body::from_string(serde_json::to_string(&post)?))
+            .header("Content-Type", "application/json")
+            .header("Authorization", format!("Bearer {}", &token))
+            .send()
+            .await
+        {
+            Ok(mut response) => {
+                if response.status() == 201 || response.status() == 202 {
+                    println!("Posted at {}", response.header("location").unwrap().last());
+                } else {
+                    println!("Error: {:?}", response.body_string().await);
+                }
+            }
+            Err(err) => {
+                println!("{}", err);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    Ok(())
diff --git a/src/bin/kittybox_database_converter.rs b/src/bin/kittybox_database_converter.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc355c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bin/kittybox_database_converter.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+use anyhow::{anyhow, Context};
+use kittybox::database::FileStorage;
+use kittybox::database::Storage;
+use redis::{self, AsyncCommands};
+use std::collections::HashMap;
+/// Convert from a Redis storage to a new storage new_storage.
+async fn convert_from_redis<S: Storage>(from: String, new_storage: S) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
+    let db = redis::Client::open(from).context("Failed to open the Redis connection")?;
+    let mut conn = db
+        .get_async_std_connection()
+        .await
+        .context("Failed to connect to Redis")?;
+    // Rebinding to convince the borrow checker we're not smuggling stuff outta scope
+    let storage = &new_storage;
+    let mut stream = conn.hscan::<_, String>("posts").await?;
+    while let Some(key) = stream.next_item().await {
+        let value = serde_json::from_str::<serde_json::Value>(
+            &stream
+                .next_item()
+                .await
+                .ok_or(anyhow!("Failed to find a corresponding value for the key"))?,
+        )?;
+        println!("{}, {:?}", key, value);
+        if value["see_other"].is_string() {
+            continue;
+        }
+        let user = &(url::Url::parse(value["properties"]["uid"][0].as_str().unwrap())
+            .unwrap()
+            .origin()
+            .ascii_serialization()
+            .clone()
+            + "/");
+        if let Err(err) = storage.clone().put_post(&value, user).await {
+            eprintln!("Error saving post: {}", err);
+        }
+    }
+    let mut stream: redis::AsyncIter<String> = conn.scan_match("settings_*").await?;
+    while let Some(key) = stream.next_item().await {
+        let mut conn = db
+            .get_async_std_connection()
+            .await
+            .context("Failed to connect to Redis")?;
+        let user = key.strip_prefix("settings_").unwrap();
+        match conn
+            .hgetall::<&str, HashMap<String, String>>(&key)
+            .await
+            .context(format!("Failed getting settings from key {}", key))
+        {
+            Ok(settings) => {
+                for (k, v) in settings.iter() {
+                    if let Err(e) = storage
+                        .set_setting(k, user, v)
+                        .await
+                        .with_context(|| format!("Failed setting {} for {}", k, user))
+                    {
+                        eprintln!("{}", e);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            Err(e) => {
+                eprintln!("{}", e);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    Ok(())
+async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
+    let mut args = std::env::args();
+    args.next(); // skip argv[0]
+    let old_uri = args
+        .next()
+        .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("No import source is provided."))?;
+    let new_uri = args
+        .next()
+        .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("No import destination is provided."))?;
+    let storage = if new_uri.starts_with("file:") {
+        let folder = new_uri.strip_prefix("file://").unwrap();
+        let path = std::path::PathBuf::from(folder);
+        Box::new(
+            FileStorage::new(path)
+                .await
+                .context("Failed to construct the file storage")?,
+        )
+    } else {
+        anyhow::bail!("Cannot construct the storage abstraction for destination storage. Check the storage type?");
+    };
+    if old_uri.starts_with("redis") {
+        convert_from_redis(old_uri, *storage).await?
+    }
+    Ok(())
diff --git a/src/database/file/mod.rs b/src/database/file/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27d3da1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/database/file/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,733 @@
+use crate::database::{ErrorKind, Result, settings, Storage, StorageError};
+use crate::micropub::{MicropubUpdate, MicropubPropertyDeletion};
+use async_trait::async_trait;
+use futures::{stream, StreamExt, TryStreamExt};
+use kittybox_util::MentionType;
+use serde_json::json;
+use std::borrow::Cow;
+use std::collections::HashMap;
+use std::io::ErrorKind as IOErrorKind;
+use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
+use tokio::fs::{File, OpenOptions};
+use tokio::io::{AsyncReadExt, AsyncWriteExt};
+use tokio::task::spawn_blocking;
+use tracing::{debug, error};
+impl From<std::io::Error> for StorageError {
+    fn from(source: std::io::Error) -> Self {
+        Self::with_source(
+            match source.kind() {
+                IOErrorKind::NotFound => ErrorKind::NotFound,
+                IOErrorKind::AlreadyExists => ErrorKind::Conflict,
+                _ => ErrorKind::Backend,
+            },
+            Cow::Owned(format!("file I/O error: {}", &source)),
+            Box::new(source),
+        )
+    }
+impl From<tokio::time::error::Elapsed> for StorageError {
+    fn from(source: tokio::time::error::Elapsed) -> Self {
+        Self::with_source(
+            ErrorKind::Backend,
+            Cow::Borrowed("timeout on I/O operation"),
+            Box::new(source),
+        )
+    }
+// Copied from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39340924
+// This routine is adapted from the *old* Path's `path_relative_from`
+// function, which works differently from the new `relative_from` function.
+// In particular, this handles the case on unix where both paths are
+// absolute but with only the root as the common directory.
+fn path_relative_from(path: &Path, base: &Path) -> Option<PathBuf> {
+    use std::path::Component;
+    if path.is_absolute() != base.is_absolute() {
+        if path.is_absolute() {
+            Some(PathBuf::from(path))
+        } else {
+            None
+        }
+    } else {
+        let mut ita = path.components();
+        let mut itb = base.components();
+        let mut comps: Vec<Component> = vec![];
+        loop {
+            match (ita.next(), itb.next()) {
+                (None, None) => break,
+                (Some(a), None) => {
+                    comps.push(a);
+                    comps.extend(ita.by_ref());
+                    break;
+                }
+                (None, _) => comps.push(Component::ParentDir),
+                (Some(a), Some(b)) if comps.is_empty() && a == b => (),
+                (Some(a), Some(b)) if b == Component::CurDir => comps.push(a),
+                (Some(_), Some(b)) if b == Component::ParentDir => return None,
+                (Some(a), Some(_)) => {
+                    comps.push(Component::ParentDir);
+                    for _ in itb {
+                        comps.push(Component::ParentDir);
+                    }
+                    comps.push(a);
+                    comps.extend(ita.by_ref());
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        Some(comps.iter().map(|c| c.as_os_str()).collect())
+    }
+#[allow(clippy::unwrap_used, clippy::expect_used)]
+mod tests {
+    #[test]
+    fn test_relative_path_resolving() {
+        let path1 = std::path::Path::new("/home/vika/Projects/kittybox");
+        let path2 = std::path::Path::new("/home/vika/Projects/nixpkgs");
+        let relative_path = super::path_relative_from(path2, path1).unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(relative_path, std::path::Path::new("../nixpkgs"))
+    }
+// This could be checked by completely resolving the path
+// and checking if it has a common prefix
+fn url_to_path(root: &Path, url: &str) -> PathBuf {
+    let path = url_to_relative_path(url).to_logical_path(root);
+    if !path.starts_with(root) {
+        // TODO: handle more gracefully
+        panic!("Security error: {:?} is not a prefix of {:?}", path, root)
+    } else {
+        path
+    }
+fn url_to_relative_path(url: &str) -> relative_path::RelativePathBuf {
+    let url = url::Url::try_from(url).expect("Couldn't parse a URL");
+    let mut path = relative_path::RelativePathBuf::new();
+    let user_domain = format!(
+        "{}{}",
+        url.host_str().unwrap(),
+        url.port()
+            .map(|port| format!(":{}", port))
+            .unwrap_or_default()
+    );
+    path.push(user_domain + url.path() + ".json");
+    path
+fn modify_post(post: &serde_json::Value, update: MicropubUpdate) -> Result<serde_json::Value> {
+    let mut post = post.clone();
+    let mut add_keys: HashMap<String, Vec<serde_json::Value>> = HashMap::new();
+    let mut remove_keys: Vec<String> = vec![];
+    let mut remove_values: HashMap<String, Vec<serde_json::Value>> = HashMap::new();
+    if let Some(MicropubPropertyDeletion::Properties(delete)) = update.delete {
+        remove_keys.extend(delete.iter().cloned());
+    } else if let Some(MicropubPropertyDeletion::Values(delete)) = update.delete {
+        for (k, v) in delete {
+            remove_values
+                .entry(k.to_string())
+                .or_default()
+                .extend(v.clone());
+        }
+    }
+    if let Some(add) = update.add {
+        for (k, v) in add {
+            add_keys.insert(k.to_string(), v.clone());
+        }
+    }
+    if let Some(replace) = update.replace {
+        for (k, v) in replace {
+            remove_keys.push(k.to_string());
+            add_keys.insert(k.to_string(), v.clone());
+        }
+    }
+    if let Some(props) = post["properties"].as_object_mut() {
+        for k in remove_keys {
+            props.remove(&k);
+        }
+    }
+    for (k, v) in remove_values {
+        let k = &k;
+        let props = if k == "children" {
+            &mut post
+        } else {
+            &mut post["properties"]
+        };
+        v.iter().for_each(|v| {
+            if let Some(vec) = props[k].as_array_mut() {
+                if let Some(index) = vec.iter().position(|w| w == v) {
+                    vec.remove(index);
+                }
+            }
+        });
+    }
+    for (k, v) in add_keys {
+        tracing::debug!("Adding k/v to post: {} => {:?}", k, v);
+        let props = if k == "children" {
+            &mut post
+        } else {
+            &mut post["properties"]
+        };
+        if let Some(prop) = props[&k].as_array_mut() {
+            if k == "children" {
+                v.into_iter().rev().for_each(|v| prop.insert(0, v));
+            } else {
+                prop.extend(v.into_iter());
+            }
+        } else {
+            props[&k] = serde_json::Value::Array(v)
+        }
+    }
+    Ok(post)
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+/// A backend using a folder with JSON files as a backing store.
+/// Uses symbolic links to represent a many-to-one mapping of URLs to a post.
+pub struct FileStorage {
+    root_dir: PathBuf,
+impl FileStorage {
+    /// Create a new storage wrapping a folder specified by root_dir.
+    pub async fn new(root_dir: PathBuf) -> Result<Self> {
+        // TODO check if the dir is writable
+        Ok(Self { root_dir })
+    }
+async fn hydrate_author<S: Storage>(
+    feed: &mut serde_json::Value,
+    user: &'_ Option<String>,
+    storage: &S,
+) {
+    let url = feed["properties"]["uid"][0]
+        .as_str()
+        .expect("MF2 value should have a UID set! Check if you used normalize_mf2 before recording the post!");
+    if let Some(author) = feed["properties"]["author"].as_array().cloned() {
+        if !feed["type"]
+            .as_array()
+            .expect("MF2 value should have a type set!")
+            .iter()
+            .any(|i| i == "h-card")
+        {
+            let author_list: Vec<serde_json::Value> = stream::iter(author.iter())
+                .then(|i| async move {
+                    if let Some(i) = i.as_str() {
+                        match storage.get_post(i).await {
+                            Ok(post) => match post {
+                                Some(post) => post,
+                                None => json!(i),
+                            },
+                            Err(e) => {
+                                error!("Error while hydrating post {}: {}", url, e);
+                                json!(i)
+                            }
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        i.clone()
+                    }
+                })
+                .collect::<Vec<_>>()
+                .await;
+            if let Some(props) = feed["properties"].as_object_mut() {
+                props["author"] = json!(author_list);
+            } else {
+                feed["properties"] = json!({ "author": author_list });
+            }
+        }
+    }
+impl Storage for FileStorage {
+    #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))]
+    async fn post_exists(&self, url: &str) -> Result<bool> {
+        let path = url_to_path(&self.root_dir, url);
+        debug!("Checking if {:?} exists...", path);
+        /*let result = match tokio::fs::metadata(path).await {
+            Ok(metadata) => {
+                Ok(true)
+            },
+            Err(err) => {
+                if err.kind() == IOErrorKind::NotFound {
+                    Ok(false)
+                } else {
+                    Err(err.into())
+                }
+            }
+        };*/
+        #[allow(clippy::unwrap_used)] // JoinHandle captures panics, this closure shouldn't panic
+        Ok(spawn_blocking(move || path.is_file()).await.unwrap())
+    }
+    #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))]
+    async fn get_post(&self, url: &str) -> Result<Option<serde_json::Value>> {
+        let path = url_to_path(&self.root_dir, url);
+        // TODO: check that the path actually belongs to the dir of user who requested it
+        // it's not like you CAN access someone else's private posts with it
+        // so it's not exactly a security issue, but it's still not good
+        debug!("Opening {:?}", path);
+        match File::open(&path).await {
+            Ok(mut file) => {
+                let mut content = String::new();
+                // Typechecks because OS magic acts on references
+                // to FDs as if they were behind a mutex
+                AsyncReadExt::read_to_string(&mut file, &mut content).await?;
+                debug!(
+                    "Read {} bytes successfully from {:?}",
+                    content.as_bytes().len(),
+                    &path
+                );
+                Ok(Some(serde_json::from_str(&content)?))
+            }
+            Err(err) => {
+                if err.kind() == IOErrorKind::NotFound {
+                    Ok(None)
+                } else {
+                    Err(err.into())
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))]
+    async fn put_post(&self, post: &'_ serde_json::Value, user: &'_ str) -> Result<()> {
+        let key = post["properties"]["uid"][0]
+            .as_str()
+            .expect("Tried to save a post without UID");
+        let path = url_to_path(&self.root_dir, key);
+        let tempfile = (&path).with_extension("tmp");
+        debug!("Creating {:?}", path);
+        let parent = path
+            .parent()
+            .expect("Parent for this directory should always exist")
+            .to_owned();
+        tokio::fs::create_dir_all(&parent).await?;
+        let mut file = tokio::fs::OpenOptions::new()
+            .write(true)
+            .create_new(true)
+            .open(&tempfile)
+            .await?;
+        file.write_all(post.to_string().as_bytes()).await?;
+        file.flush().await?;
+        file.sync_all().await?;
+        drop(file);
+        tokio::fs::rename(&tempfile, &path).await?;
+        tokio::fs::File::open(path.parent().unwrap()).await?.sync_all().await?;
+        if let Some(urls) = post["properties"]["url"].as_array() {
+            for url in urls.iter().map(|i| i.as_str().unwrap()) {
+                let url_domain = {
+                    let url = url::Url::parse(url).unwrap();
+                    format!(
+                        "{}{}",
+                        url.host_str().unwrap(),
+                        url.port()
+                        .map(|port| format!(":{}", port))
+                        .unwrap_or_default()
+                    )
+                };
+                if url != key && url_domain == user {
+                    let link = url_to_path(&self.root_dir, url);
+                    debug!("Creating a symlink at {:?}", link);
+                    let orig = path.clone();
+                    // We're supposed to have a parent here.
+                    let basedir = link.parent().ok_or_else(|| {
+                        StorageError::from_static(
+                            ErrorKind::Backend,
+                            "Failed to calculate parent directory when creating a symlink",
+                        )
+                    })?;
+                    let relative = path_relative_from(&orig, basedir).unwrap();
+                    println!("{:?} - {:?} = {:?}", &orig, &basedir, &relative);
+                    tokio::fs::symlink(relative, link).await?;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if post["type"]
+            .as_array()
+            .unwrap()
+            .iter()
+            .any(|s| s.as_str() == Some("h-feed"))
+        {
+            tracing::debug!("Adding to channel list...");
+            // Add the h-feed to the channel list
+            let path = {
+                let mut path = relative_path::RelativePathBuf::new();
+                path.push(user);
+                path.push("channels");
+                path.to_path(&self.root_dir)
+            };
+            tokio::fs::create_dir_all(path.parent().unwrap()).await?;
+            tracing::debug!("Channels file path: {}", path.display());
+            let tempfilename = path.with_extension("tmp");
+            let channel_name = post["properties"]["name"][0]
+                .as_str()
+                .map(|s| s.to_string())
+                .unwrap_or_else(String::default);
+            let key = key.to_string();
+            tracing::debug!("Opening temporary file to modify chnanels...");
+            let mut tempfile = OpenOptions::new()
+                .write(true)
+                .create_new(true)
+                .open(&tempfilename)
+                .await?;
+            tracing::debug!("Opening real channel file...");
+            let mut channels: Vec<super::MicropubChannel> = {
+                match OpenOptions::new()
+                    .read(true)
+                    .write(false)
+                    .truncate(false)
+                    .create(false)
+                    .open(&path)
+                    .await
+                 {
+                     Err(err) if err.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound => {
+                         Vec::default()
+                     }
+                     Err(err) => {
+                         // Propagate the error upwards
+                         return Err(err.into());
+                     }
+                     Ok(mut file) => {
+                         let mut content = String::new();
+                         file.read_to_string(&mut content).await?;
+                         drop(file);
+                         if !content.is_empty() {
+                             serde_json::from_str(&content)?
+                         } else {
+                             Vec::default()
+                         }
+                     }
+                 }
+            };
+            channels.push(super::MicropubChannel {
+                uid: key.to_string(),
+                name: channel_name,
+            });
+            tempfile
+                .write_all(serde_json::to_string(&channels)?.as_bytes())
+                .await?;
+            tempfile.flush().await?;
+            tempfile.sync_all().await?;
+            drop(tempfile);
+            tokio::fs::rename(tempfilename, &path).await?;
+            tokio::fs::File::open(path.parent().unwrap()).await?.sync_all().await?;
+        }
+        Ok(())
+    }
+    #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))]
+    async fn update_post(&self, url: &str, update: MicropubUpdate) -> Result<()> {
+        let path = url_to_path(&self.root_dir, url);
+        let tempfilename = path.with_extension("tmp");
+        #[allow(unused_variables)]
+        let (old_json, new_json) = {
+            let mut temp = OpenOptions::new()
+                .write(true)
+                .create_new(true)
+                .open(&tempfilename)
+                .await?;
+            let mut file = OpenOptions::new().read(true).open(&path).await?;
+            let mut content = String::new();
+            file.read_to_string(&mut content).await?;
+            let json: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_str(&content)?;
+            drop(file);
+            // Apply the editing algorithms
+            let new_json = modify_post(&json, update)?;
+            temp.write_all(new_json.to_string().as_bytes()).await?;
+            temp.flush().await?;
+            temp.sync_all().await?;
+            drop(temp);
+            tokio::fs::rename(tempfilename, &path).await?;
+            tokio::fs::File::open(path.parent().unwrap()).await?.sync_all().await?;
+            (json, new_json)
+        };
+        // TODO check if URLs changed between old and new JSON
+        Ok(())
+    }
+    #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))]
+    async fn get_channels(&self, user: &'_ str) -> Result<Vec<super::MicropubChannel>> {
+        let mut path = relative_path::RelativePathBuf::new();
+        path.push(user);
+        path.push("channels");
+        let path = path.to_path(&self.root_dir);
+        tracing::debug!("Channels file path: {}", path.display());
+        match File::open(&path).await {
+            Ok(mut f) => {
+                let mut content = String::new();
+                f.read_to_string(&mut content).await?;
+                // This should not happen, but if it does, handle it gracefully
+                if content.is_empty() {
+                    return Ok(vec![]);
+                }
+                let channels: Vec<super::MicropubChannel> = serde_json::from_str(&content)?;
+                Ok(channels)
+            }
+            Err(e) => {
+                if e.kind() == IOErrorKind::NotFound {
+                    Ok(vec![])
+                } else {
+                    Err(e.into())
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    async fn read_feed_with_cursor(
+        &self,
+        url: &'_ str,
+        cursor: Option<&'_ str>,
+        limit: usize,
+        user: Option<&'_ str>
+    ) -> Result<Option<(serde_json::Value, Option<String>)>> {
+        Ok(self.read_feed_with_limit(
+            url,
+            &cursor.map(|v| v.to_owned()),
+            limit,
+            &user.map(|v| v.to_owned())
+        ).await?
+            .map(|feed| {
+                tracing::debug!("Feed: {:#}", serde_json::Value::Array(
+                    feed["children"]
+                    .as_array()
+                    .map(|v| v.as_slice())
+                    .unwrap_or_default()
+                    .iter()
+                    .map(|mf2| mf2["properties"]["uid"][0].clone())
+                    .collect::<Vec<_>>()
+                ));
+                let cursor: Option<String> = feed["children"]
+                    .as_array()
+                    .map(|v| v.as_slice())
+                    .unwrap_or_default()
+                    .last()
+                    .map(|v| v["properties"]["uid"][0].as_str().unwrap().to_owned());
+                tracing::debug!("Extracted the cursor: {:?}", cursor);
+                (feed, cursor)
+            })
+        )
+    }
+    #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))]
+    async fn read_feed_with_limit(
+        &self,
+        url: &'_ str,
+        after: &'_ Option<String>,
+        limit: usize,
+        user: &'_ Option<String>,
+    ) -> Result<Option<serde_json::Value>> {
+        if let Some(mut feed) = self.get_post(url).await? {
+            if feed["children"].is_array() {
+                // Take this out of the MF2-JSON document to save memory
+                //
+                // This uses a clever match with enum destructuring
+                // to extract the underlying Vec without cloning it
+                let children: Vec<serde_json::Value> = match feed["children"].take() {
+                    serde_json::Value::Array(children) => children,
+                    // We've already checked it's an array
+                    _ => unreachable!()
+                };
+                tracing::debug!("Full children array: {:#}", serde_json::Value::Array(children.clone()));
+                let mut posts_iter = children
+                    .into_iter()
+                    .map(|s: serde_json::Value| s.as_str().unwrap().to_string());
+                // Note: we can't actually use `skip_while` here because we end up emitting `after`.
+                // This imperative snippet consumes after instead of emitting it, allowing the
+                // stream of posts to return only those items that truly come *after* that one.
+                // If I would implement an Iter combinator like this, I would call it `skip_until`
+                if let Some(after) = after {
+                    for s in posts_iter.by_ref() {
+                        if &s == after {
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                };
+                let posts = stream::iter(posts_iter)
+                    .map(|url: String| async move { self.get_post(&url).await })
+                    .buffered(std::cmp::min(3, limit))
+                    // Hack to unwrap the Option and sieve out broken links
+                    // Broken links return None, and Stream::filter_map skips Nones.
+                    .try_filter_map(|post: Option<serde_json::Value>| async move { Ok(post) })
+                    .and_then(|mut post| async move {
+                        hydrate_author(&mut post, user, self).await;
+                        Ok(post)
+                    })
+                    .take(limit);
+                match posts.try_collect::<Vec<serde_json::Value>>().await {
+                    Ok(posts) => feed["children"] = serde_json::json!(posts),
+                    Err(err) => {
+                        return Err(StorageError::with_source(
+                            ErrorKind::Other,
+                            Cow::Owned(format!("Feed assembly error: {}", &err)),
+                            Box::new(err),
+                        ));
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            hydrate_author(&mut feed, user, self).await;
+            Ok(Some(feed))
+        } else {
+            Ok(None)
+        }
+    }
+    #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))]
+    async fn delete_post(&self, url: &'_ str) -> Result<()> {
+        let path = url_to_path(&self.root_dir, url);
+        if let Err(e) = tokio::fs::remove_file(path).await {
+            Err(e.into())
+        } else {
+            // TODO check for dangling references in the channel list
+            Ok(())
+        }
+    }
+    #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))]
+    async fn get_setting<S: settings::Setting<'a>, 'a>(&self, user: &'_ str) -> Result<S> {
+        debug!("User for getting settings: {}", user);
+        let mut path = relative_path::RelativePathBuf::new();
+        path.push(user);
+        path.push("settings");
+        let path = path.to_path(&self.root_dir);
+        debug!("Getting settings from {:?}", &path);
+        let mut file = File::open(path).await?;
+        let mut content = String::new();
+        file.read_to_string(&mut content).await?;
+        let settings: HashMap<&str, serde_json::Value> = serde_json::from_str(&content)?;
+        match settings.get(S::ID) {
+            Some(value) => Ok(serde_json::from_value::<S>(value.clone())?),
+            None => Err(StorageError::from_static(ErrorKind::Backend, "Setting not set"))
+        }
+    }
+    #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))]
+    async fn set_setting<S: settings::Setting<'a> + 'a, 'a>(&self, user: &'a str, value: S::Data) -> Result<()> {
+        let mut path = relative_path::RelativePathBuf::new();
+        path.push(user);
+        path.push("settings");
+        let path = path.to_path(&self.root_dir);
+        let temppath = path.with_extension("tmp");
+        let parent = path.parent().unwrap().to_owned();
+        tokio::fs::create_dir_all(&parent).await?;
+        let mut tempfile = OpenOptions::new()
+            .write(true)
+            .create_new(true)
+            .open(&temppath)
+            .await?;
+        let mut settings: HashMap<String, serde_json::Value> = match File::open(&path).await {
+            Ok(mut f) => {
+                let mut content = String::new();
+                f.read_to_string(&mut content).await?;
+                if content.is_empty() {
+                    Default::default()
+                } else {
+                    serde_json::from_str(&content)?
+                }
+            }
+            Err(err) => {
+                if err.kind() == IOErrorKind::NotFound {
+                    Default::default()
+                } else {
+                    return Err(err.into());
+                }
+            }
+        };
+        settings.insert(S::ID.to_owned(), serde_json::to_value(S::new(value))?);
+        tempfile
+            .write_all(serde_json::to_string(&settings)?.as_bytes())
+            .await?;
+        tempfile.flush().await?;
+        tempfile.sync_all().await?;
+        drop(tempfile);
+        tokio::fs::rename(temppath, &path).await?;
+        tokio::fs::File::open(path.parent().unwrap()).await?.sync_all().await?;
+        Ok(())
+    }
+    #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))]
+    async fn add_or_update_webmention(&self, target: &str, mention_type: MentionType, mention: serde_json::Value) -> Result<()> {
+        let path = url_to_path(&self.root_dir, target);
+        let tempfilename = path.with_extension("tmp");
+        let mut temp = OpenOptions::new()
+                .write(true)
+                .create_new(true)
+                .open(&tempfilename)
+                .await?;
+        let mut file = OpenOptions::new().read(true).open(&path).await?;
+        let mut post: serde_json::Value = {
+            let mut content = String::new();
+            file.read_to_string(&mut content).await?;
+            drop(file);
+            serde_json::from_str(&content)?
+        };
+        let key: &'static str = match mention_type {
+            MentionType::Reply => "comment",
+            MentionType::Like => "like",
+            MentionType::Repost => "repost",
+            MentionType::Bookmark => "bookmark",
+            MentionType::Mention => "mention",
+        };
+        let mention_uid = mention["properties"]["uid"][0].clone();
+        if let Some(values) = post["properties"][key].as_array_mut() {
+            for value in values.iter_mut() {
+                if value["properties"]["uid"][0] == mention_uid {
+                    *value = mention;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+            post["properties"][key] = serde_json::Value::Array(vec![mention]);
+        }
+        temp.write_all(post.to_string().as_bytes()).await?;
+        temp.flush().await?;
+        temp.sync_all().await?;
+        drop(temp);
+        tokio::fs::rename(tempfilename, &path).await?;
+        tokio::fs::File::open(path.parent().unwrap()).await?.sync_all().await?;
+        Ok(())
+    }
diff --git a/src/database/memory.rs b/src/database/memory.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6339e7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/database/memory.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+use async_trait::async_trait;
+use futures_util::FutureExt;
+use serde_json::json;
+use std::collections::HashMap;
+use std::sync::Arc;
+use tokio::sync::RwLock;
+use crate::database::{ErrorKind, MicropubChannel, Result, settings, Storage, StorageError};
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct MemoryStorage {
+    pub mapping: Arc<RwLock<HashMap<String, serde_json::Value>>>,
+    pub channels: Arc<RwLock<HashMap<String, Vec<String>>>>,
+impl Storage for MemoryStorage {
+    async fn post_exists(&self, url: &str) -> Result<bool> {
+        return Ok(self.mapping.read().await.contains_key(url));
+    }
+    async fn get_post(&self, url: &str) -> Result<Option<serde_json::Value>> {
+        let mapping = self.mapping.read().await;
+        match mapping.get(url) {
+            Some(val) => {
+                if let Some(new_url) = val["see_other"].as_str() {
+                    match mapping.get(new_url) {
+                        Some(val) => Ok(Some(val.clone())),
+                        None => {
+                            drop(mapping);
+                            self.mapping.write().await.remove(url);
+                            Ok(None)
+                        }
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    Ok(Some(val.clone()))
+                }
+            }
+            _ => Ok(None),
+        }
+    }
+    async fn put_post(&self, post: &'_ serde_json::Value, _user: &'_ str) -> Result<()> {
+        let mapping = &mut self.mapping.write().await;
+        let key: &str = match post["properties"]["uid"][0].as_str() {
+            Some(uid) => uid,
+            None => {
+                return Err(StorageError::from_static(
+                    ErrorKind::Other,
+                    "post doesn't have a UID",
+                ))
+            }
+        };
+        mapping.insert(key.to_string(), post.clone());
+        if post["properties"]["url"].is_array() {
+            for url in post["properties"]["url"]
+                .as_array()
+                .unwrap()
+                .iter()
+                .map(|i| i.as_str().unwrap().to_string())
+            {
+                if url != key {
+                    mapping.insert(url, json!({ "see_other": key }));
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if post["type"]
+            .as_array()
+            .unwrap()
+            .iter()
+            .any(|i| i == "h-feed")
+        {
+            // This is a feed. Add it to the channels array if it's not already there.
+            println!("{:#}", post);
+            self.channels
+                .write()
+                .await
+                .entry(
+                    post["properties"]["author"][0]
+                        .as_str()
+                        .unwrap()
+                        .to_string(),
+                )
+                .or_insert_with(Vec::new)
+                .push(key.to_string())
+        }
+        Ok(())
+    }
+    async fn update_post(&self, url: &'_ str, update: crate::micropub::MicropubUpdate) -> Result<()> {
+        let mut guard = self.mapping.write().await;
+        let mut post = guard.get_mut(url).ok_or(StorageError::from_static(ErrorKind::NotFound, "The specified post wasn't found in the database."))?;
+        use crate::micropub::MicropubPropertyDeletion;
+        let mut add_keys: HashMap<String, Vec<serde_json::Value>> = HashMap::new();
+        let mut remove_keys: Vec<String> = vec![];
+        let mut remove_values: HashMap<String, Vec<serde_json::Value>> = HashMap::new();
+        if let Some(MicropubPropertyDeletion::Properties(delete)) = update.delete {
+            remove_keys.extend(delete.iter().cloned());
+        } else if let Some(MicropubPropertyDeletion::Values(delete)) = update.delete {
+            for (k, v) in delete {
+                remove_values
+                    .entry(k.to_string())
+                    .or_default()
+                    .extend(v.clone());
+            }
+        }
+        if let Some(add) = update.add {
+            for (k, v) in add {
+                add_keys.insert(k.to_string(), v.clone());
+            }
+        }
+        if let Some(replace) = update.replace {
+            for (k, v) in replace {
+                remove_keys.push(k.to_string());
+                add_keys.insert(k.to_string(), v.clone());
+            }
+        }
+        if let Some(props) = post["properties"].as_object_mut() {
+            for k in remove_keys {
+                props.remove(&k);
+            }
+        }
+        for (k, v) in remove_values {
+            let k = &k;
+            let props = if k == "children" {
+                &mut post
+            } else {
+                &mut post["properties"]
+            };
+            v.iter().for_each(|v| {
+                if let Some(vec) = props[k].as_array_mut() {
+                    if let Some(index) = vec.iter().position(|w| w == v) {
+                        vec.remove(index);
+                    }
+                }
+            });
+        }
+        for (k, v) in add_keys {
+            tracing::debug!("Adding k/v to post: {} => {:?}", k, v);
+            let props = if k == "children" {
+                &mut post
+            } else {
+                &mut post["properties"]
+            };
+            if let Some(prop) = props[&k].as_array_mut() {
+                if k == "children" {
+                    v.into_iter().rev().for_each(|v| prop.insert(0, v));
+                } else {
+                    prop.extend(v.into_iter());
+                }
+            } else {
+                props[&k] = serde_json::Value::Array(v)
+            }
+        }
+        Ok(())
+    }
+    async fn get_channels(&self, user: &'_ str) -> Result<Vec<MicropubChannel>> {
+        match self.channels.read().await.get(user) {
+            Some(channels) => Ok(futures_util::future::join_all(
+                channels
+                    .iter()
+                    .map(|channel| {
+                        self.get_post(channel).map(|result| result.unwrap()).map(
+                            |post: Option<serde_json::Value>| {
+                                post.map(|post| MicropubChannel {
+                                    uid: post["properties"]["uid"][0].as_str().unwrap().to_string(),
+                                    name: post["properties"]["name"][0]
+                                        .as_str()
+                                        .unwrap()
+                                        .to_string(),
+                                })
+                            },
+                        )
+                    })
+                    .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+            )
+            .await
+            .into_iter()
+            .flatten()
+            .collect::<Vec<_>>()),
+            None => Ok(vec![]),
+        }
+    }
+    #[allow(unused_variables)]
+    async fn read_feed_with_limit(
+        &self,
+        url: &'_ str,
+        after: &'_ Option<String>,
+        limit: usize,
+        user: &'_ Option<String>,
+    ) -> Result<Option<serde_json::Value>> {
+        todo!()
+    }
+    #[allow(unused_variables)]
+    async fn read_feed_with_cursor(
+        &self,
+        url: &'_ str,
+        cursor: Option<&'_ str>,
+        limit: usize,
+        user: Option<&'_ str>
+    ) -> Result<Option<(serde_json::Value, Option<String>)>> {
+        todo!()
+    }
+    async fn delete_post(&self, url: &'_ str) -> Result<()> {
+        self.mapping.write().await.remove(url);
+        Ok(())
+    }
+    #[allow(unused_variables)]
+    async fn get_setting<S: settings::Setting<'a>, 'a>(&'_ self, user: &'_ str) -> Result<S> {
+        todo!()
+    }
+    #[allow(unused_variables)]
+    async fn set_setting<S: settings::Setting<'a> + 'a, 'a>(&self, user: &'a str, value: S::Data) -> Result<()> {
+        todo!()
+    }
+    #[allow(unused_variables)]
+    async fn add_or_update_webmention(&self, target: &str, mention_type: kittybox_util::MentionType, mention: serde_json::Value) -> Result<()> {
+        todo!()
+    }
+impl Default for MemoryStorage {
+    fn default() -> Self {
+        Self::new()
+    }
+impl MemoryStorage {
+    pub fn new() -> Self {
+        Self {
+            mapping: Arc::new(RwLock::new(HashMap::new())),
+            channels: Arc::new(RwLock::new(HashMap::new())),
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/src/database/mod.rs b/src/database/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4b70b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/database/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,793 @@
+use std::borrow::Cow;
+use async_trait::async_trait;
+use kittybox_util::MentionType;
+mod file;
+pub use crate::database::file::FileStorage;
+use crate::micropub::MicropubUpdate;
+#[cfg(feature = "postgres")]
+mod postgres;
+#[cfg(feature = "postgres")]
+pub use postgres::PostgresStorage;
+mod memory;
+pub use crate::database::memory::MemoryStorage;
+pub use kittybox_util::MicropubChannel;
+use self::settings::Setting;
+/// Enum representing different errors that might occur during the database query.
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
+pub enum ErrorKind {
+    /// Backend error (e.g. database connection error)
+    Backend,
+    /// Error due to insufficient contextual permissions for the query
+    PermissionDenied,
+    /// Error due to the database being unable to parse JSON returned from the backing storage.
+    /// Usually indicative of someone fiddling with the database manually instead of using proper tools.
+    JsonParsing,
+    ///  - ErrorKind::NotFound - equivalent to a 404 error. Note, some requests return an Option,
+    ///    in which case None is also equivalent to a 404.
+    NotFound,
+    /// The user's query or request to the database was malformed. Used whenever the database processes
+    /// the user's query directly, such as when editing posts inside of the database (e.g. Redis backend)
+    BadRequest,
+    /// the user's query collided with an in-flight request and needs to be retried
+    Conflict,
+    ///  - ErrorKind::Other - when something so weird happens that it becomes undescribable.
+    Other,
+/// Settings that can be stored in the database.
+pub mod settings {
+    mod private {
+        pub trait Sealed {}
+    }
+    /// A trait for various settings that should be contained here.
+    ///
+    /// **Note**: this trait is sealed to prevent external
+    /// implementations, as it wouldn't make sense to add new settings
+    /// that aren't used by Kittybox itself.
+    pub trait Setting<'de>: private::Sealed + std::fmt::Debug + Default + Clone + serde::Serialize + serde::de::DeserializeOwned + /*From<Settings> +*/ Send + Sync {
+        type Data: std::fmt::Debug + Send + Sync;
+        const ID: &'static str;
+        /// Unwrap the setting type, returning owned data contained within.
+        fn into_inner(self) -> Self::Data;
+        /// Create a new instance of this type containing certain data.
+        fn new(data: Self::Data) -> Self;
+    }
+    /// A website's title, shown in the header.
+    #[derive(Debug, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
+    pub struct SiteName(String);
+    impl Default for SiteName {
+        fn default() -> Self {
+            Self("Kittybox".to_string())
+        }
+    }
+    impl AsRef<str> for SiteName {
+        fn as_ref(&self) -> &str {
+            self.0.as_str()
+        }
+    }
+    impl private::Sealed for SiteName {}
+    impl Setting<'_> for SiteName {
+        type Data = String;
+        const ID: &'static str = "site_name";
+        fn into_inner(self) -> String {
+            self.0
+        }
+        fn new(data: Self::Data) -> Self {
+            Self(data)
+        }
+    }
+    impl SiteName {
+        fn from_str(data: &str) -> Self {
+            Self(data.to_owned())
+        }
+    }
+    /// Participation status in the IndieWeb Webring: https://🕸💍.ws/dashboard
+    #[derive(Debug, Default, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
+    pub struct Webring(bool);
+    impl private::Sealed for Webring {}
+    impl Setting<'_> for Webring {
+        type Data = bool;
+        const ID: &'static str = "webring";
+        fn into_inner(self) -> Self::Data {
+            self.0
+        }
+        fn new(data: Self::Data) -> Self {
+            Self(data)
+        }
+    }
+/// Error signalled from the database.
+pub struct StorageError {
+    msg: std::borrow::Cow<'static, str>,
+    source: Option<Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>>,
+    kind: ErrorKind,
+impl std::error::Error for StorageError {
+    fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)> {
+        self.source
+            .as_ref()
+            .map(|e| e.as_ref() as &dyn std::error::Error)
+    }
+impl From<serde_json::Error> for StorageError {
+    fn from(err: serde_json::Error) -> Self {
+        Self {
+            msg: std::borrow::Cow::Owned(format!("{}", err)),
+            source: Some(Box::new(err)),
+            kind: ErrorKind::JsonParsing,
+        }
+    }
+impl std::fmt::Display for StorageError {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
+        write!(
+            f,
+            "{}: {}",
+            match self.kind {
+                ErrorKind::Backend => "backend error",
+                ErrorKind::JsonParsing => "JSON parsing error",
+                ErrorKind::PermissionDenied => "permission denied",
+                ErrorKind::NotFound => "not found",
+                ErrorKind::BadRequest => "bad request",
+                ErrorKind::Conflict => "conflict with an in-flight request or existing data",
+                ErrorKind::Other => "generic storage layer error",
+            },
+            self.msg
+        )
+    }
+impl serde::Serialize for StorageError {
+    fn serialize<S: serde::Serializer>(
+        &self,
+        serializer: S,
+    ) -> std::result::Result<S::Ok, S::Error> {
+        serializer.serialize_str(&self.to_string())
+    }
+impl StorageError {
+    /// Create a new StorageError of an ErrorKind with a message.
+    pub fn new(kind: ErrorKind, msg: String) -> Self {
+        Self {
+            msg: Cow::Owned(msg),
+            source: None,
+            kind,
+        }
+    }
+    /// Create a new StorageError of an ErrorKind with a message from
+    /// a static string.
+    ///
+    /// This saves an allocation for a new string and is the preferred
+    /// way in case the error message doesn't change.
+    pub fn from_static(kind: ErrorKind, msg: &'static str) -> Self {
+        Self {
+            msg: Cow::Borrowed(msg),
+            source: None,
+            kind
+        }
+    }
+    /// Create a StorageError using another arbitrary Error as a source.
+    pub fn with_source(
+        kind: ErrorKind,
+        msg: std::borrow::Cow<'static, str>,
+        source: Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>,
+    ) -> Self {
+        Self {
+            msg,
+            source: Some(source),
+            kind,
+        }
+    }
+    /// Get the kind of an error.
+    pub fn kind(&self) -> ErrorKind {
+        self.kind
+    }
+    /// Get the message as a string slice.
+    pub fn msg(&self) -> &str {
+        &self.msg
+    }
+/// A special Result type for the Micropub backing storage.
+pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, StorageError>;
+/// A storage backend for the Micropub server.
+/// Implementations should note that all methods listed on this trait MUST be fully atomic
+/// or lock the database so that write conflicts or reading half-written data should not occur.
+pub trait Storage: std::fmt::Debug + Clone + Send + Sync {
+    /// Check if a post exists in the database.
+    async fn post_exists(&self, url: &str) -> Result<bool>;
+    /// Load a post from the database in MF2-JSON format, deserialized from JSON.
+    async fn get_post(&self, url: &str) -> Result<Option<serde_json::Value>>;
+    /// Save a post to the database as an MF2-JSON structure.
+    ///
+    /// Note that the `post` object MUST have `post["properties"]["uid"][0]` defined.
+    async fn put_post(&self, post: &'_ serde_json::Value, user: &'_ str) -> Result<()>;
+    /// Add post to feed. Some database implementations might have optimized ways to do this.
+    #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))]
+    async fn add_to_feed(&self, feed: &'_ str, post: &'_ str) -> Result<()> {
+        tracing::debug!("Inserting {} into {} using `update_post`", post, feed);
+        self.update_post(feed, serde_json::from_value(
+            serde_json::json!({"add": {"children": [post]}})).unwrap()
+        ).await
+    }
+    /// Remove post from feed. Some database implementations might have optimized ways to do this.
+    #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))]
+    async fn remove_from_feed(&self, feed: &'_ str, post: &'_ str) -> Result<()> {
+        tracing::debug!("Removing {} into {} using `update_post`", post, feed);
+        self.update_post(feed, serde_json::from_value(
+            serde_json::json!({"delete": {"children": [post]}})).unwrap()
+        ).await
+    }
+    /// Modify a post using an update object as defined in the
+    /// Micropub spec.
+    ///
+    /// Note to implementors: the update operation MUST be atomic and
+    /// SHOULD lock the database to prevent two clients overwriting
+    /// each other's changes or simply corrupting something. Rejecting
+    /// is allowed in case of concurrent updates if waiting for a lock
+    /// cannot be done.
+    async fn update_post(&self, url: &str, update: MicropubUpdate) -> Result<()>;
+    /// Get a list of channels available for the user represented by
+    /// the `user` domain to write to.
+    async fn get_channels(&self, user: &'_ str) -> Result<Vec<MicropubChannel>>;
+    /// Fetch a feed at `url` and return an h-feed object containing
+    /// `limit` posts after a post by url `after`, filtering the content
+    /// in context of a user specified by `user` (or an anonymous user).
+    ///
+    /// This method MUST hydrate the `author` property with an h-card
+    /// from the database by replacing URLs with corresponding h-cards.
+    ///
+    /// When encountering posts which the `user` is not authorized to
+    /// access, this method MUST elide such posts (as an optimization
+    /// for the frontend) and not return them, but still return up to
+    /// `limit` posts (to not reveal the hidden posts' presence).
+    ///
+    /// Note for implementors: if you use streams to fetch posts in
+    /// parallel from the database, preferably make this method use a
+    /// connection pool to reduce overhead of creating a database
+    /// connection per post for parallel fetching.
+    async fn read_feed_with_limit(
+        &self,
+        url: &'_ str,
+        after: &'_ Option<String>,
+        limit: usize,
+        user: &'_ Option<String>,
+    ) -> Result<Option<serde_json::Value>>;
+    /// Fetch a feed at `url` and return an h-feed object containing
+    /// `limit` posts after a `cursor` (filtering the content in
+    /// context of a user specified by `user`, or an anonymous user),
+    /// as well as a new cursor to paginate with.
+    ///
+    /// This method MUST hydrate the `author` property with an h-card
+    /// from the database by replacing URLs with corresponding h-cards.
+    ///
+    /// When encountering posts which the `user` is not authorized to
+    /// access, this method MUST elide such posts (as an optimization
+    /// for the frontend) and not return them, but still return an
+    /// amount of posts as close to `limit` as possible (to avoid
+    /// revealing the existence of the hidden post).
+    ///
+    /// Note for implementors: if you use streams to fetch posts in
+    /// parallel from the database, preferably make this method use a
+    /// connection pool to reduce overhead of creating a database
+    /// connection per post for parallel fetching.
+    async fn read_feed_with_cursor(
+        &self,
+        url: &'_ str,
+        cursor: Option<&'_ str>,
+        limit: usize,
+        user: Option<&'_ str>
+    ) -> Result<Option<(serde_json::Value, Option<String>)>>;
+    /// Deletes a post from the database irreversibly. Must be idempotent.
+    async fn delete_post(&self, url: &'_ str) -> Result<()>;
+    /// Gets a setting from the setting store and passes the result.
+    async fn get_setting<S: Setting<'a>, 'a>(&'_ self, user: &'_ str) -> Result<S>;
+    /// Commits a setting to the setting store.
+    async fn set_setting<S: Setting<'a> + 'a, 'a>(&self, user: &'a str, value: S::Data) -> Result<()>;
+    /// Add (or update) a webmention on a certian post.
+    ///
+    /// The MF2 object describing the webmention content will always
+    /// be of type `h-cite`, and the `uid` property on the object will
+    /// always be set.
+    ///
+    /// The rationale for this function is as follows: webmentions
+    /// might be duplicated, and we need to deduplicate them first. As
+    /// we lack support for transactions and locking posts on the
+    /// database, the only way is to implement the operation on the
+    /// database itself.
+    ///
+    /// Besides, it may even allow for nice tricks like storing the
+    /// webmentions separately and rehydrating them on feed reads.
+    async fn add_or_update_webmention(&self, target: &str, mention_type: MentionType, mention: serde_json::Value) -> Result<()>;
+mod tests {
+    use super::settings;
+    use super::{MicropubChannel, Storage};
+    use kittybox_util::MentionType;
+    use serde_json::json;
+    async fn test_basic_operations<Backend: Storage>(backend: Backend) {
+        let post: serde_json::Value = json!({
+            "type": ["h-entry"],
+            "properties": {
+                "content": ["Test content"],
+                "author": ["https://fireburn.ru/"],
+                "uid": ["https://fireburn.ru/posts/hello"],
+                "url": ["https://fireburn.ru/posts/hello", "https://fireburn.ru/posts/test"]
+            }
+        });
+        let key = post["properties"]["uid"][0].as_str().unwrap().to_string();
+        let alt_url = post["properties"]["url"][1].as_str().unwrap().to_string();
+        // Reading and writing
+        backend
+            .put_post(&post, "fireburn.ru")
+            .await
+            .unwrap();
+        if let Some(returned_post) = backend.get_post(&key).await.unwrap() {
+            assert!(returned_post.is_object());
+            assert_eq!(
+                returned_post["type"].as_array().unwrap().len(),
+                post["type"].as_array().unwrap().len()
+            );
+            assert_eq!(
+                returned_post["type"].as_array().unwrap(),
+                post["type"].as_array().unwrap()
+            );
+            let props: &serde_json::Map<String, serde_json::Value> =
+                post["properties"].as_object().unwrap();
+            for key in props.keys() {
+                assert_eq!(
+                    returned_post["properties"][key].as_array().unwrap(),
+                    post["properties"][key].as_array().unwrap()
+                )
+            }
+        } else {
+            panic!("For some reason the backend did not return the post.")
+        }
+        // Check the alternative URL - it should return the same post
+        if let Ok(Some(returned_post)) = backend.get_post(&alt_url).await {
+            assert!(returned_post.is_object());
+            assert_eq!(
+                returned_post["type"].as_array().unwrap().len(),
+                post["type"].as_array().unwrap().len()
+            );
+            assert_eq!(
+                returned_post["type"].as_array().unwrap(),
+                post["type"].as_array().unwrap()
+            );
+            let props: &serde_json::Map<String, serde_json::Value> =
+                post["properties"].as_object().unwrap();
+            for key in props.keys() {
+                assert_eq!(
+                    returned_post["properties"][key].as_array().unwrap(),
+                    post["properties"][key].as_array().unwrap()
+                )
+            }
+        } else {
+            panic!("For some reason the backend did not return the post.")
+        }
+    }
+    /// Note: this is merely a smoke check and is in no way comprehensive.
+    // TODO updates for feeds must update children using special logic
+    async fn test_update<Backend: Storage>(backend: Backend) {
+        let post: serde_json::Value = json!({
+            "type": ["h-entry"],
+            "properties": {
+                "content": ["Test content"],
+                "author": ["https://fireburn.ru/"],
+                "uid": ["https://fireburn.ru/posts/hello"],
+                "url": ["https://fireburn.ru/posts/hello", "https://fireburn.ru/posts/test"]
+            }
+        });
+        let key = post["properties"]["uid"][0].as_str().unwrap().to_string();
+        // Reading and writing
+        backend
+            .put_post(&post, "fireburn.ru")
+            .await
+            .unwrap();
+        backend
+            .update_post(
+                &key,
+                serde_json::from_value(json!({
+                    "url": &key,
+                    "add": {
+                        "category": ["testing"],
+                    },
+                    "replace": {
+                        "content": ["Different test content"]
+                    }
+                })).unwrap(),
+            )
+            .await
+            .unwrap();
+        match backend.get_post(&key).await {
+            Ok(Some(returned_post)) => {
+                assert!(returned_post.is_object());
+                assert_eq!(
+                    returned_post["type"].as_array().unwrap().len(),
+                    post["type"].as_array().unwrap().len()
+                );
+                assert_eq!(
+                    returned_post["type"].as_array().unwrap(),
+                    post["type"].as_array().unwrap()
+                );
+                assert_eq!(
+                    returned_post["properties"]["content"][0].as_str().unwrap(),
+                    "Different test content"
+                );
+                assert_eq!(
+                    returned_post["properties"]["category"].as_array().unwrap(),
+                    &vec![json!("testing")]
+                );
+            }
+            something_else => {
+                something_else
+                    .expect("Shouldn't error")
+                    .expect("Should have the post");
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    async fn test_get_channel_list<Backend: Storage>(backend: Backend) {
+        let feed = json!({
+            "type": ["h-feed"],
+            "properties": {
+                "name": ["Main Page"],
+                "author": ["https://fireburn.ru/"],
+                "uid": ["https://fireburn.ru/feeds/main"]
+            },
+            "children": []
+        });
+        backend
+            .put_post(&feed, "fireburn.ru")
+            .await
+            .unwrap();
+        let chans = backend.get_channels("fireburn.ru").await.unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(chans.len(), 1);
+        assert_eq!(
+            chans[0],
+            MicropubChannel {
+                uid: "https://fireburn.ru/feeds/main".to_string(),
+                name: "Main Page".to_string()
+            }
+        );
+    }
+    async fn test_settings<Backend: Storage>(backend: Backend) {
+        backend
+            .set_setting::<settings::SiteName>(
+                "https://fireburn.ru/",
+                "Vika's Hideout".to_owned()
+            )
+            .await
+            .unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(
+            backend
+            .get_setting::<settings::SiteName>("https://fireburn.ru/")
+            .await
+            .unwrap()
+            .as_ref(),
+            "Vika's Hideout"
+        );
+    }
+    fn gen_random_post(domain: &str) -> serde_json::Value {
+        use faker_rand::lorem::{Paragraphs, Word};
+        let uid = format!(
+            "https://{domain}/posts/{}-{}-{}",
+            rand::random::<Word>(),
+            rand::random::<Word>(),
+            rand::random::<Word>()
+        );
+        let time = chrono::Local::now().to_rfc3339();
+        let post = json!({
+            "type": ["h-entry"],
+            "properties": {
+                "content": [rand::random::<Paragraphs>().to_string()],
+                "uid": [&uid],
+                "url": [&uid],
+                "published": [&time]
+            }
+        });
+        post
+    }
+    fn gen_random_mention(domain: &str, mention_type: MentionType, url: &str) -> serde_json::Value {
+        use faker_rand::lorem::{Paragraphs, Word};
+        let uid = format!(
+            "https://{domain}/posts/{}-{}-{}",
+            rand::random::<Word>(),
+            rand::random::<Word>(),
+            rand::random::<Word>()
+        );
+        let time = chrono::Local::now().to_rfc3339();
+        let post = json!({
+            "type": ["h-cite"],
+            "properties": {
+                "content": [rand::random::<Paragraphs>().to_string()],
+                "uid": [&uid],
+                "url": [&uid],
+                "published": [&time],
+                (match mention_type {
+                    MentionType::Reply => "in-reply-to",
+                    MentionType::Like => "like-of",
+                    MentionType::Repost => "repost-of",
+                    MentionType::Bookmark => "bookmark-of",
+                    MentionType::Mention => unimplemented!(),
+                }): [url]
+            }
+        });
+        post
+    }
+    async fn test_feed_pagination<Backend: Storage>(backend: Backend) {
+        let posts = {
+            let mut posts = std::iter::from_fn(
+                || Some(gen_random_post("fireburn.ru"))
+            )
+            .take(40)
+            .collect::<Vec<serde_json::Value>>();
+            // Reverse the array so it's in reverse-chronological order
+            posts.reverse();
+            posts
+        };
+        let feed = json!({
+            "type": ["h-feed"],
+            "properties": {
+                "name": ["Main Page"],
+                "author": ["https://fireburn.ru/"],
+                "uid": ["https://fireburn.ru/feeds/main"]
+            },
+        });
+        let key = feed["properties"]["uid"][0].as_str().unwrap();
+        backend
+            .put_post(&feed, "fireburn.ru")
+            .await
+            .unwrap();
+        for (i, post) in posts.iter().rev().enumerate() {
+            backend
+                .put_post(post, "fireburn.ru")
+                .await
+                .unwrap();
+            backend.add_to_feed(key, post["properties"]["uid"][0].as_str().unwrap()).await.unwrap();
+        }
+        let limit: usize = 10;
+        tracing::debug!("Starting feed reading...");
+        let (result, cursor) = backend
+            .read_feed_with_cursor(key, None, limit, None)
+            .await
+            .unwrap()
+            .unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(result["children"].as_array().unwrap().len(), limit);
+        assert_eq!(
+            result["children"]
+                .as_array()
+                .unwrap()
+                .iter()
+                .map(|post| post["properties"]["uid"][0].as_str().unwrap())
+                .collect::<Vec<_>>()
+                [0..10],
+            posts
+                .iter()
+                .map(|post| post["properties"]["uid"][0].as_str().unwrap())
+                .collect::<Vec<_>>()
+                [0..10]
+        );
+        tracing::debug!("Continuing with cursor: {:?}", cursor);
+        let (result2, cursor2) = backend
+            .read_feed_with_cursor(
+                key,
+                cursor.as_deref(),
+                limit,
+                None,
+            )
+            .await
+            .unwrap()
+            .unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(
+            result2["children"].as_array().unwrap()[0..10],
+            posts[10..20]
+        );
+        tracing::debug!("Continuing with cursor: {:?}", cursor);
+        let (result3, cursor3) = backend
+            .read_feed_with_cursor(
+                key,
+                cursor2.as_deref(),
+                limit,
+                None,
+            )
+            .await
+            .unwrap()
+            .unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(
+            result3["children"].as_array().unwrap()[0..10],
+            posts[20..30]
+        );
+        tracing::debug!("Continuing with cursor: {:?}", cursor);
+        let (result4, _) = backend
+            .read_feed_with_cursor(
+                key,
+                cursor3.as_deref(),
+                limit,
+                None,
+            )
+            .await
+            .unwrap()
+            .unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(
+            result4["children"].as_array().unwrap()[0..10],
+            posts[30..40]
+        );
+        // Regression test for #4
+        //
+        // Results for a bogus cursor are undefined, so we aren't
+        // checking them. But the function at least shouldn't hang.
+        let nonsense_after = Some("1010101010");
+        let _ = tokio::time::timeout(tokio::time::Duration::from_secs(10), async move {
+            backend
+                .read_feed_with_cursor(key, nonsense_after, limit, None)
+                .await
+        })
+        .await
+        .expect("Operation should not hang: see https://gitlab.com/kittybox/kittybox/-/issues/4");
+    }
+    async fn test_webmention_addition<Backend: Storage>(db: Backend) {
+        let post = gen_random_post("fireburn.ru");
+        db.put_post(&post, "fireburn.ru").await.unwrap();
+        const TYPE: MentionType = MentionType::Reply;
+        let target = post["properties"]["uid"][0].as_str().unwrap();
+        let mut reply = gen_random_mention("aaronparecki.com", TYPE, target);
+        let (read_post, _) = db.read_feed_with_cursor(target, None, 20, None).await.unwrap().unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(post, read_post);
+        db.add_or_update_webmention(target, TYPE, reply.clone()).await.unwrap();
+        let (read_post, _) = db.read_feed_with_cursor(target, None, 20, None).await.unwrap().unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(read_post["properties"]["comment"][0], reply);
+        reply["properties"]["content"][0] = json!(rand::random::<faker_rand::lorem::Paragraphs>().to_string());
+        db.add_or_update_webmention(target, TYPE, reply.clone()).await.unwrap();
+        let (read_post, _) = db.read_feed_with_cursor(target, None, 20, None).await.unwrap().unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(read_post["properties"]["comment"][0], reply);
+    }
+    async fn test_pretty_permalinks<Backend: Storage>(db: Backend) {
+        const PERMALINK: &str = "https://fireburn.ru/posts/pretty-permalink";
+        let post = {
+            let mut post = gen_random_post("fireburn.ru");
+            let urls = post["properties"]["url"].as_array_mut().unwrap();
+            urls.push(serde_json::Value::String(
+                PERMALINK.to_owned()
+            ));
+            post
+        };
+        db.put_post(&post, "fireburn.ru").await.unwrap();
+        for i in post["properties"]["url"].as_array().unwrap() {
+            let (read_post, _) = db.read_feed_with_cursor(i.as_str().unwrap(), None, 20, None).await.unwrap().unwrap();
+            assert_eq!(read_post, post);
+        }
+    }
+    /// Automatically generates a test suite for
+    macro_rules! test_all {
+        ($func_name:ident, $mod_name:ident) => {
+            mod $mod_name {
+                $func_name!(test_basic_operations);
+                $func_name!(test_get_channel_list);
+                $func_name!(test_settings);
+                $func_name!(test_update);
+                $func_name!(test_feed_pagination);
+                $func_name!(test_webmention_addition);
+                $func_name!(test_pretty_permalinks);
+            }
+        };
+    }
+    macro_rules! file_test {
+        ($func_name:ident) => {
+            #[tokio::test]
+            #[tracing_test::traced_test]
+            async fn $func_name() {
+                let tempdir = tempfile::tempdir().expect("Failed to create tempdir");
+                let backend = super::super::FileStorage::new(
+                    tempdir.path().to_path_buf()
+                )
+                    .await
+                    .unwrap();
+                super::$func_name(backend).await
+            }
+        };
+    }
+    macro_rules! postgres_test {
+        ($func_name:ident) => {
+            #[cfg(feature = "sqlx")]
+            #[sqlx::test]
+            #[tracing_test::traced_test]
+            async fn $func_name(
+                pool_opts: sqlx::postgres::PgPoolOptions,
+                connect_opts: sqlx::postgres::PgConnectOptions
+            ) -> Result<(), sqlx::Error> {
+                let db = {
+                    //use sqlx::ConnectOptions;
+                    //connect_opts.log_statements(log::LevelFilter::Debug);
+                    pool_opts.connect_with(connect_opts).await?
+                };
+                let backend = super::super::PostgresStorage::from_pool(db).await.unwrap();
+                Ok(super::$func_name(backend).await)
+            }
+        };
+    }
+    test_all!(file_test, file);
+    test_all!(postgres_test, postgres);
diff --git a/src/database/postgres/mod.rs b/src/database/postgres/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9176d12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/database/postgres/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+use std::borrow::Cow;
+use std::str::FromStr;
+use kittybox_util::{MicropubChannel, MentionType};
+use sqlx::{PgPool, Executor};
+use crate::micropub::{MicropubUpdate, MicropubPropertyDeletion};
+use super::settings::Setting;
+use super::{Storage, Result, StorageError, ErrorKind};
+static MIGRATOR: sqlx::migrate::Migrator = sqlx::migrate!();
+impl From<sqlx::Error> for StorageError {
+    fn from(value: sqlx::Error) -> Self {
+        Self::with_source(
+            super::ErrorKind::Backend,
+            Cow::Owned(format!("sqlx error: {}", &value)),
+            Box::new(value)
+        )
+    }
+impl From<sqlx::migrate::MigrateError> for StorageError {
+    fn from(value: sqlx::migrate::MigrateError) -> Self {
+        Self::with_source(
+            super::ErrorKind::Backend,
+            Cow::Owned(format!("sqlx migration error: {}", &value)),
+            Box::new(value)
+        )
+    }
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+pub struct PostgresStorage {
+    db: PgPool
+impl PostgresStorage {
+    /// Construct a new [`PostgresStorage`] from an URI string and run
+    /// migrations on the database.
+    ///
+    /// If `PGPASS_FILE` environment variable is defined, read the
+    /// password from the file at the specified path. If, instead,
+    /// the `PGPASS` environment variable is present, read the
+    /// password from it.
+    pub async fn new(uri: &str) -> Result<Self> {
+        tracing::debug!("Postgres URL: {uri}");
+        let mut options = sqlx::postgres::PgConnectOptions::from_str(uri)?
+            .options([("search_path", "kittybox")]);
+        if let Ok(password_file) = std::env::var("PGPASS_FILE") {
+            let password = tokio::fs::read_to_string(password_file).await.unwrap();
+            options = options.password(&password);
+        } else if let Ok(password) = std::env::var("PGPASS") {
+            options = options.password(&password)
+        }
+        Self::from_pool(
+            sqlx::postgres::PgPoolOptions::new()
+                .max_connections(50)
+                .connect_with(options)
+                .await?
+        ).await
+    }
+    /// Construct a [`PostgresStorage`] from a [`sqlx::PgPool`],
+    /// running appropriate migrations.
+    pub async fn from_pool(db: sqlx::PgPool) -> Result<Self> {
+        db.execute(sqlx::query("CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS kittybox")).await?;
+        MIGRATOR.run(&db).await?;
+        Ok(Self { db })
+    }
+impl Storage for PostgresStorage {
+    #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))]
+    async fn post_exists(&self, url: &str) -> Result<bool> {
+        sqlx::query_as::<_, (bool,)>("SELECT exists(SELECT 1 FROM kittybox.mf2_json WHERE uid = $1 OR mf2['properties']['url'] ? $1)")
+            .bind(url)
+            .fetch_one(&self.db)
+            .await
+            .map(|v| v.0)
+            .map_err(|err| err.into())
+    }
+    #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))]
+    async fn get_post(&self, url: &str) -> Result<Option<serde_json::Value>> {
+        sqlx::query_as::<_, (serde_json::Value,)>("SELECT mf2 FROM kittybox.mf2_json WHERE uid = $1 OR mf2['properties']['url'] ? $1")
+            .bind(url)
+            .fetch_optional(&self.db)
+            .await
+            .map(|v| v.map(|v| v.0))
+            .map_err(|err| err.into())
+    }
+    #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))]
+    async fn put_post(&self, post: &'_ serde_json::Value, user: &'_ str) -> Result<()> {
+        tracing::debug!("New post: {}", post);
+        sqlx::query("INSERT INTO kittybox.mf2_json (uid, mf2, owner) VALUES ($1 #>> '{properties,uid,0}', $1, $2)")
+            .bind(post)
+            .bind(user)
+            .execute(&self.db)
+            .await
+            .map(|_| ())
+            .map_err(Into::into)
+    }
+    #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))]
+    async fn add_to_feed(&self, feed: &'_ str, post: &'_ str) -> Result<()> {
+        tracing::debug!("Inserting {} into {}", post, feed);
+        sqlx::query("INSERT INTO kittybox.children (parent, child) VALUES ($1, $2) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING")
+            .bind(feed)
+            .bind(post)
+            .execute(&self.db)
+            .await
+            .map(|_| ())
+            .map_err(Into::into)
+    }
+    #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))]
+    async fn remove_from_feed(&self, feed: &'_ str, post: &'_ str) -> Result<()> {
+        sqlx::query("DELETE FROM kittybox.children WHERE parent = $1 AND child = $2")
+            .bind(feed)
+            .bind(post)
+            .execute(&self.db)
+            .await
+            .map_err(Into::into)
+            .map(|_| ())
+    }
+    #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))]
+    async fn add_or_update_webmention(&self, target: &str, mention_type: MentionType, mention: serde_json::Value) -> Result<()> {
+        let mut txn = self.db.begin().await?;
+        let (uid, mut post) = sqlx::query_as::<_, (String, serde_json::Value)>("SELECT uid, mf2 FROM kittybox.mf2_json WHERE uid = $1 OR mf2['properties']['url'] ? $1 FOR UPDATE")
+            .bind(target)
+            .fetch_optional(&mut *txn)
+            .await?
+            .ok_or(StorageError::from_static(
+                ErrorKind::NotFound,
+                "The specified post wasn't found in the database."
+            ))?;
+        tracing::debug!("Loaded post for target {} with uid {}", target, uid);
+        let key: &'static str = match mention_type {
+            MentionType::Reply => "comment",
+            MentionType::Like => "like",
+            MentionType::Repost => "repost",
+            MentionType::Bookmark => "bookmark",
+            MentionType::Mention => "mention",
+        };
+        tracing::debug!("Mention type -> key: {}", key);
+        let mention_uid = mention["properties"]["uid"][0].clone();
+        if let Some(values) = post["properties"][key].as_array_mut() {
+            for value in values.iter_mut() {
+                if value["properties"]["uid"][0] == mention_uid {
+                    *value = mention;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+            post["properties"][key] = serde_json::Value::Array(vec![mention]);
+        }
+        sqlx::query("UPDATE kittybox.mf2_json SET mf2 = $2 WHERE uid = $1")
+            .bind(uid)
+            .bind(post)
+            .execute(&mut *txn)
+            .await?;
+        txn.commit().await.map_err(Into::into)
+    }
+    #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))]
+    async fn update_post(&self, url: &'_ str, update: MicropubUpdate) -> Result<()> {
+        tracing::debug!("Updating post {}", url);
+        let mut txn = self.db.begin().await?;
+        let (uid, mut post) = sqlx::query_as::<_, (String, serde_json::Value)>("SELECT uid, mf2 FROM kittybox.mf2_json WHERE uid = $1 OR mf2['properties']['url'] ? $1 FOR UPDATE")
+            .bind(url)
+            .fetch_optional(&mut *txn)
+            .await?
+            .ok_or(StorageError::from_static(
+                ErrorKind::NotFound,
+                "The specified post wasn't found in the database."
+            ))?;
+        if let Some(MicropubPropertyDeletion::Properties(ref delete)) = update.delete {
+            if let Some(props) = post["properties"].as_object_mut() {
+                for key in delete {
+                    props.remove(key);
+                }
+            }
+        } else if let Some(MicropubPropertyDeletion::Values(ref delete)) = update.delete {
+            if let Some(props) = post["properties"].as_object_mut() {
+                for (key, values) in delete {
+                    if let Some(prop) = props.get_mut(key).and_then(serde_json::Value::as_array_mut) {
+                        prop.retain(|v| { values.iter().all(|i| i != v) })
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if let Some(replace) = update.replace {
+            if let Some(props) = post["properties"].as_object_mut() {
+                for (key, value) in replace {
+                    props.insert(key, serde_json::Value::Array(value));
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if let Some(add) = update.add {
+            if let Some(props) = post["properties"].as_object_mut() {
+                for (key, value) in add {
+                    if let Some(prop) = props.get_mut(&key).and_then(serde_json::Value::as_array_mut) {
+                        prop.extend_from_slice(value.as_slice());
+                    } else {
+                        props.insert(key, serde_json::Value::Array(value));
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        sqlx::query("UPDATE kittybox.mf2_json SET mf2 = $2 WHERE uid = $1")
+            .bind(uid)
+            .bind(post)
+            .execute(&mut *txn)
+            .await?;
+        txn.commit().await.map_err(Into::into)
+    }
+    #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))]
+    async fn get_channels(&self, user: &'_ str) -> Result<Vec<MicropubChannel>> {
+        /*sqlx::query_as::<_, MicropubChannel>("SELECT name, uid FROM kittybox.channels WHERE owner = $1")
+            .bind(user)
+            .fetch_all(&self.db)
+            .await
+            .map_err(|err| err.into())*/
+        sqlx::query_as::<_, MicropubChannel>(r#"SELECT mf2 #>> '{properties,name,0}' as name, uid FROM kittybox.mf2_json WHERE '["h-feed"]'::jsonb @> mf2['type'] AND owner = $1"#)
+            .bind(user)
+            .fetch_all(&self.db)
+            .await
+            .map_err(|err| err.into())
+    }
+    #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))]
+    async fn read_feed_with_limit(
+        &self,
+        url: &'_ str,
+        after: &'_ Option<String>,
+        limit: usize,
+        user: &'_ Option<String>,
+    ) -> Result<Option<serde_json::Value>> {
+        let mut feed = match sqlx::query_as::<_, (serde_json::Value,)>("
+SELECT jsonb_set(
+    mf2,
+    '{properties,author,0}',
+    (SELECT mf2 FROM kittybox.mf2_json
+     WHERE uid = mf2 #>> '{properties,author,0}')
+) FROM kittybox.mf2_json WHERE uid = $1 OR mf2['properties']['url'] ? $1
+            .bind(url)
+            .fetch_optional(&self.db)
+            .await?
+            .map(|v| v.0)
+        {
+            Some(feed) => feed,
+            None => return Ok(None)
+        };
+        let posts: Vec<String> = {
+            let mut posts_iter = feed["children"]
+                .as_array()
+                .cloned()
+                .unwrap_or_default()
+                .into_iter()
+                .map(|s| s.as_str().unwrap().to_string());
+            if let Some(after) = after {
+                for s in posts_iter.by_ref() {
+                    if &s == after {
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+            };
+            posts_iter.take(limit).collect::<Vec<_>>()
+        };
+        feed["children"] = serde_json::Value::Array(
+            sqlx::query_as::<_, (serde_json::Value,)>("
+SELECT jsonb_set(
+    mf2,
+    '{properties,author,0}',
+    (SELECT mf2 FROM kittybox.mf2_json
+     WHERE uid = mf2 #>> '{properties,author,0}')
+) FROM kittybox.mf2_json
+WHERE uid = ANY($1)
+ORDER BY mf2 #>> '{properties,published,0}' DESC
+                .bind(&posts[..])
+                .fetch_all(&self.db)
+                .await?
+                .into_iter()
+                .map(|v| v.0)
+                .collect::<Vec<_>>()
+        );
+        Ok(Some(feed))
+    }
+    #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))]
+    async fn read_feed_with_cursor(
+        &self,
+        url: &'_ str,
+        cursor: Option<&'_ str>,
+        limit: usize,
+        user: Option<&'_ str>
+    ) -> Result<Option<(serde_json::Value, Option<String>)>> {
+        let mut txn = self.db.begin().await?;
+			.execute(&mut *txn)
+			.await?;
+        tracing::debug!("Started txn: {:?}", txn);
+        let mut feed = match sqlx::query_scalar::<_, serde_json::Value>("
+SELECT kittybox.hydrate_author(mf2) FROM kittybox.mf2_json WHERE uid = $1 OR mf2['properties']['url'] ? $1
+            .bind(url)
+            .fetch_optional(&mut *txn)
+            .await?
+        {
+            Some(feed) => feed,
+            None => return Ok(None)
+        };
+        // Don't query for children if this isn't a feed.
+        //
+        // The second query is very long and will probably be extremely
+        // expensive. It's best to skip it on types where it doesn't make sense
+        // (Kittybox doesn't support rendering children on non-feeds)
+        if !feed["type"].as_array().unwrap().iter().any(|t| *t == serde_json::json!("h-feed")) {
+            return Ok(Some((feed, None)));
+        }
+        feed["children"] = sqlx::query_scalar::<_, serde_json::Value>("
+SELECT kittybox.hydrate_author(mf2) FROM kittybox.mf2_json
+INNER JOIN kittybox.children
+ON mf2_json.uid = children.child
+    children.parent = $1
+    AND (
+        (
+          (mf2 #>> '{properties,visibility,0}') = 'public'
+          OR
+          NOT (mf2['properties'] ? 'visibility')
+        )
+        OR
+        (
+            $3 != null AND (
+                mf2['properties']['audience'] ? $3
+                OR mf2['properties']['author'] ? $3
+            )
+        )
+    )
+    AND ($4 IS NULL OR ((mf2_json.mf2 #>> '{properties,published,0}') < $4))
+ORDER BY (mf2_json.mf2 #>> '{properties,published,0}') DESC
+LIMIT $2"
+        )
+            .bind(url)
+            .bind(limit as i64)
+            .bind(user)
+            .bind(cursor)
+            .fetch_all(&mut *txn)
+            .await
+            .map(serde_json::Value::Array)?;
+        let new_cursor = feed["children"].as_array().unwrap()
+            .last()
+            .map(|v| v["properties"]["published"][0].as_str().unwrap().to_owned());
+        txn.commit().await?;
+        Ok(Some((feed, new_cursor)))
+    }
+    #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))]
+    async fn delete_post(&self, url: &'_ str) -> Result<()> {
+        todo!()
+    }
+    #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))]
+    async fn get_setting<S: Setting<'a>, 'a>(&'_ self, user: &'_ str) -> Result<S> {
+        match sqlx::query_as::<_, (serde_json::Value,)>("SELECT kittybox.get_setting($1, $2)")
+            .bind(user)
+            .bind(S::ID)
+            .fetch_one(&self.db)
+            .await
+        {
+            Ok((value,)) => Ok(serde_json::from_value(value)?),
+            Err(err) => Err(err.into())
+        }
+    }
+    #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))]
+    async fn set_setting<S: Setting<'a> + 'a, 'a>(&self, user: &'a str, value: S::Data) -> Result<()> {
+        sqlx::query("SELECT kittybox.set_setting($1, $2, $3)")
+            .bind(user)
+            .bind(S::ID)
+            .bind(serde_json::to_value(S::new(value)).unwrap())
+            .execute(&self.db)
+            .await
+            .map_err(Into::into)
+            .map(|_| ())
+    }
diff --git a/src/database/redis/edit_post.lua b/src/database/redis/edit_post.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a398f8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/database/redis/edit_post.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+local posts = KEYS[1]
+local update_desc = cjson.decode(ARGV[2])
+local post = cjson.decode(redis.call("HGET", posts, ARGV[1]))
+local delete_keys = {}
+local delete_kvs = {}
+local add_keys = {}
+if update_desc.replace ~= nil then
+    for k, v in pairs(update_desc.replace) do
+        table.insert(delete_keys, k)
+        add_keys[k] = v
+    end
+if update_desc.delete ~= nil then
+    if update_desc.delete[0] == nil then
+        -- Table has string keys. Probably!
+        for k, v in pairs(update_desc.delete) do
+            delete_kvs[k] = v
+        end
+    else
+        -- Table has numeric keys. Probably!
+        for i, v in ipairs(update_desc.delete) do
+            table.insert(delete_keys, v)
+        end
+    end
+if update_desc.add ~= nil then
+    for k, v in pairs(update_desc.add) do
+        add_keys[k] = v
+    end
+for i, v in ipairs(delete_keys) do
+    post["properties"][v] = nil
+    -- TODO delete URL links
+for k, v in pairs(delete_kvs) do
+    local index = -1
+    if k == "children" then
+        for j, w in ipairs(post[k]) do
+            if w == v then
+                index = j
+                break
+            end
+        end
+        if index > -1 then
+            table.remove(post[k], index)
+        end
+    else
+        for j, w in ipairs(post["properties"][k]) do
+            if w == v then
+                index = j
+                break
+            end
+        end
+        if index > -1 then
+            table.remove(post["properties"][k], index)
+            -- TODO delete URL links
+        end
+    end
+for k, v in pairs(add_keys) do
+    if k == "children" then
+        if post["children"] == nil then
+            post["children"] = {}
+        end
+        for i, w in ipairs(v) do
+            table.insert(post["children"], 1, w)
+        end
+    else
+        if post["properties"][k] == nil then
+            post["properties"][k] = {}
+        end
+        for i, w in ipairs(v) do
+            table.insert(post["properties"][k], w)
+        end
+        if k == "url" then
+            redis.call("HSET", posts, v, cjson.encode({ see_other = post["properties"]["uid"][1] }))
+        elseif k == "channel" then
+            local feed = cjson.decode(redis.call("HGET", posts, v))
+            table.insert(feed["children"], 1, post["properties"]["uid"][1])
+            redis.call("HSET", posts, v, cjson.encode(feed))
+        end
+    end
+local encoded = cjson.encode(post)
+redis.call("SET", "debug", encoded)
+redis.call("HSET", posts, post["properties"]["uid"][1], encoded)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/database/redis/mod.rs b/src/database/redis/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39ee852
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/database/redis/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+use async_trait::async_trait;
+use futures::stream;
+use futures_util::FutureExt;
+use futures_util::StreamExt;
+use futures_util::TryStream;
+use futures_util::TryStreamExt;
+use lazy_static::lazy_static;
+use log::error;
+use mobc::Pool;
+use mobc_redis::redis;
+use mobc_redis::redis::AsyncCommands;
+use mobc_redis::RedisConnectionManager;
+use serde_json::json;
+use std::time::Duration;
+use crate::database::{ErrorKind, MicropubChannel, Result, Storage, StorageError, filter_post};
+use crate::indieauth::User;
+struct RedisScripts {
+    edit_post: redis::Script,
+impl From<mobc_redis::redis::RedisError> for StorageError {
+    fn from(err: mobc_redis::redis::RedisError) -> Self {
+        Self {
+            msg: format!("{}", err),
+            source: Some(Box::new(err)),
+            kind: ErrorKind::Backend,
+        }
+    }
+impl From<mobc::Error<mobc_redis::redis::RedisError>> for StorageError {
+    fn from(err: mobc::Error<mobc_redis::redis::RedisError>) -> Self {
+        Self {
+            msg: format!("{}", err),
+            source: Some(Box::new(err)),
+            kind: ErrorKind::Backend,
+        }
+    }
+lazy_static! {
+    static ref SCRIPTS: RedisScripts = RedisScripts {
+        edit_post: redis::Script::new(include_str!("./edit_post.lua"))
+    };
+static SCRIPTS_CELL: std::cell::LazyCell<RedisScripts> = std::cell::LazyCell::new(|| {
+    RedisScripts {
+        edit_post: redis::Script::new(include_str!("./edit_post.lua"))
+    }
+pub struct RedisStorage {
+    // note to future Vika:
+    // mobc::Pool is actually a fancy name for an Arc
+    // around a shared connection pool with a manager
+    // which makes it safe to implement [`Clone`] and
+    // not worry about new pools being suddenly made
+    //
+    // stop worrying and start coding, you dum-dum
+    redis: mobc::Pool<RedisConnectionManager>,
+impl Storage for RedisStorage {
+    async fn get_setting<'a>(&self, setting: &'a str, user: &'a str) -> Result<String> {
+        let mut conn = self.redis.get().await.map_err(|e| StorageError::with_source(ErrorKind::Backend, "Error getting a connection from the pool", Box::new(e)))?;
+        Ok(conn
+            .hget::<String, &str, String>(format!("settings_{}", user), setting)
+            .await?)
+    }
+    async fn set_setting<'a>(&self, setting: &'a str, user: &'a str, value: &'a str) -> Result<()> {
+        let mut conn = self.redis.get().await.map_err(|e| StorageError::with_source(ErrorKind::Backend, "Error getting a connection from the pool", Box::new(e)))?;
+        Ok(conn
+            .hset::<String, &str, &str, ()>(format!("settings_{}", user), setting, value)
+            .await?)
+    }
+    async fn delete_post<'a>(&self, url: &'a str) -> Result<()> {
+        let mut conn = self.redis.get().await.map_err(|e| StorageError::with_source(ErrorKind::Backend, "Error getting a connection from the pool", Box::new(e)))?;
+        Ok(conn.hdel::<&str, &str, ()>("posts", url).await?)
+    }
+    async fn post_exists(&self, url: &str) -> Result<bool> {
+        let mut conn = self.redis.get().await.map_err(|e| StorageError::with_source(ErrorKind::Backend, "Error getting a connection from the pool", Box::new(e)))?;
+        Ok(conn.hexists::<&str, &str, bool>("posts", url).await?)
+    }
+    async fn get_post(&self, url: &str) -> Result<Option<serde_json::Value>> {
+        let mut conn = self.redis.get().await.map_err(|e| StorageError::with_source(ErrorKind::Backend, "Error getting a connection from the pool", Box::new(e)))?;
+        match conn
+            .hget::<&str, &str, Option<String>>("posts", url)
+            .await?
+        {
+            Some(val) => {
+                let parsed = serde_json::from_str::<serde_json::Value>(&val)?;
+                if let Some(new_url) = parsed["see_other"].as_str() {
+                    match conn
+                        .hget::<&str, &str, Option<String>>("posts", new_url)
+                        .await?
+                    {
+                        Some(val) => Ok(Some(serde_json::from_str::<serde_json::Value>(&val)?)),
+                        None => Ok(None),
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    Ok(Some(parsed))
+                }
+            }
+            None => Ok(None),
+        }
+    }
+    async fn get_channels(&self, user: &User) -> Result<Vec<MicropubChannel>> {
+        let mut conn = self.redis.get().await.map_err(|e| StorageError::with_source(ErrorKind::Backend, "Error getting a connection from the pool", Box::new(e)))?;
+        let channels = conn
+            .smembers::<String, Vec<String>>("channels_".to_string() + user.me.as_str())
+            .await?;
+        // TODO: use streams here instead of this weird thing... how did I even write this?!
+        Ok(futures_util::future::join_all(
+            channels
+                .iter()
+                .map(|channel| {
+                    self.get_post(channel).map(|result| result.unwrap()).map(
+                        |post: Option<serde_json::Value>| {
+                            post.map(|post| MicropubChannel {
+                                uid: post["properties"]["uid"][0].as_str().unwrap().to_string(),
+                                name: post["properties"]["name"][0].as_str().unwrap().to_string(),
+                            })
+                        },
+                    )
+                })
+                .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+        )
+        .await
+        .into_iter()
+        .flatten()
+        .collect::<Vec<_>>())
+    }
+    async fn put_post<'a>(&self, post: &'a serde_json::Value, user: &'a str) -> Result<()> {
+        let mut conn = self.redis.get().await.map_err(|e| StorageError::with_source(ErrorKind::Backend, "Error getting a connection from the pool", Box::new(e)))?;
+        let key: &str;
+        match post["properties"]["uid"][0].as_str() {
+            Some(uid) => key = uid,
+            None => {
+                return Err(StorageError::new(
+                    ErrorKind::BadRequest,
+                    "post doesn't have a UID",
+                ))
+            }
+        }
+        conn.hset::<&str, &str, String, ()>("posts", key, post.to_string())
+            .await?;
+        if post["properties"]["url"].is_array() {
+            for url in post["properties"]["url"]
+                .as_array()
+                .unwrap()
+                .iter()
+                .map(|i| i.as_str().unwrap().to_string())
+            {
+                if url != key && url.starts_with(user) {
+                    conn.hset::<&str, &str, String, ()>(
+                        "posts",
+                        &url,
+                        json!({ "see_other": key }).to_string(),
+                    )
+                    .await?;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if post["type"]
+            .as_array()
+            .unwrap()
+            .iter()
+            .any(|i| i == "h-feed")
+        {
+            // This is a feed. Add it to the channels array if it's not already there.
+            conn.sadd::<String, &str, ()>(
+                "channels_".to_string() + post["properties"]["author"][0].as_str().unwrap(),
+                key,
+            )
+            .await?
+        }
+        Ok(())
+    }
+    async fn read_feed_with_limit<'a>(
+        &self,
+        url: &'a str,
+        after: &'a Option<String>,
+        limit: usize,
+        user: &'a Option<String>,
+    ) -> Result<Option<serde_json::Value>> {
+        let mut conn = self.redis.get().await?;
+        let mut feed;
+        match conn
+            .hget::<&str, &str, Option<String>>("posts", url)
+            .await
+            .map_err(|e| StorageError::with_source(ErrorKind::Backend, "Error getting a connection from the pool", Box::new(e)))?
+        {
+            Some(post) => feed = serde_json::from_str::<serde_json::Value>(&post)?,
+            None => return Ok(None),
+        }
+        if feed["see_other"].is_string() {
+            match conn
+                .hget::<&str, &str, Option<String>>("posts", feed["see_other"].as_str().unwrap())
+                .await?
+            {
+                Some(post) => feed = serde_json::from_str::<serde_json::Value>(&post)?,
+                None => return Ok(None),
+            }
+        }
+        if let Some(post) = filter_post(feed, user) {
+            feed = post
+        } else {
+            return Err(StorageError::new(
+                ErrorKind::PermissionDenied,
+                "specified user cannot access this post",
+            ));
+        }
+        if feed["children"].is_array() {
+            let children = feed["children"].as_array().unwrap();
+            let mut posts_iter = children.iter().map(|i| i.as_str().unwrap().to_string());
+            if after.is_some() {
+                loop {
+                    let i = posts_iter.next();
+                    if &i == after {
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            async fn fetch_post_for_feed(url: String) -> Option<serde_json::Value> {
+                return Some(serde_json::json!({}));
+            }
+            let posts = stream::iter(posts_iter)
+                .map(|url: String| async move {
+                    return Ok(fetch_post_for_feed(url).await);
+                    /*match self.redis.get().await {
+                        Ok(mut conn) => {
+                            match conn.hget::<&str, &str, Option<String>>("posts", &url).await {
+                                Ok(post) => match post {
+                                    Some(post) => {
+                                        Ok(Some(serde_json::from_str(&post)?))
+                                    }
+                                    // Happens because of a broken link (result of an improper deletion?)
+                                    None => Ok(None),
+                                },
+                                Err(err) => Err(StorageError::with_source(ErrorKind::Backend, "Error executing a Redis command", Box::new(err)))
+                            }
+                        }
+                        Err(err) => Err(StorageError::with_source(ErrorKind::Backend, "Error getting a connection from the pool", Box::new(err)))
+                    }*/
+                })
+                // TODO: determine the optimal value for this buffer
+                // It will probably depend on how often can you encounter a private post on the page
+                // It shouldn't be too large, or we'll start fetching too many posts from the database
+                // It MUST NOT be larger than the typical page size
+                // It MUST NOT be a significant amount of the connection pool size
+                //.buffered(std::cmp::min(3, limit))
+                // Hack to unwrap the Option and sieve out broken links
+                // Broken links return None, and Stream::filter_map skips all Nones.
+                // I wonder if one can use try_flatten() here somehow akin to iters
+                .try_filter_map(|post| async move { Ok(post) })
+                .try_filter_map(|post| async move {
+                    Ok(filter_post(post, user))
+                })
+                .take(limit);
+            match posts.try_collect::<Vec<serde_json::Value>>().await {
+                Ok(posts) => feed["children"] = json!(posts),
+                Err(err) => {
+                    let e = StorageError::with_source(
+                        ErrorKind::Other,
+                        "An error was encountered while processing the feed",
+                        Box::new(err)
+                    );
+                    error!("Error while assembling feed: {}", e);
+                    return Err(e);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return Ok(Some(feed));
+    }
+    async fn update_post<'a>(&self, mut url: &'a str, update: serde_json::Value) -> Result<()> {
+        let mut conn = self.redis.get().await.map_err(|e| StorageError::with_source(ErrorKind::Backend, "Error getting a connection from the pool", Box::new(e)))?;
+        if !conn
+            .hexists::<&str, &str, bool>("posts", url)
+            .await
+            .unwrap()
+        {
+            return Err(StorageError::new(
+                ErrorKind::NotFound,
+                "can't edit a non-existent post",
+            ));
+        }
+        let post: serde_json::Value =
+            serde_json::from_str(&conn.hget::<&str, &str, String>("posts", url).await?)?;
+        if let Some(new_url) = post["see_other"].as_str() {
+            url = new_url
+        }
+        Ok(SCRIPTS
+            .edit_post
+            .key("posts")
+            .arg(url)
+            .arg(update.to_string())
+            .invoke_async::<_, ()>(&mut conn as &mut redis::aio::Connection)
+            .await?)
+    }
+impl RedisStorage {
+    /// Create a new RedisDatabase that will connect to Redis at `redis_uri` to store data.
+    pub async fn new(redis_uri: String) -> Result<Self> {
+        match redis::Client::open(redis_uri) {
+            Ok(client) => Ok(Self {
+                redis: Pool::builder()
+                    .max_open(20)
+                    .max_idle(5)
+                    .get_timeout(Some(Duration::from_secs(3)))
+                    .max_lifetime(Some(Duration::from_secs(120)))
+                    .build(RedisConnectionManager::new(client)),
+            }),
+            Err(e) => Err(e.into()),
+        }
+    }
+    pub async fn conn(&self) -> Result<mobc::Connection<mobc_redis::RedisConnectionManager>> {
+        self.redis.get().await.map_err(|e| StorageError::with_source(
+            ErrorKind::Backend, "Error getting a connection from the pool", Box::new(e)
+        ))
+    }
+pub mod tests {
+    use mobc_redis::redis;
+    use std::process;
+    use std::time::Duration;
+    pub struct RedisInstance {
+        // We just need to hold on to it so it won't get dropped and remove the socket
+        _tempdir: tempdir::TempDir,
+        uri: String,
+        child: std::process::Child,
+    }
+    impl Drop for RedisInstance {
+        fn drop(&mut self) {
+            self.child.kill().expect("Failed to kill the child!");
+        }
+    }
+    impl RedisInstance {
+        pub fn uri(&self) -> &str {
+            &self.uri
+        }
+    }
+    pub async fn get_redis_instance() -> RedisInstance {
+        let tempdir = tempdir::TempDir::new("redis").expect("failed to create tempdir");
+        let socket = tempdir.path().join("redis.sock");
+        let redis_child = process::Command::new("redis-server")
+            .current_dir(&tempdir)
+            .arg("--port")
+            .arg("0")
+            .arg("--unixsocket")
+            .arg(&socket)
+            .stdout(process::Stdio::null())
+            .stderr(process::Stdio::null())
+            .spawn()
+            .expect("Failed to spawn Redis");
+        println!("redis+unix:///{}", socket.to_str().unwrap());
+        let uri = format!("redis+unix:///{}", socket.to_str().unwrap());
+        // There should be a slight delay, we need to wait for Redis to spin up
+        let client = redis::Client::open(uri.clone()).unwrap();
+        let millisecond = Duration::from_millis(1);
+        let mut retries: usize = 0;
+        const MAX_RETRIES: usize = 60 * 1000/*ms*/;
+        while let Err(err) = client.get_connection() {
+            if err.is_connection_refusal() {
+                async_std::task::sleep(millisecond).await;
+                retries += 1;
+                if retries > MAX_RETRIES {
+                    panic!("Timeout waiting for Redis, last error: {}", err);
+                }
+            } else {
+                panic!("Could not connect: {}", err);
+            }
+        }
+        RedisInstance {
+            uri,
+            child: redis_child,
+            _tempdir: tempdir,
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/src/frontend/login.rs b/src/frontend/login.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c693899
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/frontend/login.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+use http_types::Mime;
+use log::{debug, error};
+use rand::Rng;
+use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
+use sha2::{Digest, Sha256};
+use std::convert::TryInto;
+use std::str::FromStr;
+use crate::frontend::templates::Template;
+use crate::frontend::{FrontendError, IndiewebEndpoints};
+use crate::{database::Storage, ApplicationState};
+use kittybox_frontend_renderer::LoginPage;
+pub async fn form<S: Storage>(req: Request<ApplicationState<S>>) -> Result {
+    let owner = req.url().origin().ascii_serialization() + "/";
+    let storage = &req.state().storage;
+    let authorization_endpoint = req.state().authorization_endpoint.to_string();
+    let token_endpoint = req.state().token_endpoint.to_string();
+    let blog_name = storage
+        .get_setting("site_name", &owner)
+        .await
+        .unwrap_or_else(|_| "Kitty Box!".to_string());
+    let feeds = storage.get_channels(&owner).await.unwrap_or_default();
+    Ok(Response::builder(200)
+        .body(
+            Template {
+                title: "Sign in with IndieAuth",
+                blog_name: &blog_name,
+                endpoints: IndiewebEndpoints {
+                    authorization_endpoint,
+                    token_endpoint,
+                    webmention: None,
+                    microsub: None,
+                },
+                feeds,
+                user: req.session().get("user"),
+                content: LoginPage {}.to_string(),
+            }
+            .to_string(),
+        )
+        .content_type("text/html; charset=utf-8")
+        .build())
+#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
+struct LoginForm {
+    url: String,
+#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
+struct IndieAuthClientState {
+    /// A random value to protect from CSRF attacks.
+    nonce: String,
+    /// The user's initial "me" value.
+    me: String,
+    /// Authorization endpoint used.
+    authorization_endpoint: String,
+#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
+struct IndieAuthRequestParams {
+    response_type: String,         // can only have "code". TODO make an enum
+    client_id: String,             // always a URL. TODO consider making a URL
+    redirect_uri: surf::Url,       // callback URI for IndieAuth
+    state: String, // CSRF protection, should include randomness and be passed through
+    code_challenge: String, // base64-encoded PKCE challenge
+    code_challenge_method: String, // usually "S256". TODO make an enum
+    scope: Option<String>, // oAuth2 scopes to grant,
+    me: surf::Url, // User's entered profile URL
+/// Handle login requests. Find the IndieAuth authorization endpoint and redirect to it.
+pub async fn handler<S: Storage>(mut req: Request<ApplicationState<S>>) -> Result {
+    let content_type = req.content_type();
+    if content_type.is_none() {
+        return Err(FrontendError::with_code(400, "Use the login form, Luke.").into());
+    }
+    if content_type.unwrap() != Mime::from_str("application/x-www-form-urlencoded").unwrap() {
+        return Err(
+            FrontendError::with_code(400, "Login form results must be a urlencoded form").into(),
+        );
+    }
+    let form = req.body_form::<LoginForm>().await?; // FIXME check if it returns 400 or 500 on error
+    let homepage_uri = surf::Url::parse(&form.url)?;
+    let http = &req.state().http_client;
+    let mut fetch_response = http.get(&homepage_uri).send().await?;
+    if fetch_response.status() != 200 {
+        return Err(FrontendError::with_code(
+            500,
+            "Error fetching your authorization endpoint. Check if your website's okay.",
+        )
+        .into());
+    }
+    let mut authorization_endpoint: Option<surf::Url> = None;
+    if let Some(links) = fetch_response.header("Link") {
+        // NOTE: this is the same Link header parser used in src/micropub/post.rs:459.
+        // One should refactor it to a function to use independently and improve later
+        for link in links.iter().flat_map(|i| i.as_str().split(',')) {
+            debug!("Trying to match {} as authorization_endpoint", link);
+            let mut split_link = link.split(';');
+            match split_link.next() {
+                Some(uri) => {
+                    if let Some(uri) = uri.strip_prefix('<').and_then(|uri| uri.strip_suffix('>')) {
+                        debug!("uri: {}", uri);
+                        for prop in split_link {
+                            debug!("prop: {}", prop);
+                            let lowercased = prop.to_ascii_lowercase();
+                            let trimmed = lowercased.trim();
+                            if trimmed == "rel=\"authorization_endpoint\""
+                                || trimmed == "rel=authorization_endpoint"
+                            {
+                                if let Ok(endpoint) = homepage_uri.join(uri) {
+                                    debug!(
+                                        "Found authorization endpoint {} for user {}",
+                                        endpoint,
+                                        homepage_uri.as_str()
+                                    );
+                                    authorization_endpoint = Some(endpoint);
+                                    break;
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                None => continue,
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // If the authorization_endpoint is still not found after the Link parsing gauntlet,
+    // bring out the big guns and parse HTML to find it.
+    if authorization_endpoint.is_none() {
+        let body = fetch_response.body_string().await?;
+        let pattern =
+            easy_scraper::Pattern::new(r#"<link rel="authorization_endpoint" href="{{url}}">"#)
+                .expect("Cannot parse the pattern for authorization_endpoint");
+        let matches = pattern.matches(&body);
+        debug!("Matches for authorization_endpoint in HTML: {:?}", matches);
+        if !matches.is_empty() {
+            if let Ok(endpoint) = homepage_uri.join(&matches[0]["url"]) {
+                debug!(
+                    "Found authorization endpoint {} for user {}",
+                    endpoint,
+                    homepage_uri.as_str()
+                );
+                authorization_endpoint = Some(endpoint)
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    // If even after this the authorization endpoint is still not found, bail out.
+    if authorization_endpoint.is_none() {
+        error!(
+            "Couldn't find authorization_endpoint for {}",
+            homepage_uri.as_str()
+        );
+        return Err(FrontendError::with_code(
+            400,
+            "Your website doesn't support the IndieAuth protocol.",
+        )
+        .into());
+    }
+    let mut authorization_endpoint: surf::Url = authorization_endpoint.unwrap();
+    let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
+    let state: String = data_encoding::BASE64URL.encode(
+        serde_urlencoded::to_string(IndieAuthClientState {
+            nonce: (0..8)
+                .map(|_| {
+                    let idx = rng.gen_range(0..INDIEAUTH_PKCE_CHARSET.len());
+                    INDIEAUTH_PKCE_CHARSET[idx] as char
+                })
+                .collect(),
+            me: homepage_uri.to_string(),
+            authorization_endpoint: authorization_endpoint.to_string(),
+        })?
+        .as_bytes(),
+    );
+    // PKCE code generation
+    let code_verifier: String = (0..128)
+        .map(|_| {
+            let idx = rng.gen_range(0..INDIEAUTH_PKCE_CHARSET.len());
+            INDIEAUTH_PKCE_CHARSET[idx] as char
+        })
+        .collect();
+    let mut hasher = Sha256::new();
+    hasher.update(code_verifier.as_bytes());
+    let code_challenge: String = data_encoding::BASE64URL.encode(&hasher.finalize());
+    authorization_endpoint.set_query(Some(&serde_urlencoded::to_string(
+        IndieAuthRequestParams {
+            response_type: "code".to_string(),
+            client_id: req.url().origin().ascii_serialization(),
+            redirect_uri: req.url().join("login/callback")?,
+            state: state.clone(),
+            code_challenge,
+            code_challenge_method: "S256".to_string(),
+            scope: Some("profile".to_string()),
+            me: homepage_uri,
+        },
+    )?));
+    let cookies = vec![
+        format!(
+            r#"indieauth_state="{}"; Same-Site: None; Secure; Max-Age: 600"#,
+            state
+        ),
+        format!(
+            r#"indieauth_code_verifier="{}"; Same-Site: None; Secure; Max-Age: 600"#,
+            code_verifier
+        ),
+    ];
+    let cookie_header = cookies
+        .iter()
+        .map(|i| -> http_types::headers::HeaderValue { (i as &str).try_into().unwrap() })
+        .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+    Ok(Response::builder(302)
+        .header("Location", authorization_endpoint.to_string())
+        .header("Set-Cookie", &*cookie_header)
+        .build())
+                                        abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\
+                                        1234567890-._~";
+struct IndieAuthCallbackResponse {
+    code: Option<String>,
+    error: Option<String>,
+    error_description: Option<String>,
+    #[allow(dead_code)]
+    error_uri: Option<String>,
+    // This needs to be further decoded to receive state back and will always be present
+    state: String,
+impl IndieAuthCallbackResponse {
+    fn is_successful(&self) -> bool {
+        self.code.is_some()
+    }
+#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
+struct IndieAuthCodeRedeem {
+    grant_type: String,
+    code: String,
+    client_id: String,
+    redirect_uri: String,
+    code_verifier: String,
+#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
+struct IndieWebProfile {
+    name: Option<String>,
+    url: Option<String>,
+    email: Option<String>,
+    photo: Option<String>,
+#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
+struct IndieAuthResponse {
+    me: String,
+    scope: Option<String>,
+    access_token: Option<String>,
+    token_type: Option<String>,
+    profile: Option<IndieWebProfile>,
+/// Handle IndieAuth parameters, fetch the final h-card and redirect the user to the homepage.
+pub async fn callback<S: Storage>(mut req: Request<ApplicationState<S>>) -> Result {
+    let params: IndieAuthCallbackResponse = req.query()?;
+    let http: &surf::Client = &req.state().http_client;
+    let origin = req.url().origin().ascii_serialization();
+    if req.cookie("indieauth_state").unwrap().value() != params.state {
+        return Err(FrontendError::with_code(400, "The state doesn't match. A possible CSRF attack was prevented. Please try again later.").into());
+    }
+    let state: IndieAuthClientState =
+        serde_urlencoded::from_bytes(&data_encoding::BASE64URL.decode(params.state.as_bytes())?)?;
+    if !params.is_successful() {
+        return Err(FrontendError::with_code(
+            400,
+            &format!(
+                "The authorization endpoint indicated a following error: {:?}: {:?}",
+                &params.error, &params.error_description
+            ),
+        )
+        .into());
+    }
+    let authorization_endpoint = surf::Url::parse(&state.authorization_endpoint).unwrap();
+    let mut code_response = http
+        .post(authorization_endpoint)
+        .body_string(serde_urlencoded::to_string(IndieAuthCodeRedeem {
+            grant_type: "authorization_code".to_string(),
+            code: params.code.unwrap().to_string(),
+            client_id: origin.to_string(),
+            redirect_uri: origin + "/login/callback",
+            code_verifier: req
+                .cookie("indieauth_code_verifier")
+                .unwrap()
+                .value()
+                .to_string(),
+        })?)
+        .header("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
+        .header("Accept", "application/json")
+        .send()
+        .await?;
+    if code_response.status() != 200 {
+        return Err(FrontendError::with_code(
+            code_response.status(),
+            &format!(
+                "Authorization endpoint returned an error when redeeming the code: {}",
+                code_response.body_string().await?
+            ),
+        )
+        .into());
+    }
+    let json: IndieAuthResponse = code_response.body_json().await?;
+    let session = req.session_mut();
+    session.insert("user", &json.me)?;
+    // TODO redirect to the page user came from
+    Ok(Response::builder(302).header("Location", "/").build())
diff --git a/src/frontend/mod.rs b/src/frontend/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a43532
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/frontend/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+use crate::database::{Storage, StorageError};
+use axum::{
+    extract::{Host, Path, Query},
+    http::{StatusCode, Uri},
+    response::IntoResponse,
+    Extension,
+use futures_util::FutureExt;
+use serde::Deserialize;
+use std::convert::TryInto;
+use tracing::{debug, error};
+//pub mod login;
+pub mod onboarding;
+use kittybox_frontend_renderer::{
+    Entry, Feed, VCard,
+    ErrorPage, Template, MainPage,
+pub use kittybox_frontend_renderer::assets::statics;
+#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
+pub struct QueryParams {
+    after: Option<String>,
+struct FrontendError {
+    msg: String,
+    source: Option<Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>>,
+    code: StatusCode,
+impl FrontendError {
+    pub fn with_code<C>(code: C, msg: &str) -> Self
+    where
+        C: TryInto<StatusCode>,
+    {
+        Self {
+            msg: msg.to_string(),
+            source: None,
+            code: code.try_into().unwrap_or(StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR),
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn msg(&self) -> &str {
+        &self.msg
+    }
+    pub fn code(&self) -> StatusCode {
+        self.code
+    }
+impl From<StorageError> for FrontendError {
+    fn from(err: StorageError) -> Self {
+        Self {
+            msg: "Database error".to_string(),
+            source: Some(Box::new(err)),
+            code: StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
+        }
+    }
+impl std::error::Error for FrontendError {
+    fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)> {
+        self.source
+            .as_ref()
+            .map(|e| e.as_ref() as &(dyn std::error::Error + 'static))
+    }
+impl std::fmt::Display for FrontendError {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
+        write!(f, "{}", self.msg)?;
+        if let Some(err) = std::error::Error::source(&self) {
+            write!(f, ": {}", err)?;
+        }
+        Ok(())
+    }
+/// Filter the post according to the value of `user`.
+/// Anonymous users cannot view private posts and protected locations;
+/// Logged-in users can only view private posts targeted at them;
+/// Logged-in users can't view private location data
+#[tracing::instrument(skip(post), fields(post = %post))]
+pub fn filter_post(
+    mut post: serde_json::Value,
+    user: Option<&str>,
+) -> Option<serde_json::Value> {
+    if post["properties"]["deleted"][0].is_string() {
+        tracing::debug!("Deleted post; returning tombstone instead");
+        return Some(serde_json::json!({
+            "type": post["type"],
+            "properties": {
+                "deleted": post["properties"]["deleted"]
+            }
+        }));
+    }
+    let empty_vec: Vec<serde_json::Value> = vec![];
+    let author_list = post["properties"]["author"]
+        .as_array()
+        .unwrap_or(&empty_vec)
+        .iter()
+        .map(|i| -> &str {
+            match i {
+                serde_json::Value::String(ref author) => author.as_str(),
+                mf2 => mf2["properties"]["uid"][0].as_str().unwrap()
+            }
+        }).collect::<Vec<&str>>();
+    let visibility = post["properties"]["visibility"][0]
+        .as_str()
+        .unwrap_or("public");
+    let audience = {
+        let mut audience = author_list.clone();
+        audience.extend(post["properties"]["audience"]
+            .as_array()
+            .unwrap_or(&empty_vec)
+            .iter()
+            .map(|i| i.as_str().unwrap()));
+        audience
+    };
+    tracing::debug!("post audience = {:?}", audience);
+    if (visibility == "private" && !audience.iter().any(|i| Some(*i) == user))
+        || (visibility == "protected" && user.is_none())
+    {
+        return None;
+    }
+    if post["properties"]["location"].is_array() {
+        let location_visibility = post["properties"]["location-visibility"][0]
+            .as_str()
+            .unwrap_or("private");
+        tracing::debug!("Post contains location, location privacy = {}", location_visibility);
+        let mut author = post["properties"]["author"]
+            .as_array()
+            .unwrap_or(&empty_vec)
+            .iter()
+            .map(|i| i.as_str().unwrap());
+        if (location_visibility == "private" && !author.any(|i| Some(i) == user))
+            || (location_visibility == "protected" && user.is_none())
+        {
+            post["properties"]
+                .as_object_mut()
+                .unwrap()
+                .remove("location");
+        }
+    }
+    match post["properties"]["author"].take() {
+        serde_json::Value::Array(children) => {
+            post["properties"]["author"] = serde_json::Value::Array(
+                children
+                    .into_iter()
+                    .filter_map(|post| if post.is_string() {
+                        Some(post)
+                    } else {
+                        filter_post(post, user)
+                    })
+                    .collect::<Vec<serde_json::Value>>()
+            );
+        },
+        serde_json::Value::Null => {},
+        other => post["properties"]["author"] = other
+    }
+    match post["children"].take() {
+        serde_json::Value::Array(children) => {
+            post["children"] = serde_json::Value::Array(
+                children
+                    .into_iter()
+                    .filter_map(|post| filter_post(post, user))
+                    .collect::<Vec<serde_json::Value>>()
+            );
+        },
+        serde_json::Value::Null => {},
+        other => post["children"] = other
+    }
+    Some(post)
+async fn get_post_from_database<S: Storage>(
+    db: &S,
+    url: &str,
+    after: Option<String>,
+    user: &Option<String>,
+) -> std::result::Result<(serde_json::Value, Option<String>), FrontendError> {
+    match db
+        .read_feed_with_cursor(url, after.as_deref(), POSTS_PER_PAGE, user.as_deref())
+        .await
+    {
+        Ok(result) => match result {
+            Some((post, cursor)) => match filter_post(post, user.as_deref()) {
+                Some(post) => Ok((post, cursor)),
+                None => {
+                    // TODO: Authentication
+                    if user.is_some() {
+                        Err(FrontendError::with_code(
+                            StatusCode::FORBIDDEN,
+                            "User authenticated AND forbidden to access this resource",
+                        ))
+                    } else {
+                        Err(FrontendError::with_code(
+                            StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED,
+                            "User needs to authenticate themselves",
+                        ))
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            None => Err(FrontendError::with_code(
+                StatusCode::NOT_FOUND,
+                "Post not found in the database",
+            )),
+        },
+        Err(err) => match err.kind() {
+            crate::database::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied => {
+                // TODO: Authentication
+                if user.is_some() {
+                    Err(FrontendError::with_code(
+                        StatusCode::FORBIDDEN,
+                        "User authenticated AND forbidden to access this resource",
+                    ))
+                } else {
+                    Err(FrontendError::with_code(
+                        StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED,
+                        "User needs to authenticate themselves",
+                    ))
+                }
+            }
+            _ => Err(err.into()),
+        },
+    }
+pub async fn homepage<D: Storage>(
+    Host(host): Host,
+    Query(query): Query<QueryParams>,
+    Extension(db): Extension<D>,
+) -> impl IntoResponse {
+    let user = None; // TODO authentication
+    let path = format!("https://{}/", host);
+    let feed_path = format!("https://{}/feeds/main", host);
+    match tokio::try_join!(
+        get_post_from_database(&db, &path, None, &user),
+        get_post_from_database(&db, &feed_path, query.after, &user)
+    ) {
+        Ok(((hcard, _), (hfeed, cursor))) => {
+            // Here, we know those operations can't really fail
+            // (or it'll be a transient failure that will show up on
+            // other requests anyway if it's serious...)
+            //
+            // btw is it more efficient to fetch these in parallel?
+            let (blogname, webring, channels) = tokio::join!(
+                db.get_setting::<crate::database::settings::SiteName>(&host)
+                .map(Result::unwrap_or_default),
+                db.get_setting::<crate::database::settings::Webring>(&host)
+                .map(Result::unwrap_or_default),
+                db.get_channels(&host).map(|i| i.unwrap_or_default())
+            );
+            // Render the homepage
+            (
+                StatusCode::OK,
+                [(
+                    axum::http::header::CONTENT_TYPE,
+                    r#"text/html; charset="utf-8""#,
+                )],
+                Template {
+                    title: blogname.as_ref(),
+                    blog_name: blogname.as_ref(),
+                    feeds: channels,
+                    user,
+                    content: MainPage {
+                        feed: &hfeed,
+                        card: &hcard,
+                        cursor: cursor.as_deref(),
+                        webring: crate::database::settings::Setting::into_inner(webring)
+                    }
+                    .to_string(),
+                }
+                .to_string(),
+            )
+        }
+        Err(err) => {
+            if err.code == StatusCode::NOT_FOUND {
+                debug!("Transferring to onboarding...");
+                // Transfer to onboarding
+                (
+                    StatusCode::FOUND,
+                    [(axum::http::header::LOCATION, "/.kittybox/onboarding")],
+                    String::default(),
+                )
+            } else {
+                error!("Error while fetching h-card and/or h-feed: {}", err);
+                // Return the error
+                let (blogname, channels) = tokio::join!(
+                    db.get_setting::<crate::database::settings::SiteName>(&host)
+                    .map(Result::unwrap_or_default),
+                    db.get_channels(&host).map(|i| i.unwrap_or_default())
+                );
+                (
+                    err.code(),
+                    [(
+                        axum::http::header::CONTENT_TYPE,
+                        r#"text/html; charset="utf-8""#,
+                    )],
+                    Template {
+                        title: blogname.as_ref(),
+                        blog_name: blogname.as_ref(),
+                        feeds: channels,
+                        user,
+                        content: ErrorPage {
+                            code: err.code(),
+                            msg: Some(err.msg().to_string()),
+                        }
+                        .to_string(),
+                    }
+                    .to_string(),
+                )
+            }
+        }
+    }
+pub async fn catchall<D: Storage>(
+    Extension(db): Extension<D>,
+    Host(host): Host,
+    Query(query): Query<QueryParams>,
+    uri: Uri,
+) -> impl IntoResponse {
+    let user = None; // TODO authentication
+    let path = url::Url::parse(&format!("https://{}/", host))
+        .unwrap()
+        .join(uri.path())
+        .unwrap();
+    match get_post_from_database(&db, path.as_str(), query.after, &user).await {
+        Ok((post, cursor)) => {
+            let (blogname, channels) = tokio::join!(
+                db.get_setting::<crate::database::settings::SiteName>(&host)
+                .map(Result::unwrap_or_default),
+                db.get_channels(&host).map(|i| i.unwrap_or_default())
+            );
+            // Render the homepage
+            (
+                StatusCode::OK,
+                [(
+                    axum::http::header::CONTENT_TYPE,
+                    r#"text/html; charset="utf-8""#,
+                )],
+                Template {
+                    title: blogname.as_ref(),
+                    blog_name: blogname.as_ref(),
+                    feeds: channels,
+                    user,
+                    content: match post.pointer("/type/0").and_then(|i| i.as_str()) {
+                        Some("h-entry") => Entry { post: &post }.to_string(),
+                        Some("h-feed") => Feed { feed: &post, cursor: cursor.as_deref() }.to_string(),
+                        Some("h-card") => VCard { card: &post }.to_string(),
+                        unknown => {
+                            unimplemented!("Template for MF2-JSON type {:?}", unknown)
+                        }
+                    },
+                }
+                .to_string(),
+            )
+        }
+        Err(err) => {
+            let (blogname, channels) = tokio::join!(
+                db.get_setting::<crate::database::settings::SiteName>(&host)
+                .map(Result::unwrap_or_default),
+                db.get_channels(&host).map(|i| i.unwrap_or_default())
+            );
+            (
+                err.code(),
+                [(
+                    axum::http::header::CONTENT_TYPE,
+                    r#"text/html; charset="utf-8""#,
+                )],
+                Template {
+                    title: blogname.as_ref(),
+                    blog_name: blogname.as_ref(),
+                    feeds: channels,
+                    user,
+                    content: ErrorPage {
+                        code: err.code(),
+                        msg: Some(err.msg().to_owned()),
+                    }
+                    .to_string(),
+                }
+                .to_string(),
+            )
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/src/frontend/onboarding.rs b/src/frontend/onboarding.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e44e866
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/frontend/onboarding.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+use std::sync::Arc;
+use crate::database::{settings, Storage};
+use axum::{
+    extract::{Extension, Host},
+    http::StatusCode,
+    response::{Html, IntoResponse},
+    Json,
+use kittybox_frontend_renderer::{ErrorPage, OnboardingPage, Template};
+use serde::Deserialize;
+use tokio::{task::JoinSet, sync::Mutex};
+use tracing::{debug, error};
+use super::FrontendError;
+pub async fn get() -> Html<String> {
+    Html(
+        Template {
+            title: "Kittybox - Onboarding",
+            blog_name: "Kittybox",
+            feeds: vec![],
+            user: None,
+            content: OnboardingPage {}.to_string(),
+        }
+        .to_string(),
+    )
+#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
+struct OnboardingFeed {
+    slug: String,
+    name: String,
+#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
+pub struct OnboardingData {
+    user: serde_json::Value,
+    first_post: serde_json::Value,
+    #[serde(default = "OnboardingData::default_blog_name")]
+    blog_name: String,
+    feeds: Vec<OnboardingFeed>,
+impl OnboardingData {
+    fn default_blog_name() -> String {
+        "Kitty Box!".to_owned()
+    }
+#[tracing::instrument(skip(db, http))]
+async fn onboard<D: Storage + 'static>(
+    db: D,
+    user_uid: url::Url,
+    data: OnboardingData,
+    http: reqwest::Client,
+    jobset: Arc<Mutex<JoinSet<()>>>,
+) -> Result<(), FrontendError> {
+    // Create a user to pass to the backend
+    // At this point the site belongs to nobody, so it is safe to do
+    tracing::debug!("Creating user...");
+    let user = kittybox_indieauth::TokenData {
+        me: user_uid.clone(),
+        client_id: "https://kittybox.fireburn.ru/".parse().unwrap(),
+        scope: kittybox_indieauth::Scopes::new(vec![kittybox_indieauth::Scope::Create]),
+        iat: None, exp: None
+    };
+    tracing::debug!("User data: {:?}", user);
+    if data.user["type"][0] != "h-card" || data.first_post["type"][0] != "h-entry" {
+        return Err(FrontendError::with_code(
+            StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST,
+            "user and first_post should be an h-card and an h-entry",
+        ));
+    }
+    tracing::debug!("Setting settings...");
+    let user_domain = format!(
+        "{}{}",
+        user.me.host_str().unwrap(),
+        user.me.port()
+            .map(|port| format!(":{}", port))
+            .unwrap_or_default()
+    );
+    db.set_setting::<settings::SiteName>(&user_domain, data.blog_name.to_owned())
+        .await
+        .map_err(FrontendError::from)?;
+    db.set_setting::<settings::Webring>(&user_domain, false)
+        .await
+        .map_err(FrontendError::from)?;
+    let (_, hcard) = {
+        let mut hcard = data.user;
+        hcard["properties"]["uid"] = serde_json::json!([&user_uid]);
+        crate::micropub::normalize_mf2(hcard, &user)
+    };
+    db.put_post(&hcard, user_domain.as_str())
+        .await
+        .map_err(FrontendError::from)?;
+    debug!("Creating feeds...");
+    for feed in data.feeds {
+        if feed.name.is_empty() || feed.slug.is_empty() {
+            continue;
+        };
+        debug!("Creating feed {} with slug {}", &feed.name, &feed.slug);
+        let (_, feed) = crate::micropub::normalize_mf2(
+            serde_json::json!({
+                "type": ["h-feed"],
+                "properties": {"name": [feed.name], "mp-slug": [feed.slug]}
+            }),
+            &user,
+        );
+        db.put_post(&feed, user_uid.as_str())
+            .await
+            .map_err(FrontendError::from)?;
+    }
+    let (uid, post) = crate::micropub::normalize_mf2(data.first_post, &user);
+    tracing::debug!("Posting first post {}...", uid);
+    crate::micropub::_post(&user, uid, post, db, http, jobset)
+        .await
+        .map_err(|e| FrontendError {
+            msg: "Error while posting the first post".to_string(),
+            source: Some(Box::new(e)),
+            code: StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
+        })?;
+    Ok(())
+pub async fn post<D: Storage + 'static>(
+    Extension(db): Extension<D>,
+    Host(host): Host,
+    Extension(http): Extension<reqwest::Client>,
+    Extension(jobset): Extension<Arc<Mutex<JoinSet<()>>>>,
+    Json(data): Json<OnboardingData>,
+) -> axum::response::Response {
+    let user_uid = format!("https://{}/", host.as_str());
+    if db.post_exists(&user_uid).await.unwrap() {
+        IntoResponse::into_response((StatusCode::FOUND, [("Location", "/")]))
+    } else {
+        match onboard(db, user_uid.parse().unwrap(), data, http, jobset).await {
+            Ok(()) => IntoResponse::into_response((StatusCode::FOUND, [("Location", "/")])),
+            Err(err) => {
+                error!("Onboarding error: {}", err);
+                IntoResponse::into_response((
+                    err.code(),
+                    Html(
+                        Template {
+                            title: "Kittybox - Onboarding",
+                            blog_name: "Kittybox",
+                            feeds: vec![],
+                            user: None,
+                            content: ErrorPage {
+                                code: err.code(),
+                                msg: Some(err.msg().to_string()),
+                            }
+                            .to_string(),
+                        }
+                        .to_string(),
+                    ),
+                ))
+            }
+        }
+    }
+pub fn router<S: Storage + 'static>(
+    database: S,
+    http: reqwest::Client,
+    jobset: Arc<Mutex<JoinSet<()>>>,
+) -> axum::routing::MethodRouter {
+    axum::routing::get(get)
+        .post(post::<S>)
+        .layer::<_, _, std::convert::Infallible>(axum::Extension(database))
+        .layer::<_, _, std::convert::Infallible>(axum::Extension(http))
+        .layer(axum::Extension(jobset))
diff --git a/src/indieauth/backend.rs b/src/indieauth/backend.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..534bcfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/indieauth/backend.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+use std::collections::HashMap;
+use kittybox_indieauth::{
+    AuthorizationRequest, TokenData
+pub use kittybox_util::auth::EnrolledCredential;
+type Result<T> = std::io::Result<T>;
+pub mod fs;
+pub use fs::FileBackend;
+pub trait AuthBackend: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static {
+    // Authorization code management.
+    /// Create a one-time OAuth2 authorization code for the passed
+    /// authorization request, and save it for later retrieval.
+    ///
+    /// Note for implementors: the [`AuthorizationRequest::me`] value
+    /// is guaranteed to be [`Some(url::Url)`][Option::Some] and can
+    /// be trusted to be correct and non-malicious.
+    async fn create_code(&self, data: AuthorizationRequest) -> Result<String>;
+    /// Retreive an authorization request using the one-time
+    /// code. Implementations must sanitize the `code` field to
+    /// prevent exploits, and must check if the code should still be
+    /// valid at this point in time (validity interval is left up to
+    /// the implementation, but is recommended to be no more than 10
+    /// minutes).
+    async fn get_code(&self, code: &str) -> Result<Option<AuthorizationRequest>>;
+    // Token management.
+    async fn create_token(&self, data: TokenData) -> Result<String>;
+    async fn get_token(&self, website: &url::Url, token: &str) -> Result<Option<TokenData>>;
+    async fn list_tokens(&self, website: &url::Url) -> Result<HashMap<String, TokenData>>;
+    async fn revoke_token(&self, website: &url::Url, token: &str) -> Result<()>;
+    // Refresh token management.
+    async fn create_refresh_token(&self, data: TokenData) -> Result<String>;
+    async fn get_refresh_token(&self, website: &url::Url, token: &str) -> Result<Option<TokenData>>;
+    async fn list_refresh_tokens(&self, website: &url::Url) -> Result<HashMap<String, TokenData>>;
+    async fn revoke_refresh_token(&self, website: &url::Url, token: &str) -> Result<()>;
+    // Password management.
+    /// Verify a password.
+    #[must_use]
+    async fn verify_password(&self, website: &url::Url, password: String) -> Result<bool>;
+    /// Enroll a password credential for a user. Only one password
+    /// credential must exist for a given user.
+    async fn enroll_password(&self, website: &url::Url, password: String) -> Result<()>;
+    /// List currently enrolled credential types for a given user.
+    async fn list_user_credential_types(&self, website: &url::Url) -> Result<Vec<EnrolledCredential>>;
+    // WebAuthn credential management.
+    #[cfg(feature = "webauthn")]
+    /// Enroll a WebAuthn authenticator public key for this user.
+    /// Multiple public keys may be saved for one user, corresponding
+    /// to different authenticators used by them.
+    ///
+    /// This function can also be used to overwrite a passkey with an
+    /// updated version after using
+    /// [webauthn::prelude::Passkey::update_credential()].
+    async fn enroll_webauthn(&self, website: &url::Url, credential: webauthn::prelude::Passkey) -> Result<()>;
+    #[cfg(feature = "webauthn")]
+    /// List currently enrolled WebAuthn authenticators for a given user.
+    async fn list_webauthn_pubkeys(&self, website: &url::Url) -> Result<Vec<webauthn::prelude::Passkey>>;
+    #[cfg(feature = "webauthn")]
+    /// Persist registration challenge state for a little while so it
+    /// can be used later.
+    ///
+    /// Challenges saved in this manner MUST expire after a little
+    /// while. 10 minutes is recommended.
+    async fn persist_registration_challenge(
+        &self,
+        website: &url::Url,
+        state: webauthn::prelude::PasskeyRegistration
+    ) -> Result<String>;
+    #[cfg(feature = "webauthn")]
+    /// Retrieve a persisted registration challenge.
+    ///
+    /// The challenge should be deleted after retrieval.
+    async fn retrieve_registration_challenge(
+        &self,
+        website: &url::Url,
+        challenge_id: &str
+    ) -> Result<webauthn::prelude::PasskeyRegistration>;
+    #[cfg(feature = "webauthn")]
+    /// Persist authentication challenge state for a little while so
+    /// it can be used later.
+    ///
+    /// Challenges saved in this manner MUST expire after a little
+    /// while. 10 minutes is recommended.
+    ///
+    /// To support multiple authentication options, this can return an
+    /// opaque token that should be set as a cookie.
+    async fn persist_authentication_challenge(
+        &self,
+        website: &url::Url,
+        state: webauthn::prelude::PasskeyAuthentication
+    ) -> Result<String>;
+    #[cfg(feature = "webauthn")]
+    /// Retrieve a persisted authentication challenge.
+    ///
+    /// The challenge should be deleted after retrieval.
+    async fn retrieve_authentication_challenge(
+        &self,
+        website: &url::Url,
+        challenge_id: &str
+    ) -> Result<webauthn::prelude::PasskeyAuthentication>;
diff --git a/src/indieauth/backend/fs.rs b/src/indieauth/backend/fs.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..600e901
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/indieauth/backend/fs.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+use std::{path::PathBuf, collections::HashMap, borrow::Cow, time::{SystemTime, Duration}};
+use super::{AuthBackend, Result, EnrolledCredential};
+use async_trait::async_trait;
+use kittybox_indieauth::{
+    AuthorizationRequest, TokenData
+use serde::de::DeserializeOwned;
+use tokio::{task::spawn_blocking, io::AsyncReadExt};
+#[cfg(feature = "webauthn")]
+use webauthn::prelude::{Passkey, PasskeyRegistration, PasskeyAuthentication};
+const CODE_LENGTH: usize = 16;
+const TOKEN_LENGTH: usize = 128;
+const CODE_DURATION: std::time::Duration = std::time::Duration::from_secs(600);
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct FileBackend {
+    path: PathBuf,
+impl FileBackend {
+    pub fn new<T: Into<PathBuf>>(path: T) -> Self {
+        Self {
+            path: path.into()
+        }
+    }
+    /// Sanitize a filename, leaving only alphanumeric characters.
+    ///
+    /// Doesn't allocate a new string unless non-alphanumeric
+    /// characters are encountered.
+    fn sanitize_for_path(filename: &'_ str) -> Cow<'_, str> {
+        if filename.chars().all(char::is_alphanumeric) {
+            Cow::Borrowed(filename)
+        } else {
+            let mut s = String::with_capacity(filename.len());
+            filename.chars()
+                .filter(|c| c.is_alphanumeric())
+                .for_each(|c| s.push(c));
+            Cow::Owned(s)
+        }
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    async fn serialize_to_file<T: 'static + serde::ser::Serialize + Send, B: Into<Option<&'static str>>>(
+        &self,
+        dir: &str,
+        basename: B,
+        length: usize,
+        data: T
+    ) -> Result<String> {
+        let basename = basename.into();
+        let has_ext = basename.is_some();
+        let (filename, mut file) = kittybox_util::fs::mktemp(
+            self.path.join(dir), basename, length
+        )
+            .await
+            .map(|(name, file)| (name, file.try_into_std().unwrap()))?;
+        spawn_blocking(move || serde_json::to_writer(&mut file, &data))
+            .await
+            .unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!(
+                "Panic while serializing {}: {}",
+                std::any::type_name::<T>(),
+                e
+            ))
+            .map(move |_| {
+                (if has_ext {
+                    filename
+                        .extension()
+                } else {
+                    filename
+                        .file_name()
+                })
+                    .unwrap()
+                    .to_str()
+                    .unwrap()
+                    .to_owned()
+            })
+            .map_err(|err| err.into())
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    async fn deserialize_from_file<'filename, 'this: 'filename, T, B>(
+        &'this self,
+        dir: &'filename str,
+        basename: B,
+        filename: &'filename str,
+    ) -> Result<Option<(PathBuf, SystemTime, T)>>
+    where
+        T: serde::de::DeserializeOwned + Send,
+        B: Into<Option<&'static str>>
+    {
+        let basename = basename.into();
+        let path = self.path
+            .join(dir)
+            .join(format!(
+                "{}{}{}",
+                basename.unwrap_or(""),
+                if basename.is_none() { "" } else { "." },
+                FileBackend::sanitize_for_path(filename)
+            ));
+        let data = match tokio::fs::File::open(&path).await {
+            Ok(mut file) => {
+                let mut buf = Vec::new();
+                file.read_to_end(&mut buf).await?;
+                match serde_json::from_slice::<'_, T>(buf.as_slice()) {
+                    Ok(data) => data,
+                    Err(err) => return Err(err.into())
+                }
+            },
+            Err(err) => if err.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound {
+                return Ok(None)
+            } else {
+                return Err(err)
+            }
+        };
+        let ctime = tokio::fs::metadata(&path).await?.created()?;
+        Ok(Some((path, ctime, data)))
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn url_to_dir(url: &url::Url) -> String {
+        let host = url.host_str().unwrap();
+        let port = url.port()
+            .map(|port| Cow::Owned(format!(":{}", port)))
+            .unwrap_or(Cow::Borrowed(""));
+        format!("{}{}", host, port)
+    }
+    async fn list_files<'dir, 'this: 'dir, T: DeserializeOwned + Send>(
+        &'this self,
+        dir: &'dir str,
+        prefix: &'static str
+    ) -> Result<HashMap<String, T>> {
+        let dir = self.path.join(dir);
+        let mut hashmap = HashMap::new();
+        let mut readdir = match tokio::fs::read_dir(dir).await {
+            Ok(readdir) => readdir,
+            Err(err) => if err.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound {
+                // empty hashmap
+                return Ok(hashmap);
+            } else {
+                return Err(err);
+            }
+        };
+        while let Some(entry) = readdir.next_entry().await? {
+            // safe to unwrap; filenames are alphanumeric
+            let filename = entry.file_name()
+                .into_string()
+                .expect("token filenames should be alphanumeric!");
+            if let Some(token) = filename.strip_prefix(&format!("{}.", prefix)) {
+                match tokio::fs::File::open(entry.path()).await {
+                    Ok(mut file) => {
+                        let mut buf = Vec::new();
+                        file.read_to_end(&mut buf).await?;
+                        match serde_json::from_slice::<'_, T>(buf.as_slice()) {
+                            Ok(data) => hashmap.insert(token.to_string(), data),
+                            Err(err) => {
+                                tracing::error!(
+                                    "Error decoding token data from file {}: {}",
+                                    entry.path().display(), err
+                                );
+                                continue;
+                            }
+                        };
+                    },
+                    Err(err) => if err.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound {
+                        continue
+                    } else {
+                        return Err(err)
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        Ok(hashmap)
+    }
+impl AuthBackend for FileBackend {
+    // Authorization code management.
+    async fn create_code(&self, data: AuthorizationRequest) -> Result<String> {
+        self.serialize_to_file("codes", None, CODE_LENGTH, data).await
+    }
+    async fn get_code(&self, code: &str) -> Result<Option<AuthorizationRequest>> {
+        match self.deserialize_from_file("codes", None, FileBackend::sanitize_for_path(code).as_ref()).await? {
+            Some((path, ctime, data)) => {
+                if let Err(err) = tokio::fs::remove_file(path).await {
+                    tracing::error!("Failed to clean up authorization code: {}", err);
+                }
+                // Err on the safe side in case of clock drift
+                if ctime.elapsed().unwrap_or(Duration::ZERO) > CODE_DURATION {
+                    Ok(None)
+                } else {
+                    Ok(Some(data))
+                }
+            },
+            None => Ok(None)
+        }
+    }
+    // Token management.
+    async fn create_token(&self, data: TokenData) -> Result<String> {
+        let dir = format!("{}/tokens", FileBackend::url_to_dir(&data.me));
+        self.serialize_to_file(&dir, "access", TOKEN_LENGTH, data).await
+    }
+    async fn get_token(&self, website: &url::Url, token: &str) -> Result<Option<TokenData>> {
+        let dir = format!("{}/tokens", FileBackend::url_to_dir(website));
+        match self.deserialize_from_file::<TokenData, _>(
+            &dir, "access",
+            FileBackend::sanitize_for_path(token).as_ref()
+        ).await? {
+            Some((path, _, token)) => {
+                if token.expired() {
+                    if let Err(err) = tokio::fs::remove_file(path).await {
+                        tracing::error!("Failed to remove expired token: {}", err);
+                    }
+                    Ok(None)
+                } else {
+                    Ok(Some(token))
+                }
+            },
+            None => Ok(None)
+        }
+    }
+    async fn list_tokens(&self, website: &url::Url) -> Result<HashMap<String, TokenData>> {
+        let dir = format!("{}/tokens", FileBackend::url_to_dir(website));
+        self.list_files(&dir, "access").await
+    }
+    async fn revoke_token(&self, website: &url::Url, token: &str) -> Result<()> {
+        match tokio::fs::remove_file(
+            self.path
+                .join(FileBackend::url_to_dir(website))
+                .join("tokens")
+                .join(format!("access.{}", FileBackend::sanitize_for_path(token)))
+        ).await {
+            Err(err) if err.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound => Ok(()),
+            result => result
+        }
+    }
+    // Refresh token management.
+    async fn create_refresh_token(&self, data: TokenData) -> Result<String> {
+        let dir = format!("{}/tokens", FileBackend::url_to_dir(&data.me));
+        self.serialize_to_file(&dir, "refresh", TOKEN_LENGTH, data).await
+    }
+    async fn get_refresh_token(&self, website: &url::Url, token: &str) -> Result<Option<TokenData>> {
+        let dir = format!("{}/tokens", FileBackend::url_to_dir(website));
+        match self.deserialize_from_file::<TokenData, _>(
+            &dir, "refresh",
+            FileBackend::sanitize_for_path(token).as_ref()
+        ).await? {
+            Some((path, _, token)) => {
+                if token.expired() {
+                    if let Err(err) = tokio::fs::remove_file(path).await {
+                        tracing::error!("Failed to remove expired token: {}", err);
+                    }
+                    Ok(None)
+                } else {
+                    Ok(Some(token))
+                }
+            },
+            None => Ok(None)
+        }
+    }
+    async fn list_refresh_tokens(&self, website: &url::Url) -> Result<HashMap<String, TokenData>> {
+        let dir = format!("{}/tokens", FileBackend::url_to_dir(website));
+        self.list_files(&dir, "refresh").await
+    }
+    async fn revoke_refresh_token(&self, website: &url::Url, token: &str) -> Result<()> {
+        match tokio::fs::remove_file(
+            self.path
+                .join(FileBackend::url_to_dir(website))
+                .join("tokens")
+                .join(format!("refresh.{}", FileBackend::sanitize_for_path(token)))
+        ).await {
+            Err(err) if err.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound => Ok(()),
+            result => result
+        }
+    }
+    // Password management.
+    #[tracing::instrument(skip(password))]
+    async fn verify_password(&self, website: &url::Url, password: String) -> Result<bool> {
+        use argon2::{Argon2, password_hash::{PasswordHash, PasswordVerifier}};
+        let password_filename = self.path
+            .join(FileBackend::url_to_dir(website))
+            .join("password");
+        tracing::debug!("Reading password for {} from {}", website, password_filename.display());
+        match tokio::fs::read_to_string(password_filename).await {
+            Ok(password_hash) => {
+                let parsed_hash = {
+                    let hash = password_hash.trim();
+                    #[cfg(debug_assertions)] tracing::debug!("Password hash: {}", hash);
+                    PasswordHash::new(hash)
+                        .expect("Password hash should be valid!")
+                };
+                Ok(Argon2::default().verify_password(password.as_bytes(), &parsed_hash).is_ok())
+            },
+            Err(err) => if err.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound {
+                Ok(false)
+            } else {
+                Err(err)
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    #[tracing::instrument(skip(password))]
+    async fn enroll_password(&self, website: &url::Url, password: String) -> Result<()> {
+        use argon2::{Argon2, password_hash::{rand_core::OsRng, PasswordHasher, SaltString}};
+        let password_filename = self.path
+            .join(FileBackend::url_to_dir(website))
+            .join("password");
+        let salt = SaltString::generate(&mut OsRng);
+        let argon2 = Argon2::default();
+        let password_hash = argon2.hash_password(password.as_bytes(), &salt)
+            .expect("Hashing a password should not error out")
+            .to_string();
+        tracing::debug!("Enrolling password for {} at {}", website, password_filename.display());
+        tokio::fs::write(password_filename, password_hash.as_bytes()).await
+    }
+    // WebAuthn credential management.
+    #[cfg(feature = "webauthn")]
+    async fn enroll_webauthn(&self, website: &url::Url, credential: Passkey) -> Result<()> {
+        todo!()
+    }
+    #[cfg(feature = "webauthn")]
+    async fn list_webauthn_pubkeys(&self, website: &url::Url) -> Result<Vec<Passkey>> {
+        // TODO stub!
+        Ok(vec![])
+    }
+    #[cfg(feature = "webauthn")]
+    async fn persist_registration_challenge(
+        &self,
+        website: &url::Url,
+        state: PasskeyRegistration
+    ) -> Result<String> {
+        todo!()
+    }
+    #[cfg(feature = "webauthn")]
+    async fn retrieve_registration_challenge(
+        &self,
+        website: &url::Url,
+        challenge_id: &str
+    ) -> Result<PasskeyRegistration> {
+        todo!()
+    }
+    #[cfg(feature = "webauthn")]
+    async fn persist_authentication_challenge(
+        &self,
+        website: &url::Url,
+        state: PasskeyAuthentication
+    ) -> Result<String> {
+        todo!()
+    }
+    #[cfg(feature = "webauthn")]
+    async fn retrieve_authentication_challenge(
+        &self,
+        website: &url::Url,
+        challenge_id: &str
+    ) -> Result<PasskeyAuthentication> {
+        todo!()
+    }
+    async fn list_user_credential_types(&self, website: &url::Url) -> Result<Vec<EnrolledCredential>> {
+        let mut creds = vec![];
+        match tokio::fs::metadata(self.path
+                                  .join(FileBackend::url_to_dir(website))
+                                  .join("password"))
+            .await
+        {
+            Ok(_) => creds.push(EnrolledCredential::Password),
+            Err(err) => if err.kind() != std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound {
+                return Err(err)
+            }
+        }
+        #[cfg(feature = "webauthn")]
+        if !self.list_webauthn_pubkeys(website).await?.is_empty() {
+            creds.push(EnrolledCredential::WebAuthn);
+        }
+        Ok(creds)
+    }
diff --git a/src/indieauth/mod.rs b/src/indieauth/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ad2702
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/indieauth/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,883 @@
+use std::marker::PhantomData;
+use tracing::error;
+use serde::Deserialize;
+use axum::{
+    extract::{Query, Json, Host, Form},
+    response::{Html, IntoResponse, Response},
+    http::StatusCode, TypedHeader, headers::{Authorization, authorization::Bearer},
+    Extension
+#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "webauthn"), allow(unused_imports))]
+use axum_extra::extract::cookie::{CookieJar, Cookie};
+use crate::database::Storage;
+use kittybox_indieauth::{
+    Metadata, IntrospectionEndpointAuthMethod, RevocationEndpointAuthMethod,
+    Scope, Scopes, PKCEMethod, Error, ErrorKind, ResponseType,
+    AuthorizationRequest, AuthorizationResponse,
+    GrantType, GrantRequest, GrantResponse, Profile,
+    TokenIntrospectionRequest, TokenIntrospectionResponse, TokenRevocationRequest, TokenData
+use std::str::FromStr;
+use std::ops::Deref;
+pub mod backend;
+#[cfg(feature = "webauthn")]
+mod webauthn;
+use backend::AuthBackend;
+const ACCESS_TOKEN_VALIDITY: u64 = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60; // 7 days
+const REFRESH_TOKEN_VALIDITY: u64 = ACCESS_TOKEN_VALIDITY / 7 * 60; // 60 days
+/// Internal scope for accessing the token introspection endpoint.
+const KITTYBOX_TOKEN_STATUS: &str = "kittybox:token_status";
+pub(crate) struct User<A: AuthBackend>(pub(crate) TokenData, pub(crate) PhantomData<A>);
+impl<A: AuthBackend> std::fmt::Debug for User<A> {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
+        f.debug_tuple("User").field(&self.0).finish()
+    }
+impl<A: AuthBackend> std::ops::Deref for User<A> {
+    type Target = TokenData;
+    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
+        &self.0
+    }
+pub enum IndieAuthResourceError {
+    InvalidRequest,
+    Unauthorized,
+    InvalidToken
+impl axum::response::IntoResponse for IndieAuthResourceError {
+    fn into_response(self) -> axum::response::Response {
+        use IndieAuthResourceError::*;
+        match self {
+            Unauthorized => (
+                StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED,
+                [("WWW-Authenticate", "Bearer")]
+            ).into_response(),
+            InvalidRequest => (
+                StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST,
+                Json(&serde_json::json!({"error": "invalid_request"}))
+            ).into_response(),
+            InvalidToken => (
+                StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED,
+                [("WWW-Authenticate", "Bearer, error=\"invalid_token\"")],
+                Json(&serde_json::json!({"error": "unauthorized"}))
+            ).into_response()
+        }
+    }
+impl <S: Send + Sync, A: AuthBackend> axum::extract::FromRequestParts<S> for User<A> {
+    type Rejection = IndieAuthResourceError;
+    async fn from_request_parts(req: &mut axum::http::request::Parts, state: &S) -> Result<Self, Self::Rejection> {
+        let TypedHeader(Authorization(token)) =
+            TypedHeader::<Authorization<Bearer>>::from_request_parts(req, state)
+            .await
+            .map_err(|_| IndieAuthResourceError::Unauthorized)?;
+        let axum::Extension(auth) = axum::Extension::<A>::from_request_parts(req, state)
+            .await
+            .unwrap();
+        let Host(host) = Host::from_request_parts(req, state)
+            .await
+            .map_err(|_| IndieAuthResourceError::InvalidRequest)?;
+        auth.get_token(
+            &format!("https://{host}/").parse().unwrap(),
+            token.token()
+        )
+            .await
+            .unwrap()
+            .ok_or(IndieAuthResourceError::InvalidToken)
+            .map(|t| User(t, PhantomData))
+    }
+pub async fn metadata(
+    Host(host): Host
+) -> Metadata {
+    let issuer: url::Url = format!(
+        "{}://{}/",
+        if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
+            "http"
+        } else {
+            "https"
+        },
+        host
+    ).parse().unwrap();
+    let indieauth: url::Url = issuer.join("/.kittybox/indieauth/").unwrap();
+    Metadata {
+        issuer,
+        authorization_endpoint: indieauth.join("auth").unwrap(),
+        token_endpoint: indieauth.join("token").unwrap(),
+        introspection_endpoint: indieauth.join("token_status").unwrap(),
+        introspection_endpoint_auth_methods_supported: Some(vec![
+            IntrospectionEndpointAuthMethod::Bearer
+        ]),
+        revocation_endpoint: Some(indieauth.join("revoke_token").unwrap()),
+        revocation_endpoint_auth_methods_supported: Some(vec![
+            RevocationEndpointAuthMethod::None
+        ]),
+        scopes_supported: Some(vec![
+            Scope::Create,
+            Scope::Update,
+            Scope::Delete,
+            Scope::Media,
+            Scope::Profile
+        ]),
+        response_types_supported: Some(vec![ResponseType::Code]),
+        grant_types_supported: Some(vec![GrantType::AuthorizationCode, GrantType::RefreshToken]),
+        service_documentation: None,
+        code_challenge_methods_supported: vec![PKCEMethod::S256],
+        authorization_response_iss_parameter_supported: Some(true),
+        userinfo_endpoint: Some(indieauth.join("userinfo").unwrap()),
+    }
+async fn authorization_endpoint_get<A: AuthBackend, D: Storage + 'static>(
+    Host(host): Host,
+    Query(request): Query<AuthorizationRequest>,
+    Extension(db): Extension<D>,
+    Extension(http): Extension<reqwest::Client>,
+    Extension(auth): Extension<A>
+) -> Response {
+    let me = format!("https://{host}/").parse().unwrap();
+    let h_app = {
+        tracing::debug!("Sending request to {} to fetch metadata", request.client_id);
+        match http.get(request.client_id.clone()).send().await {
+            Ok(response) => {
+                let url = response.url().clone();
+                let text = response.text().await.unwrap();
+                tracing::debug!("Received {} bytes in response", text.len());
+                match microformats::from_html(&text, url) {
+                    Ok(mf2) => {
+                        if let Some(relation) = mf2.rels.items.get(&request.redirect_uri) {
+                            if !relation.rels.iter().any(|i| i == "redirect_uri") {
+                                return (StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST,
+                                        [("Content-Type", "text/plain")],
+                                        "The redirect_uri provided was declared as \
+                                         something other than redirect_uri.")
+                                    .into_response()
+                            }
+                        } else if request.redirect_uri.origin() != request.client_id.origin() {
+                            return (StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST,
+                                    [("Content-Type", "text/plain")],
+                                    "The redirect_uri didn't match the origin \
+                                     and wasn't explicitly allowed. You were being tricked.")
+                                .into_response()
+                        }
+                        mf2.items.iter()
+                            .cloned()
+                            .find(|i| (**i).borrow().r#type.iter()
+                                  .any(|i| *i == microformats::types::Class::from_str("h-app").unwrap()
+                                       || *i == microformats::types::Class::from_str("h-x-app").unwrap()))
+                            .map(|i| serde_json::to_value(i.borrow().deref()).unwrap())
+                    },
+                    Err(err) => {
+                        tracing::error!("Error parsing application metadata: {}", err);
+                        return (StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST,
+                                [("Content-Type", "text/plain")],
+                                "Parsing application metadata failed.").into_response()
+                    }
+                }
+            },
+            Err(err) => {
+                tracing::error!("Error fetching application metadata: {}", err);
+                return (StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
+                        [("Content-Type", "text/plain")],
+                        "Fetching application metadata failed.").into_response()
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    tracing::debug!("Application metadata: {:#?}", h_app);
+    Html(kittybox_frontend_renderer::Template {
+        title: "Confirm sign-in via IndieAuth",
+        blog_name: "Kittybox",
+        feeds: vec![],
+        user: None,
+        content: kittybox_frontend_renderer::AuthorizationRequestPage {
+            request,
+            credentials: auth.list_user_credential_types(&me).await.unwrap(),
+            user: db.get_post(me.as_str()).await.unwrap().unwrap(),
+            app: h_app
+        }.to_string(),
+    }.to_string())
+        .into_response()
+#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
+enum Credential {
+    Password(String),
+    #[cfg(feature = "webauthn")]
+    WebAuthn(::webauthn::prelude::PublicKeyCredential)
+#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
+struct AuthorizationConfirmation {
+    authorization_method: Credential,
+    request: AuthorizationRequest
+async fn verify_credential<A: AuthBackend>(
+    auth: &A,
+    website: &url::Url,
+    credential: Credential,
+    #[cfg_attr(not(feature = "webauthn"), allow(unused_variables))]
+    challenge_id: Option<&str>
+) -> std::io::Result<bool> {
+    match credential {
+        Credential::Password(password) => auth.verify_password(website, password).await,
+        #[cfg(feature = "webauthn")]
+        Credential::WebAuthn(credential) => webauthn::verify(
+            auth,
+            website,
+            credential,
+            challenge_id.unwrap()
+        ).await
+    }
+#[tracing::instrument(skip(backend, confirmation))]
+async fn authorization_endpoint_confirm<A: AuthBackend>(
+    Host(host): Host,
+    Extension(backend): Extension<A>,
+    cookies: CookieJar,
+    Json(confirmation): Json<AuthorizationConfirmation>,
+) -> Response {
+    tracing::debug!("Received authorization confirmation from user");
+    #[cfg(feature = "webauthn")]
+    let challenge_id = cookies.get(webauthn::CHALLENGE_ID_COOKIE)
+        .map(|cookie| cookie.value());
+    #[cfg(not(feature = "webauthn"))]
+    let challenge_id = None;
+    let website = format!("https://{}/", host).parse().unwrap();
+    let AuthorizationConfirmation {
+        authorization_method: credential,
+        request: mut auth
+    } = confirmation;
+    match verify_credential(&backend, &website, credential, challenge_id).await {
+        Ok(verified) => if !verified {
+            error!("User failed verification, bailing out.");
+            return StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED.into_response();
+        },
+        Err(err) => {
+            error!("Error while verifying credential: {}", err);
+            return StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.into_response();
+        }
+    }
+    // Insert the correct `me` value into the request
+    //
+    // From this point, the `me` value that hits the backend is
+    // guaranteed to be authoritative and correct, and can be safely
+    // unwrapped.
+    auth.me = Some(website.clone());
+    // Cloning these two values, because we can't destructure
+    // the AuthorizationRequest - we need it for the code
+    let state = auth.state.clone();
+    let redirect_uri = auth.redirect_uri.clone();
+    let code = match backend.create_code(auth).await {
+        Ok(code) => code,
+        Err(err) => {
+            error!("Error creating authorization code: {}", err);
+            return StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.into_response();
+        }
+    };
+    let location = {
+        let mut uri = redirect_uri;
+        uri.set_query(Some(&serde_urlencoded::to_string(
+            AuthorizationResponse { code, state, iss: website }
+        ).unwrap()));
+        uri
+    };
+    // DO NOT SET `StatusCode::FOUND` here! `fetch()` cannot read from
+    // redirects, it can only follow them or choose to receive an
+    // opaque response instead that is completely useless
+    (StatusCode::NO_CONTENT,
+     [("Location", location.as_str())],
+     #[cfg(feature = "webauthn")]
+     cookies.remove(Cookie::named(webauthn::CHALLENGE_ID_COOKIE))
+    )
+        .into_response()
+#[tracing::instrument(skip(backend, db))]
+async fn authorization_endpoint_post<A: AuthBackend, D: Storage + 'static>(
+    Host(host): Host,
+    Extension(backend): Extension<A>,
+    Extension(db): Extension<D>,
+    Form(grant): Form<GrantRequest>,
+) -> Response {
+    match grant {
+        GrantRequest::AuthorizationCode {
+            code,
+            client_id,
+            redirect_uri,
+            code_verifier
+        } => {
+            let request: AuthorizationRequest = match backend.get_code(&code).await {
+                Ok(Some(request)) => request,
+                Ok(None) => return Error {
+                    kind: ErrorKind::InvalidGrant,
+                    msg: Some("The provided authorization code is invalid.".to_string()),
+                    error_uri: None
+                }.into_response(),
+                Err(err) => {
+                    tracing::error!("Error retrieving auth request: {}", err);
+                    return StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.into_response();
+                }
+            };
+            if client_id != request.client_id {
+                return Error {
+                    kind: ErrorKind::InvalidGrant,
+                    msg: Some("This authorization code isn't yours.".to_string()),
+                    error_uri: None
+                }.into_response()
+            }
+            if redirect_uri != request.redirect_uri {
+                return Error {
+                    kind: ErrorKind::InvalidGrant,
+                    msg: Some("This redirect_uri doesn't match the one the code has been sent to.".to_string()),
+                    error_uri: None
+                }.into_response()
+            }
+            if !request.code_challenge.verify(code_verifier) {
+                return Error {
+                    kind: ErrorKind::InvalidGrant,
+                    msg: Some("The PKCE challenge failed.".to_string()),
+                    // are RFCs considered human-readable? 😝
+                    error_uri: "https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7636#section-4.6".parse().ok()
+                }.into_response()
+            }
+            let me: url::Url = format!("https://{}/", host).parse().unwrap();
+            if request.me.unwrap() != me {
+                return Error {
+                    kind: ErrorKind::InvalidGrant,
+                    msg: Some("This authorization endpoint does not serve this user.".to_string()),
+                    error_uri: None
+                }.into_response()
+            }
+            let profile = if request.scope.as_ref()
+                                  .map(|s| s.has(&Scope::Profile))
+                                  .unwrap_or_default()
+            {
+                match get_profile(
+                    db,
+                    me.as_str(),
+                    request.scope.as_ref()
+                        .map(|s| s.has(&Scope::Email))
+                        .unwrap_or_default()
+                ).await {
+                    Ok(profile) => {
+                        tracing::debug!("Retrieved profile: {:?}", profile);
+                        profile
+                    },
+                    Err(err) => {
+                        tracing::error!("Error retrieving profile from database: {}", err);
+                        return StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.into_response()
+                    }
+                }
+            } else {
+                None
+            };
+            GrantResponse::ProfileUrl { me, profile }.into_response()
+        },
+        _ => Error {
+            kind: ErrorKind::InvalidGrant,
+            msg: Some("The provided grant_type is unusable on this endpoint.".to_string()),
+            error_uri: "https://indieauth.spec.indieweb.org/#redeeming-the-authorization-code".parse().ok()
+        }.into_response()
+    }
+#[tracing::instrument(skip(backend, db))]
+async fn token_endpoint_post<A: AuthBackend, D: Storage + 'static>(
+    Host(host): Host,
+    Extension(backend): Extension<A>,
+    Extension(db): Extension<D>,
+    Form(grant): Form<GrantRequest>,
+) -> Response {
+    #[inline]
+    fn prepare_access_token(me: url::Url, client_id: url::Url, scope: Scopes) -> TokenData {
+        TokenData {
+            me, client_id, scope,
+            exp: (std::time::SystemTime::now()
+                  .duration_since(std::time::UNIX_EPOCH)
+                  .unwrap()
+                  + std::time::Duration::from_secs(ACCESS_TOKEN_VALIDITY))
+                .as_secs()
+                .into(),
+            iat: std::time::SystemTime::now()
+                .duration_since(std::time::UNIX_EPOCH)
+                .unwrap()
+                .as_secs()
+                .into()
+        }
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn prepare_refresh_token(me: url::Url, client_id: url::Url, scope: Scopes) -> TokenData {
+        TokenData {
+            me, client_id, scope,
+            exp: (std::time::SystemTime::now()
+                  .duration_since(std::time::UNIX_EPOCH)
+                  .unwrap()
+                  + std::time::Duration::from_secs(REFRESH_TOKEN_VALIDITY))
+                .as_secs()
+                .into(),
+            iat: std::time::SystemTime::now()
+                .duration_since(std::time::UNIX_EPOCH)
+                .unwrap()
+                .as_secs()
+                .into()
+        }
+    }
+    let me: url::Url = format!("https://{}/", host).parse().unwrap();
+    match grant {
+        GrantRequest::AuthorizationCode {
+            code,
+            client_id,
+            redirect_uri,
+            code_verifier
+        } => {
+            let request: AuthorizationRequest = match backend.get_code(&code).await {
+                Ok(Some(request)) => request,
+                Ok(None) => return Error {
+                    kind: ErrorKind::InvalidGrant,
+                    msg: Some("The provided authorization code is invalid.".to_string()),
+                    error_uri: None
+                }.into_response(),
+                Err(err) => {
+                    tracing::error!("Error retrieving auth request: {}", err);
+                    return StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.into_response();
+                }
+            };
+            tracing::debug!("Retrieved authorization request: {:?}", request);
+            let scope = if let Some(scope) = request.scope { scope } else {
+                return Error {
+                    kind: ErrorKind::InvalidScope,
+                    msg: Some("Tokens cannot be issued if no scopes are requested.".to_string()),
+                    error_uri: "https://indieauth.spec.indieweb.org/#access-token-response".parse().ok()
+                }.into_response();
+            };
+            if client_id != request.client_id {
+                return Error {
+                    kind: ErrorKind::InvalidGrant,
+                    msg: Some("This authorization code isn't yours.".to_string()),
+                    error_uri: None
+                }.into_response()
+            }
+            if redirect_uri != request.redirect_uri {
+                return Error {
+                    kind: ErrorKind::InvalidGrant,
+                    msg: Some("This redirect_uri doesn't match the one the code has been sent to.".to_string()),
+                    error_uri: None
+                }.into_response()
+            }
+            if !request.code_challenge.verify(code_verifier) {
+                return Error {
+                    kind: ErrorKind::InvalidGrant,
+                    msg: Some("The PKCE challenge failed.".to_string()),
+                    error_uri: "https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7636#section-4.6".parse().ok()
+                }.into_response();
+            }
+            // Note: we can trust the `request.me` value, since we set
+            // it earlier before generating the authorization code
+            if request.me.unwrap() != me {
+                return Error {
+                    kind: ErrorKind::InvalidGrant,
+                    msg: Some("This authorization endpoint does not serve this user.".to_string()),
+                    error_uri: None
+                }.into_response()
+            }
+            let profile = if dbg!(scope.has(&Scope::Profile)) {
+                match get_profile(
+                    db,
+                    me.as_str(),
+                    scope.has(&Scope::Email)
+                ).await {
+                    Ok(profile) => dbg!(profile),
+                    Err(err) => {
+                        tracing::error!("Error retrieving profile from database: {}", err);
+                        return StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.into_response()
+                    }
+                }
+            } else {
+                None
+            };
+            let access_token = match backend.create_token(
+                prepare_access_token(me.clone(), client_id.clone(), scope.clone())
+            ).await {
+                Ok(token) => token,
+                Err(err) => {
+                    tracing::error!("Error creating access token: {}", err);
+                    return StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.into_response();
+                }
+            };
+            // TODO: only create refresh token if user allows it
+            let refresh_token = match backend.create_refresh_token(
+                prepare_refresh_token(me.clone(), client_id, scope.clone())
+            ).await {
+                Ok(token) => token,
+                Err(err) => {
+                    tracing::error!("Error creating refresh token: {}", err);
+                    return StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.into_response();
+                }
+            };
+            GrantResponse::AccessToken {
+                me,
+                profile,
+                access_token,
+                token_type: kittybox_indieauth::TokenType::Bearer,
+                scope: Some(scope),
+                expires_in: Some(ACCESS_TOKEN_VALIDITY),
+                refresh_token: Some(refresh_token)
+            }.into_response()
+        },
+        GrantRequest::RefreshToken {
+            refresh_token,
+            client_id,
+            scope
+        } => {
+            let data = match backend.get_refresh_token(&me, &refresh_token).await {
+                Ok(Some(token)) => token,
+                Ok(None) => return Error {
+                    kind: ErrorKind::InvalidGrant,
+                    msg: Some("This refresh token is not valid.".to_string()),
+                    error_uri: None
+                }.into_response(),
+                Err(err) => {
+                    tracing::error!("Error retrieving refresh token: {}", err);
+                    return StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.into_response()
+                }
+            };
+            if data.client_id != client_id {
+                return Error {
+                    kind: ErrorKind::InvalidGrant,
+                    msg: Some("This refresh token is not yours.".to_string()),
+                    error_uri: None
+                }.into_response();
+            }
+            let scope = if let Some(scope) = scope {
+                if !data.scope.has_all(scope.as_ref()) {
+                    return Error {
+                        kind: ErrorKind::InvalidScope,
+                        msg: Some("You can't request additional scopes through the refresh token grant.".to_string()),
+                        error_uri: None
+                    }.into_response();
+                }
+                scope
+            } else {
+                // Note: check skipped because of redundancy (comparing a scope list with itself)
+                data.scope
+            };
+            let profile = if scope.has(&Scope::Profile) {
+                match get_profile(
+                    db,
+                    data.me.as_str(),
+                    scope.has(&Scope::Email)
+                ).await {
+                    Ok(profile) => profile,
+                    Err(err) => {
+                        tracing::error!("Error retrieving profile from database: {}", err);
+                        return StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.into_response()
+                    }
+                }
+            } else {
+                None
+            };
+            let access_token = match backend.create_token(
+                prepare_access_token(data.me.clone(), client_id.clone(), scope.clone())
+            ).await {
+                Ok(token) => token,
+                Err(err) => {
+                    tracing::error!("Error creating access token: {}", err);
+                    return StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.into_response();
+                }
+            };
+            let old_refresh_token = refresh_token;
+            let refresh_token = match backend.create_refresh_token(
+                prepare_refresh_token(data.me.clone(), client_id, scope.clone())
+            ).await {
+                Ok(token) => token,
+                Err(err) => {
+                    tracing::error!("Error creating refresh token: {}", err);
+                    return StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.into_response();
+                }
+            };
+            if let Err(err) = backend.revoke_refresh_token(&me, &old_refresh_token).await {
+                tracing::error!("Error revoking refresh token: {}", err);
+                return StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.into_response();
+            }
+            GrantResponse::AccessToken {
+                me: data.me,
+                profile,
+                access_token,
+                token_type: kittybox_indieauth::TokenType::Bearer,
+                scope: Some(scope),
+                expires_in: Some(ACCESS_TOKEN_VALIDITY),
+                refresh_token: Some(refresh_token)
+            }.into_response()
+        }
+    }
+#[tracing::instrument(skip(backend, token_request))]
+async fn introspection_endpoint_post<A: AuthBackend>(
+    Host(host): Host,
+    TypedHeader(Authorization(auth_token)): TypedHeader<Authorization<Bearer>>,
+    Extension(backend): Extension<A>,
+    Form(token_request): Form<TokenIntrospectionRequest>,
+) -> Response {
+    use serde_json::json;
+    let me: url::Url = format!("https://{}/", host).parse().unwrap();
+    // Check authentication first
+    match backend.get_token(&me, auth_token.token()).await {
+        Ok(Some(token)) => if !token.scope.has(&Scope::custom(KITTYBOX_TOKEN_STATUS)) {
+            return (StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED, Json(json!({
+                "error": kittybox_indieauth::ResourceErrorKind::InsufficientScope
+            }))).into_response();
+        },
+        Ok(None) => return (StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED, Json(json!({
+            "error": kittybox_indieauth::ResourceErrorKind::InvalidToken
+        }))).into_response(),
+        Err(err) => {
+            tracing::error!("Error retrieving token data for introspection: {}", err);
+            return StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.into_response()
+        }
+    }
+    let response: TokenIntrospectionResponse = match backend.get_token(&me, &token_request.token).await {
+        Ok(maybe_data) => maybe_data.into(),
+        Err(err) => {
+            tracing::error!("Error retrieving token data: {}", err);
+            return StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.into_response()
+        }
+    };
+    response.into_response()
+async fn revocation_endpoint_post<A: AuthBackend>(
+    Host(host): Host,
+    Extension(backend): Extension<A>,
+    Form(revocation): Form<TokenRevocationRequest>,
+) -> impl IntoResponse {
+    let me: url::Url = format!("https://{}/", host).parse().unwrap();
+    if let Err(err) = tokio::try_join!(
+        backend.revoke_token(&me, &revocation.token),
+        backend.revoke_refresh_token(&me, &revocation.token)
+    ) {
+        tracing::error!("Error revoking token: {}", err);
+        StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
+    } else {
+        StatusCode::OK
+    }
+async fn get_profile<D: Storage + 'static>(
+    db: D,
+    url: &str,
+    email: bool
+) -> crate::database::Result<Option<Profile>> {
+    Ok(db.get_post(url).await?.map(|mut mf2| {
+        // Ruthlessly manually destructure the MF2 document to save memory
+        let name = match mf2["properties"]["name"][0].take() {
+            serde_json::Value::String(s) => Some(s),
+            _ => None
+        };
+        let url = match mf2["properties"]["uid"][0].take() {
+            serde_json::Value::String(s) => s.parse().ok(),
+            _ => None
+        };
+        let photo = match mf2["properties"]["photo"][0].take() {
+            serde_json::Value::String(s) => s.parse().ok(),
+            _ => None
+        };
+        let email = if email {
+            match mf2["properties"]["email"][0].take() {
+                serde_json::Value::String(s) => Some(s),
+                _ => None
+            }
+        } else {
+            None
+        };
+        Profile { name, url, photo, email }
+    }))
+async fn userinfo_endpoint_get<A: AuthBackend, D: Storage + 'static>(
+    Host(host): Host,
+    TypedHeader(Authorization(auth_token)): TypedHeader<Authorization<Bearer>>,
+    Extension(backend): Extension<A>,
+    Extension(db): Extension<D>
+) -> Response {
+    use serde_json::json;
+    let me: url::Url = format!("https://{}/", host).parse().unwrap();
+    match backend.get_token(&me, auth_token.token()).await {
+        Ok(Some(token)) => {
+            if token.expired() {
+                return (StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED, Json(json!({
+                    "error": kittybox_indieauth::ResourceErrorKind::InvalidToken
+                }))).into_response();
+            }
+            if !token.scope.has(&Scope::Profile) {
+                return (StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED, Json(json!({
+                    "error": kittybox_indieauth::ResourceErrorKind::InsufficientScope
+                }))).into_response();
+            }
+            match get_profile(db, me.as_str(), token.scope.has(&Scope::Email)).await {
+                Ok(Some(profile)) => profile.into_response(),
+                Ok(None) => Json(json!({
+                    // We do this because ResourceErrorKind is IndieAuth errors only
+                    "error": "invalid_request"
+                })).into_response(),
+                Err(err) => {
+                    tracing::error!("Error retrieving profile from database: {}", err);
+                    StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.into_response()
+                }
+            }
+        },
+        Ok(None) => Json(json!({
+            "error": kittybox_indieauth::ResourceErrorKind::InvalidToken
+        })).into_response(),
+        Err(err) => {
+            tracing::error!("Error reading token: {}", err);
+            StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.into_response()
+        }
+    }
+pub fn router<A: AuthBackend, D: Storage + 'static>(backend: A, db: D, http: reqwest::Client) -> axum::Router {
+    use axum::routing::{Router, get, post};
+    Router::new()
+        .nest(
+            "/.kittybox/indieauth",
+            Router::new()
+                .route("/metadata",
+                       get(metadata))
+                .route(
+                    "/auth",
+                    get(authorization_endpoint_get::<A, D>)
+                        .post(authorization_endpoint_post::<A, D>))
+                .route(
+                    "/auth/confirm",
+                    post(authorization_endpoint_confirm::<A>))
+                .route(
+                    "/token",
+                    post(token_endpoint_post::<A, D>))
+                .route(
+                    "/token_status",
+                    post(introspection_endpoint_post::<A>))
+                .route(
+                    "/revoke_token",
+                    post(revocation_endpoint_post::<A>))
+                .route(
+                    "/userinfo",
+                    get(userinfo_endpoint_get::<A, D>))
+                .route("/webauthn/pre_register",
+                       get(
+                           #[cfg(feature = "webauthn")] webauthn::webauthn_pre_register::<A, D>,
+                           #[cfg(not(feature = "webauthn"))] || std::future::ready(axum::http::StatusCode::NOT_FOUND)
+                       )
+                )
+                .layer(tower_http::cors::CorsLayer::new()
+                       .allow_methods([
+                           axum::http::Method::GET,
+                           axum::http::Method::POST
+                       ])
+                       .allow_origin(tower_http::cors::Any))
+                .layer(Extension(backend))
+            // I don't really like the fact that I have to use the whole database
+            // If I could, I would've designed a separate trait for getting profiles
+            // And made databases implement it, for example
+                .layer(Extension(db))
+                .layer(Extension(http))
+        )
+        .route(
+            "/.well-known/oauth-authorization-server",
+            get(|| std::future::ready(
+                (StatusCode::FOUND,
+                 [("Location",
+                   "/.kittybox/indieauth/metadata")]
+                ).into_response()
+            ))
+        )
+mod tests {
+    #[test]
+    fn test_deserialize_authorization_confirmation() {
+        use super::{Credential, AuthorizationConfirmation};
+        let confirmation = serde_json::from_str::<AuthorizationConfirmation>(r#"{
+            "request":{
+                "response_type": "code",
+                "client_id": "https://quill.p3k.io/",
+                "redirect_uri": "https://quill.p3k.io/",
+                "state": "10101010",
+                "code_challenge": "awooooooooooo",
+                "code_challenge_method": "S256",
+                "scope": "create+media"
+            },
+            "authorization_method": "swordfish"
+        }"#).unwrap();
+        match confirmation.authorization_method {
+            Credential::Password(password) => assert_eq!(password.as_str(), "swordfish"),
+            #[allow(unreachable_patterns)]
+            other => panic!("Incorrect credential: {:?}", other)
+        }
+        assert_eq!(confirmation.request.state.as_ref(), "10101010");
+    }
diff --git a/src/indieauth/webauthn.rs b/src/indieauth/webauthn.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea3ad3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/indieauth/webauthn.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+use axum::{
+    extract::{Json, Host},
+    response::{IntoResponse, Response},
+    http::StatusCode, Extension, TypedHeader, headers::{authorization::Bearer, Authorization}
+use axum_extra::extract::cookie::{CookieJar, Cookie};
+use super::backend::AuthBackend;
+use crate::database::Storage;
+pub(crate) const CHALLENGE_ID_COOKIE: &str = "kittybox_webauthn_challenge_id";
+macro_rules! bail {
+    ($msg:literal, $err:expr) => {
+        {
+            ::tracing::error!($msg, $err);
+            return ::axum::http::StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.into_response()
+        }
+    }
+pub async fn webauthn_pre_register<A: AuthBackend, D: Storage + 'static>(
+    Host(host): Host,
+    Extension(db): Extension<D>,
+    Extension(auth): Extension<A>,
+    cookies: CookieJar
+) -> Response {
+    let uid = format!("https://{}/", host.clone());
+    let uid_url: url::Url = uid.parse().unwrap();
+    // This will not find an h-card in onboarding!
+    let display_name = match db.get_post(&uid).await {
+        Ok(hcard) => match hcard {
+            Some(mut hcard) => {
+                match hcard["properties"]["uid"][0].take() {
+                    serde_json::Value::String(name) => name,
+                    _ => String::default()
+                }
+            },
+            None => String::default()
+        },
+        Err(err) => bail!("Error retrieving h-card: {}", err)
+    };
+    let webauthn = webauthn::WebauthnBuilder::new(
+        &host,
+        &uid_url
+    )
+        .unwrap()
+        .rp_name("Kittybox")
+        .build()
+        .unwrap();
+    let (challenge, state) = match webauthn.start_passkey_registration(
+        // Note: using a nil uuid here is fine
+        // Because the user corresponds to a website anyway
+        // We do not track multiple users
+        webauthn::prelude::Uuid::nil(),
+        &uid,
+        &display_name,
+        Some(vec![])
+    ) {
+        Ok((challenge, state)) => (challenge, state),
+        Err(err) => bail!("Error generating WebAuthn registration data: {}", err)
+    };
+    match auth.persist_registration_challenge(&uid_url, state).await {
+        Ok(challenge_id) => (
+            cookies.add(
+                Cookie::build(CHALLENGE_ID_COOKIE, challenge_id)
+                    .secure(true)
+                    .finish()
+            ),
+            Json(challenge)
+        ).into_response(),
+        Err(err) => bail!("Failed to persist WebAuthn challenge: {}", err)
+    }
+pub async fn webauthn_register<A: AuthBackend>(
+    Host(host): Host,
+    Json(credential): Json<webauthn::prelude::RegisterPublicKeyCredential>,
+    // TODO determine if we can use a cookie maybe?
+    user_credential: Option<TypedHeader<Authorization<Bearer>>>,
+    Extension(auth): Extension<A>
+) -> Response {
+    let uid = format!("https://{}/", host.clone());
+    let uid_url: url::Url = uid.parse().unwrap();
+    let pubkeys = match auth.list_webauthn_pubkeys(&uid_url).await {
+        Ok(pubkeys) => pubkeys,
+        Err(err) => bail!("Error enumerating existing WebAuthn credentials: {}", err)
+    };
+    if !pubkeys.is_empty() {
+        if let Some(TypedHeader(Authorization(token))) = user_credential {
+            // TODO check validity of the credential
+        } else {
+            return StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED.into_response()
+        }
+    }
+    return StatusCode::OK.into_response()
+pub(crate) async fn verify<A: AuthBackend>(
+    auth: &A,
+    website: &url::Url,
+    credential: webauthn::prelude::PublicKeyCredential,
+    challenge_id: &str
+) -> std::io::Result<bool> {
+    let host = website.host_str().unwrap();
+    let webauthn = webauthn::WebauthnBuilder::new(
+        host,
+        website
+    )
+        .unwrap()
+        .rp_name("Kittybox")
+        .build()
+        .unwrap();
+    match webauthn.finish_passkey_authentication(
+        &credential,
+        &auth.retrieve_authentication_challenge(&website, challenge_id).await?
+    ) {
+        Err(err) => {
+            tracing::error!("WebAuthn error: {}", err);
+            Ok(false)
+        },
+        Ok(authentication_result) => {
+            let counter = authentication_result.counter();
+            let cred_id = authentication_result.cred_id();
+            if authentication_result.needs_update() {
+                todo!()
+            }
+            Ok(true)
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/src/lib.rs b/src/lib.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1bd965
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+/// Database abstraction layer for Kittybox, allowing the CMS to work with any kind of database.
+pub mod database;
+pub mod frontend;
+pub mod media;
+pub mod micropub;
+pub mod indieauth;
+pub mod webmentions;
+pub mod companion {
+    use std::{collections::HashMap, sync::Arc};
+    use axum::{
+        extract::{Extension, Path},
+        response::{IntoResponse, Response}
+    };
+    #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
+    struct Resource {
+        data: &'static [u8],
+        mime: &'static str
+    }
+    impl IntoResponse for &Resource {
+        fn into_response(self) -> Response {
+            (axum::http::StatusCode::OK,
+             [("Content-Type", self.mime)],
+             self.data).into_response()
+        }
+    }
+    // TODO replace with the "phf" crate someday
+    type ResourceTable = Arc<HashMap<&'static str, Resource>>;
+    #[tracing::instrument]
+    async fn map_to_static(
+        Path(name): Path<String>,
+        Extension(resources): Extension<ResourceTable>
+    ) -> Response {
+        tracing::debug!("Searching for {} in the resource table...", name);
+        match resources.get(name.as_str()) {
+            Some(res) => res.into_response(),
+            None => {
+                #[cfg(debug_assertions)] tracing::error!("Not found");
+                (axum::http::StatusCode::NOT_FOUND,
+                 [("Content-Type", "text/plain")],
+                 "Not found. Sorry.".as_bytes()).into_response()
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    #[must_use]
+    pub fn router() -> axum::Router {
+        let resources: ResourceTable = {
+            let mut map = HashMap::new();
+            macro_rules! register_resource {
+                ($map:ident, $prefix:expr, ($filename:literal, $mime:literal)) => {{
+                    $map.insert($filename, Resource {
+                        data: include_bytes!(concat!($prefix, $filename)),
+                        mime: $mime
+                    })
+                }};
+                ($map:ident, $prefix:expr, ($filename:literal, $mime:literal), $( ($f:literal, $m:literal) ),+) => {{
+                    register_resource!($map, $prefix, ($filename, $mime));
+                    register_resource!($map, $prefix, $(($f, $m)),+);
+                }};
+            }
+            register_resource! {
+                map,
+                concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/", "companion", "/"),
+                ("index.html", "text/html; charset=\"utf-8\""),
+                ("main.js", "text/javascript"),
+                ("micropub_api.js", "text/javascript"),
+                ("indieauth.js", "text/javascript"),
+                ("base64.js", "text/javascript"),
+                ("style.css", "text/css")
+            };
+            Arc::new(map)
+        };
+        axum::Router::new()
+            .route(
+                "/:filename",
+                axum::routing::get(map_to_static)
+                    .layer(Extension(resources))
+            )
+    }
diff --git a/src/main.rs b/src/main.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6389489
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
+use kittybox::database::FileStorage;
+use std::{env, time::Duration, sync::Arc};
+use tracing::error;
+fn init_media<A: kittybox::indieauth::backend::AuthBackend>(auth_backend: A, blobstore_uri: &str) -> axum::Router {
+    match blobstore_uri.split_once(':').unwrap().0 {
+        "file" => {
+            let folder = std::path::PathBuf::from(
+                blobstore_uri.strip_prefix("file://").unwrap()
+            );
+            let blobstore = kittybox::media::storage::file::FileStore::new(folder);
+            kittybox::media::router::<_, _>(blobstore, auth_backend)
+        },
+        other => unimplemented!("Unsupported backend: {other}")
+    }
+async fn compose_kittybox_with_auth<A>(
+    http: reqwest::Client,
+    auth_backend: A,
+    backend_uri: &str,
+    blobstore_uri: &str,
+    job_queue_uri: &str,
+    jobset: &Arc<tokio::sync::Mutex<tokio::task::JoinSet<()>>>,
+    cancellation_token: &tokio_util::sync::CancellationToken
+) -> (axum::Router, kittybox::webmentions::SupervisedTask)
+where A: kittybox::indieauth::backend::AuthBackend
+    match backend_uri.split_once(':').unwrap().0 {
+        "file" => {
+            let database = {
+                let folder = backend_uri.strip_prefix("file://").unwrap();
+                let path = std::path::PathBuf::from(folder);
+                match kittybox::database::FileStorage::new(path).await {
+                    Ok(db) => db,
+                    Err(err) => {
+                        error!("Error creating database: {:?}", err);
+                        std::process::exit(1);
+                    }
+                }
+            };
+            // Technically, if we don't construct the micropub router,
+            // we could use some wrapper that makes the database
+            // read-only.
+            //
+            // This would allow to exclude all code to write to the
+            // database and separate reader and writer processes of
+            // Kittybox to improve security.
+            let homepage: axum::routing::MethodRouter<_> = axum::routing::get(
+                kittybox::frontend::homepage::<FileStorage>
+            )
+                .layer(axum::Extension(database.clone()));
+            let fallback = axum::routing::get(
+                kittybox::frontend::catchall::<FileStorage>
+            )
+                .layer(axum::Extension(database.clone()));
+            let micropub = kittybox::micropub::router(
+                database.clone(),
+                http.clone(),
+                auth_backend.clone(),
+                Arc::clone(jobset)
+            );
+            let onboarding = kittybox::frontend::onboarding::router(
+                database.clone(), http.clone(), Arc::clone(jobset)
+            );
+            let (webmention, task) = kittybox::webmentions::router(
+                kittybox::webmentions::queue::PostgresJobQueue::new(job_queue_uri).await.unwrap(),
+                database.clone(),
+                http.clone(),
+                cancellation_token.clone()
+            );
+            let router = axum::Router::new()
+                .route("/", homepage)
+                .fallback(fallback)
+                .route("/.kittybox/micropub", micropub)
+                .route("/.kittybox/onboarding", onboarding)
+                .nest("/.kittybox/media", init_media(auth_backend.clone(), blobstore_uri))
+                .merge(kittybox::indieauth::router(auth_backend.clone(), database.clone(), http.clone()))
+                .merge(webmention)
+                .route(
+                    "/.kittybox/health",
+                    axum::routing::get(health_check::<kittybox::database::FileStorage>)
+                        .layer(axum::Extension(database))
+                );
+            (router, task)
+        },
+        "redis" => unimplemented!("Redis backend is not supported."),
+        #[cfg(feature = "postgres")]
+        "postgres" => {
+            use kittybox::database::PostgresStorage;
+            let database = {
+                match PostgresStorage::new(backend_uri).await {
+                    Ok(db) => db,
+                    Err(err) => {
+                        error!("Error creating database: {:?}", err);
+                        std::process::exit(1);
+                    }
+                }
+            };
+            // Technically, if we don't construct the micropub router,
+            // we could use some wrapper that makes the database
+            // read-only.
+            //
+            // This would allow to exclude all code to write to the
+            // database and separate reader and writer processes of
+            // Kittybox to improve security.
+            let homepage: axum::routing::MethodRouter<_> = axum::routing::get(
+                kittybox::frontend::homepage::<PostgresStorage>
+            )
+                .layer(axum::Extension(database.clone()));
+            let fallback = axum::routing::get(
+                kittybox::frontend::catchall::<PostgresStorage>
+            )
+                .layer(axum::Extension(database.clone()));
+            let micropub = kittybox::micropub::router(
+                database.clone(),
+                http.clone(),
+                auth_backend.clone(),
+                Arc::clone(jobset)
+            );
+            let onboarding = kittybox::frontend::onboarding::router(
+                database.clone(), http.clone(), Arc::clone(jobset)
+            );
+            let (webmention, task) = kittybox::webmentions::router(
+                kittybox::webmentions::queue::PostgresJobQueue::new(job_queue_uri).await.unwrap(),
+                database.clone(),
+                http.clone(),
+                cancellation_token.clone()
+            );
+            let router = axum::Router::new()
+                .route("/", homepage)
+                .fallback(fallback)
+                .route("/.kittybox/micropub", micropub)
+                .route("/.kittybox/onboarding", onboarding)
+                .nest("/.kittybox/media", init_media(auth_backend.clone(), blobstore_uri))
+                .merge(kittybox::indieauth::router(auth_backend.clone(), database.clone(), http.clone()))
+                .merge(webmention)
+                .route(
+                    "/.kittybox/health",
+                    axum::routing::get(health_check::<kittybox::database::PostgresStorage>)
+                        .layer(axum::Extension(database))
+                );
+            (router, task)
+        },
+        other => unimplemented!("Unsupported backend: {other}")
+    }
+async fn compose_kittybox(
+    backend_uri: &str,
+    blobstore_uri: &str,
+    authstore_uri: &str,
+    job_queue_uri: &str,
+    jobset: &Arc<tokio::sync::Mutex<tokio::task::JoinSet<()>>>,
+    cancellation_token: &tokio_util::sync::CancellationToken
+) -> (axum::Router, kittybox::webmentions::SupervisedTask) {
+    let http: reqwest::Client = {
+        #[allow(unused_mut)]
+        let mut builder = reqwest::Client::builder()
+            .user_agent(concat!(
+                env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME"),
+                "/",
+                env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")
+            ));
+        if let Ok(certs) = std::env::var("KITTYBOX_CUSTOM_PKI_ROOTS") {
+            // TODO: add a root certificate if there's an environment variable pointing at it
+            for path in certs.split(':') {
+                let metadata = match tokio::fs::metadata(path).await {
+                    Ok(metadata) => metadata,
+                    Err(err) if err.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound => {
+                        tracing::error!("TLS root certificate {} not found, skipping...", path);
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    Err(err) => panic!("Error loading TLS certificates: {}", err)
+                };
+                if metadata.is_dir() {
+                    let mut dir = tokio::fs::read_dir(path).await.unwrap();
+                    while let Ok(Some(file)) = dir.next_entry().await {
+                        let pem = tokio::fs::read(file.path()).await.unwrap();
+                        builder = builder.add_root_certificate(
+                            reqwest::Certificate::from_pem(&pem).unwrap()
+                        );
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    let pem = tokio::fs::read(path).await.unwrap();
+                    builder = builder.add_root_certificate(
+                        reqwest::Certificate::from_pem(&pem).unwrap()
+                    );
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        builder.build().unwrap()
+    };
+    let (router, task) = match authstore_uri.split_once(':').unwrap().0 {
+        "file" => {
+            let auth_backend = {
+                let folder = authstore_uri
+                    .strip_prefix("file://")
+                    .unwrap();
+                kittybox::indieauth::backend::fs::FileBackend::new(folder)
+            };
+            compose_kittybox_with_auth(http, auth_backend, backend_uri, blobstore_uri, job_queue_uri, jobset, cancellation_token).await
+        }
+        other => unimplemented!("Unsupported backend: {other}")
+    };
+    let router = router
+        .route(
+            "/.kittybox/static/:path",
+            axum::routing::get(kittybox::frontend::statics)
+        )
+        .route("/.kittybox/coffee", teapot_route())
+        .nest("/.kittybox/micropub/client", kittybox::companion::router())
+        .layer(tower_http::trace::TraceLayer::new_for_http())
+        .layer(tower_http::catch_panic::CatchPanicLayer::new());
+    (router, task)
+fn teapot_route() -> axum::routing::MethodRouter {
+    axum::routing::get(|| async {
+        use axum::http::{header, StatusCode};
+        (StatusCode::IM_A_TEAPOT, [(header::CONTENT_TYPE, "text/plain")], "Sorry, can't brew coffee yet!")
+    })
+async fn health_check</*A, B, */D>(
+    //axum::Extension(auth): axum::Extension<A>,
+    //axum::Extension(blob): axum::Extension<B>,
+    axum::Extension(data): axum::Extension<D>,
+) -> impl axum::response::IntoResponse
+    //A: kittybox::indieauth::backend::AuthBackend,
+    //B: kittybox::media::storage::MediaStore,
+    D: kittybox::database::Storage
+    (axum::http::StatusCode::OK, std::borrow::Cow::Borrowed("OK"))
+async fn main() {
+    use tracing_subscriber::{layer::SubscriberExt, util::SubscriberInitExt, EnvFilter, Registry};
+    let tracing_registry = Registry::default()
+        .with(EnvFilter::from_default_env())
+        .with(
+            #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
+            tracing_tree::HierarchicalLayer::new(2)
+                .with_bracketed_fields(true)
+                .with_indent_lines(true)
+                .with_verbose_exit(true),
+            #[cfg(not(debug_assertions))]
+            tracing_subscriber::fmt::layer().json()
+                .with_ansi(std::io::IsTerminal::is_terminal(&std::io::stdout().lock()))
+        );
+    // In debug builds, also log to JSON, but to file.
+    #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
+    let tracing_registry = tracing_registry.with(
+        tracing_subscriber::fmt::layer()
+            .json()
+            .with_writer({
+                let instant = std::time::SystemTime::now()
+                        .duration_since(std::time::UNIX_EPOCH)
+                        .unwrap();
+                move || std::fs::OpenOptions::new()
+                    .append(true)
+                    .create(true)
+                    .open(
+                        format!(
+                            "{}.log.json",
+                            instant
+                            .as_secs_f64()
+                            .to_string()
+                            .replace('.', "_")
+                        )
+                    ).unwrap()
+            })
+    );
+    tracing_registry.init();
+    tracing::info!("Starting the kittybox server...");
+    let backend_uri: String = env::var("BACKEND_URI")
+        .unwrap_or_else(|_| {
+            error!("BACKEND_URI is not set, cannot find a database");
+            std::process::exit(1);
+        });
+    let blobstore_uri: String = env::var("BLOBSTORE_URI")
+        .unwrap_or_else(|_| {
+            error!("BLOBSTORE_URI is not set, can't find media store");
+            std::process::exit(1);
+        });
+    let authstore_uri: String = env::var("AUTH_STORE_URI")
+        .unwrap_or_else(|_| {
+            error!("AUTH_STORE_URI is not set, can't find authentication store");
+            std::process::exit(1);
+        });
+    let job_queue_uri: String = env::var("JOB_QUEUE_URI")
+        .unwrap_or_else(|_| {
+            error!("JOB_QUEUE_URI is not set, can't find job queue");
+            std::process::exit(1);
+        });
+    let cancellation_token = tokio_util::sync::CancellationToken::new();
+    let jobset = Arc::new(tokio::sync::Mutex::new(tokio::task::JoinSet::new()));
+    let (router, webmentions_task) = compose_kittybox(
+        backend_uri.as_str(),
+        blobstore_uri.as_str(),
+        authstore_uri.as_str(),
+        job_queue_uri.as_str(),
+        &jobset,
+        &cancellation_token
+    ).await;
+    let mut servers: Vec<hyper::server::Server<hyper::server::conn::AddrIncoming, _>> = vec![];
+    let build_hyper = |tcp: std::net::TcpListener| {
+        tracing::info!("Listening on {}", tcp.local_addr().unwrap());
+        // Set the socket to non-blocking so tokio can poll it
+        // properly -- this is the async magic!
+        tcp.set_nonblocking(true).unwrap();
+        hyper::server::Server::from_tcp(tcp).unwrap()
+            // Otherwise Chrome keeps connections open for too long
+            .tcp_keepalive(Some(Duration::from_secs(30 * 60)))
+            .serve(router.clone().into_make_service())
+    };
+    let mut listenfd = listenfd::ListenFd::from_env();
+    for i in 0..(listenfd.len()) {
+        match listenfd.take_tcp_listener(i) {
+            Ok(Some(tcp)) => servers.push(build_hyper(tcp)),
+            Ok(None) => {},
+            Err(err) => tracing::error!("Error binding to socket in fd {}: {}", i, err)
+        }
+    }
+    // TODO this requires the `hyperlocal` crate
+    //#[rustfmt::skip]
+    /*#[cfg(unix)] {
+        let build_hyper_unix = |unix: std::os::unix::net::UnixListener| {
+            {
+                use std::os::linux::net::SocketAddrExt;
+                let local_addr = unix.local_addr().unwrap();
+                if let Some(pathname) = local_addr.as_pathname() {
+                    tracing::info!("Listening on unix:{}", pathname.display());
+                } else if let Some(name) = {
+                    #[cfg(linux)]
+                    local_addr.as_abstract_name();
+                    #[cfg(not(linux))]
+                    None::<&[u8]>
+                } {
+                    tracing::info!("Listening on unix:@{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(name));
+                } else {
+                    tracing::info!("Listening on unnamed unix socket");
+                }
+            }
+            unix.set_nonblocking(true).unwrap();
+            hyper::server::Server::builder(unix)
+                .serve(router.clone().into_make_service())
+        };
+        for i in 0..(listenfd.len()) {
+            match listenfd.take_unix_listener(i) {
+                Ok(Some(unix)) => servers.push(build_hyper_unix(unix)),
+                Ok(None) => {},
+                Err(err) => tracing::error!("Error binding to socket in fd {}: {}", i, err)
+            }
+        }
+    }*/
+    if servers.is_empty() {
+        servers.push(build_hyper({
+            let listen_addr = env::var("SERVE_AT")
+                .ok()
+                .unwrap_or_else(|| "[::]:8080".to_string())
+                .parse::<std::net::SocketAddr>()
+                .unwrap_or_else(|e| {
+                    error!("Cannot parse SERVE_AT: {}", e);
+                    std::process::exit(1);
+                });
+            std::net::TcpListener::bind(listen_addr).unwrap()
+        }))
+    }
+    // Drop the remaining copy of the router
+    // to get rid of an extra reference to `jobset`
+    drop(router);
+    // Polling streams mutates them
+    let mut servers_futures = Box::pin(servers.into_iter()
+        .map(
+            #[cfg(not(tokio_unstable))] |server| tokio::task::spawn(
+                server.with_graceful_shutdown(cancellation_token.clone().cancelled_owned())
+            ),
+            #[cfg(tokio_unstable)] |server| {
+                tokio::task::Builder::new()
+                    .name(format!("Kittybox HTTP acceptor: {}", server.local_addr()).as_str())
+                    .spawn(
+                        server.with_graceful_shutdown(
+                            cancellation_token.clone().cancelled_owned()
+                        )
+                    )
+                    .unwrap()
+            }
+        )
+        .collect::<futures_util::stream::FuturesUnordered<tokio::task::JoinHandle<Result<(), hyper::Error>>>>()
+    );
+    #[cfg(not(unix))]
+    let shutdown_signal = tokio::signal::ctrl_c();
+    #[cfg(unix)]
+    let shutdown_signal = {
+        use tokio::signal::unix::{signal, SignalKind};
+        async move {
+            let mut interrupt = signal(SignalKind::interrupt())
+                .expect("Failed to set up SIGINT handler");
+            let mut terminate = signal(SignalKind::terminate())
+                .expect("Failed to setup SIGTERM handler");
+            tokio::select! {
+                _ = terminate.recv() => {},
+                _ = interrupt.recv() => {},
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    use futures_util::stream::StreamExt;
+    let exitcode: i32 = tokio::select! {
+        // Poll the servers stream for errors.
+        // If any error out, shut down the entire operation
+        //
+        // We do this because there might not be a good way
+        // to recover from some errors without external help
+        Some(Err(e)) = servers_futures.next() => {
+            tracing::error!("Error in HTTP server: {}", e);
+            tracing::error!("Shutting down because of error.");
+            cancellation_token.cancel();
+            1
+        }
+        _ = cancellation_token.cancelled() => {
+            tracing::info!("Signal caught from watchdog.");
+            0
+        }
+        _ = shutdown_signal => {
+            tracing::info!("Shutdown requested by signal.");
+            cancellation_token.cancel();
+            0
+        }
+    };
+    tracing::info!("Waiting for unfinished background tasks...");
+    let _ = tokio::join!(
+        webmentions_task,
+        Box::pin(futures_util::future::join_all(
+            servers_futures.iter_mut().collect::<Vec<_>>()
+        )),
+    );
+    let mut jobset: tokio::task::JoinSet<()> = Arc::try_unwrap(jobset)
+        .expect("Dangling jobset references present")
+        .into_inner();
+    while (jobset.join_next().await).is_some() {}
+    tracing::info!("Shutdown complete, exiting.");
+    std::process::exit(exitcode);
diff --git a/src/media/mod.rs b/src/media/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71f875e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/media/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+use std::convert::TryFrom;
+use axum::{
+    extract::{Extension, Host, multipart::Multipart, Path},
+    response::{IntoResponse, Response},
+    headers::{Header, HeaderValue, IfNoneMatch, HeaderMapExt},
+    TypedHeader,
+use kittybox_util::error::{MicropubError, ErrorType};
+use kittybox_indieauth::Scope;
+use crate::indieauth::{User, backend::AuthBackend};
+pub mod storage;
+use storage::{MediaStore, MediaStoreError, Metadata, ErrorKind};
+pub use storage::file::FileStore;
+impl From<MediaStoreError> for MicropubError {
+    fn from(err: MediaStoreError) -> Self {
+        Self {
+            error: ErrorType::InternalServerError,
+            error_description: format!("{}", err)
+        }
+    }
+pub(crate) async fn upload<S: MediaStore, A: AuthBackend>(
+    Extension(blobstore): Extension<S>,
+    user: User<A>,
+    mut upload: Multipart
+) -> Response {
+    if !user.check_scope(&Scope::Media) {
+        return MicropubError {
+            error: ErrorType::NotAuthorized,
+            error_description: "Interacting with the media storage requires the \"media\" scope.".to_owned()
+        }.into_response();
+    }
+    let host = user.me.host().unwrap().to_string() + &user.me.port().map(|i| format!(":{}", i)).unwrap_or_default();
+    let field = match upload.next_field().await {
+        Ok(Some(field)) => field,
+        Ok(None) => {
+            return MicropubError {
+                error: ErrorType::InvalidRequest,
+                error_description: "Send multipart/form-data with one field named file".to_owned()
+            }.into_response();
+        },
+        Err(err) => {
+            return MicropubError {
+                error: ErrorType::InternalServerError,
+                error_description: format!("Error while parsing multipart/form-data: {}", err)
+            }.into_response();
+        },
+    };
+    let metadata: Metadata = (&field).into();
+    match blobstore.write_streaming(&host, metadata, field).await {
+        Ok(filename) => IntoResponse::into_response((
+            axum::http::StatusCode::CREATED,
+            [
+                ("Location", user.me.join(
+                    &format!(".kittybox/media/uploads/{}", filename)
+                ).unwrap().as_str())
+            ]
+        )),
+        Err(err) => MicropubError::from(err).into_response()
+    }
+pub(crate) async fn serve<S: MediaStore>(
+    Host(host): Host,
+    Path(path): Path<String>,
+    if_none_match: Option<TypedHeader<IfNoneMatch>>,
+    Extension(blobstore): Extension<S>
+) -> Response {
+    use axum::http::StatusCode;
+    tracing::debug!("Searching for file...");
+    match blobstore.read_streaming(&host, path.as_str()).await {
+        Ok((metadata, stream)) => {
+            tracing::debug!("Metadata: {:?}", metadata);
+            let etag = if let Some(etag) = metadata.etag {
+                let etag = format!("\"{}\"", etag).parse::<axum::headers::ETag>().unwrap();
+                if let Some(TypedHeader(if_none_match)) = if_none_match {
+                    tracing::debug!("If-None-Match: {:?}", if_none_match);
+                    // If-None-Match is a negative precondition that
+                    // returns 304 when it doesn't match because it
+                    // only matches when file is different
+                    if !if_none_match.precondition_passes(&etag) {
+                        return StatusCode::NOT_MODIFIED.into_response()
+                    }
+                }
+                Some(etag)
+            } else { None };
+            let mut r = Response::builder();
+            {
+                let headers = r.headers_mut().unwrap();
+                headers.insert(
+                    "Content-Type",
+                    HeaderValue::from_str(
+                        metadata.content_type
+                            .as_deref()
+                            .unwrap_or("application/octet-stream")
+                    ).unwrap()
+                );
+                if let Some(length) = metadata.length {
+                    headers.insert(
+                        "Content-Length",
+                        HeaderValue::from_str(&length.to_string()).unwrap()
+                    );
+                }
+                if let Some(etag) = etag {
+                    headers.typed_insert(etag);
+                }
+            }
+            r.body(axum::body::StreamBody::new(stream))
+                .unwrap()
+                .into_response()
+        },
+        Err(err) => match err.kind() {
+            ErrorKind::NotFound => {
+                IntoResponse::into_response(StatusCode::NOT_FOUND)
+            },
+            _ => {
+                tracing::error!("{}", err);
+                IntoResponse::into_response(StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
+            }
+        }
+    }
+pub fn router<S: MediaStore, A: AuthBackend>(blobstore: S, auth: A) -> axum::Router {
+    axum::Router::new()
+        .route("/", axum::routing::post(upload::<S, A>))
+        .route("/uploads/*file", axum::routing::get(serve::<S>))
+        .layer(axum::Extension(blobstore))
+        .layer(axum::Extension(auth))
diff --git a/src/media/storage/file.rs b/src/media/storage/file.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0aaaa3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/media/storage/file.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+use super::{Metadata, ErrorKind, MediaStore, MediaStoreError, Result};
+use async_trait::async_trait;
+use std::{path::PathBuf, fmt::Debug};
+use tokio::fs::OpenOptions;
+use tokio::io::{BufReader, BufWriter, AsyncWriteExt, AsyncSeekExt};
+use futures::{StreamExt, TryStreamExt};
+use std::ops::{Bound, RangeBounds, Neg};
+use std::pin::Pin;
+use sha2::Digest;
+use futures::FutureExt;
+use tracing::{debug, error};
+const BUF_CAPACITY: usize = 16 * 1024;
+pub struct FileStore {
+    base: PathBuf,
+impl From<tokio::io::Error> for MediaStoreError {
+    fn from(source: tokio::io::Error) -> Self {
+        Self {
+            msg: format!("file I/O error: {}", source),
+            kind: match source.kind() {
+                std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound => ErrorKind::NotFound,
+                _ => ErrorKind::Backend
+            },
+            source: Some(Box::new(source)),
+        }
+    }
+impl FileStore {
+    pub fn new<T: Into<PathBuf>>(base: T) -> Self {
+        Self { base: base.into() }
+    }
+    async fn mktemp(&self) -> Result<(PathBuf, BufWriter<tokio::fs::File>)> {
+        kittybox_util::fs::mktemp(&self.base, "temp", 16)
+            .await
+            .map(|(name, file)| (name, BufWriter::new(file)))
+            .map_err(Into::into)
+    }
+impl MediaStore for FileStore {
+    #[tracing::instrument(skip(self, content))]
+    async fn write_streaming<T>(
+        &self,
+        domain: &str,
+        mut metadata: Metadata,
+        mut content: T,
+    ) -> Result<String>
+    where
+        T: tokio_stream::Stream<Item = std::result::Result<bytes::Bytes, axum::extract::multipart::MultipartError>> + Unpin + Send + Debug
+    {
+        let (tempfilepath, mut tempfile) = self.mktemp().await?;
+        debug!("Temporary file opened for storing pending upload: {}", tempfilepath.display());
+        let mut hasher = sha2::Sha256::new();
+        let mut length: usize = 0;
+        while let Some(chunk) = content.next().await {
+            let chunk = chunk.map_err(|err| MediaStoreError {
+                kind: ErrorKind::Backend,
+                source: Some(Box::new(err)),
+                msg: "Failed to read a data chunk".to_owned()
+            })?;
+            debug!("Read {} bytes from the stream", chunk.len());
+            length += chunk.len();
+            let (write_result, _hasher) = tokio::join!(
+                {
+                    let chunk = chunk.clone();
+                    let tempfile = &mut tempfile;
+                    async move {
+                        tempfile.write_all(&*chunk).await
+                    }
+                },
+                {
+                    let chunk = chunk.clone();
+                    tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
+                        hasher.update(&*chunk);
+                        hasher
+                    }).map(|r| r.unwrap())
+                }
+            );
+            if let Err(err) = write_result {
+                error!("Error while writing pending upload: {}", err);
+                drop(tempfile);
+                // this is just cleanup, nothing fails if it fails
+                // though temporary files might take up space on the hard drive
+                // We'll clean them when maintenance time comes
+                #[allow(unused_must_use)]
+                { tokio::fs::remove_file(tempfilepath).await; }
+                return Err(err.into());
+            }
+            hasher = _hasher;
+        }
+        // Manually flush the buffer and drop the handle to close the file
+        tempfile.flush().await?;
+        tempfile.into_inner().sync_all().await?;
+        let hash = hasher.finalize();
+        debug!("Pending upload hash: {}", hex::encode(&hash));
+        let filename = format!(
+            "{}/{}/{}/{}/{}",
+            hex::encode([hash[0]]),
+            hex::encode([hash[1]]),
+            hex::encode([hash[2]]),
+            hex::encode([hash[3]]),
+            hex::encode(&hash[4..32])
+        );
+        let domain_str = domain.to_string();
+        let filepath = self.base.join(domain_str.as_str()).join(&filename);
+        let metafilename = filename.clone() + ".json";
+        let metapath = self.base.join(domain_str.as_str()).join(&metafilename);
+        let metatemppath = self.base.join(domain_str.as_str()).join(metafilename + ".tmp");
+        metadata.length = std::num::NonZeroUsize::new(length);
+        metadata.etag = Some(hex::encode(&hash));
+        debug!("File path: {}, metadata: {}", filepath.display(), metapath.display());
+        {
+            let parent = filepath.parent().unwrap();
+            tokio::fs::create_dir_all(parent).await?;            
+        }
+        let mut meta = OpenOptions::new()
+            .create_new(true)
+            .write(true)
+            .open(&metatemppath)
+            .await?;
+        meta.write_all(&serde_json::to_vec(&metadata).unwrap()).await?;
+        tokio::fs::rename(tempfilepath, filepath).await?;
+        tokio::fs::rename(metatemppath, metapath).await?;
+        Ok(filename)
+    }
+    #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))]
+    async fn read_streaming(
+        &self,
+        domain: &str,
+        filename: &str,
+    ) -> Result<(Metadata, Pin<Box<dyn tokio_stream::Stream<Item = std::io::Result<bytes::Bytes>> + Send>>)> {
+        debug!("Domain: {}, filename: {}", domain, filename);
+        let path = self.base.join(domain).join(filename);
+        debug!("Path: {}", path.display());
+        let file = OpenOptions::new()
+            .read(true)
+            .open(path)
+            .await?;
+        let meta = self.metadata(domain, filename).await?;
+        Ok((meta, Box::pin(
+            tokio_util::io::ReaderStream::new(
+                // TODO: determine if BufReader provides benefit here
+                // From the logs it looks like we're reading 4KiB at a time
+                // Buffering file contents seems to double download speed
+                // How to benchmark this?
+                BufReader::with_capacity(BUF_CAPACITY, file)
+            )
+            // Sprinkle some salt in form of protective log wrapping
+                .inspect_ok(|chunk| debug!("Read {} bytes from file", chunk.len()))
+        )))
+    }
+    #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))]
+    async fn metadata(&self, domain: &str, filename: &str) -> Result<Metadata> {
+        let metapath = self.base.join(domain).join(format!("{}.json", filename));
+        debug!("Metadata path: {}", metapath.display());
+        let meta = serde_json::from_slice(&tokio::fs::read(metapath).await?)
+            .map_err(|err| MediaStoreError {
+                kind: ErrorKind::Json,
+                msg: format!("{}", err),
+                source: Some(Box::new(err))
+            })?;
+        Ok(meta)
+    }
+    #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))]
+    async fn stream_range(
+        &self,
+        domain: &str,
+        filename: &str,
+        range: (Bound<u64>, Bound<u64>)
+    ) -> Result<Pin<Box<dyn tokio_stream::Stream<Item = std::io::Result<bytes::Bytes>> + Send>>> {
+        let path = self.base.join(format!("{}/{}", domain, filename));
+        let metapath = self.base.join(format!("{}/{}.json", domain, filename));
+        debug!("Path: {}, metadata: {}", path.display(), metapath.display());
+        let mut file = OpenOptions::new()
+            .read(true)
+            .open(path)
+            .await?;
+        let start = match range {
+            (Bound::Included(bound), _) => {
+                debug!("Seeking {} bytes forward...", bound);
+                file.seek(std::io::SeekFrom::Start(bound)).await?
+            }
+            (Bound::Excluded(_), _) => unreachable!(),
+            (Bound::Unbounded, Bound::Included(bound)) => {
+                // Seek to the end minus the bounded bytes
+                debug!("Seeking {} bytes back from the end...", bound);
+                file.seek(std::io::SeekFrom::End(i64::try_from(bound).unwrap().neg())).await?
+            },
+            (Bound::Unbounded, Bound::Unbounded) => 0,
+            (_, Bound::Excluded(_)) => unreachable!()
+        };
+        let stream = Box::pin(tokio_util::io::ReaderStream::new(BufReader::with_capacity(BUF_CAPACITY, file)))
+            .map_ok({
+                let mut bytes_read = 0usize;
+                let len = match range {
+                    (_, Bound::Unbounded) => None,
+                    (Bound::Unbounded, Bound::Included(bound)) => Some(bound),
+                    (_, Bound::Included(bound)) => Some(bound + 1 - start),
+                    (_, Bound::Excluded(_)) => unreachable!()
+                };
+                move |chunk| {
+                    debug!("Read {} bytes from file, {} in this chunk", bytes_read, chunk.len());
+                    bytes_read += chunk.len();
+                    if let Some(len) = len.map(|len| len.try_into().unwrap()) {
+                        if bytes_read > len {
+                            if bytes_read - len > chunk.len() {
+                                return None
+                            }
+                            debug!("Truncating last {} bytes", bytes_read - len);
+                            return Some(chunk.slice(..chunk.len() - (bytes_read - len)))
+                        }
+                    }
+                    Some(chunk)
+                }
+            })
+            .try_take_while(|x| std::future::ready(Ok(x.is_some())))
+            // Will never panic, because the moment the stream yields
+            // a None, it is considered exhausted.
+            .map_ok(|x| x.unwrap());
+        return Ok(Box::pin(stream))
+    }
+    async fn delete(&self, domain: &str, filename: &str) -> Result<()> {
+        let path = self.base.join(format!("{}/{}", domain, filename));
+        Ok(tokio::fs::remove_file(path).await?)
+    }
+mod tests {
+    use super::{Metadata, FileStore, MediaStore};
+    use std::ops::Bound;
+    use tokio::io::AsyncReadExt;
+    #[tokio::test]
+    #[tracing_test::traced_test]
+    async fn test_ranges() {
+        let tempdir = tempfile::tempdir().expect("Failed to create tempdir");
+        let store = FileStore::new(tempdir.path());
+        let file: &[u8] = include_bytes!("./file.rs");
+        let stream = tokio_stream::iter(file.chunks(100).map(|i| Ok(bytes::Bytes::copy_from_slice(i))));
+        let metadata = Metadata {
+            filename: Some("file.rs".to_string()),
+            content_type: Some("text/plain".to_string()),
+            length: None,
+            etag: None,
+        };
+        // write through the interface
+        let filename = store.write_streaming(
+            "fireburn.ru",
+            metadata, stream
+        ).await.unwrap();
+        tracing::debug!("Writing complete.");
+        // Ensure the file is there
+        let content = tokio::fs::read(
+            tempdir.path()
+                .join("fireburn.ru")
+                .join(&filename)
+        ).await.unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(content, file);
+        tracing::debug!("Reading range from the start...");
+        // try to read range
+        let range = {
+            let stream = store.stream_range(
+                "fireburn.ru", &filename,
+                (Bound::Included(0), Bound::Included(299))
+            ).await.unwrap();
+            let mut reader = tokio_util::io::StreamReader::new(stream);
+            let mut buf = Vec::default();
+            reader.read_to_end(&mut buf).await.unwrap();
+            buf
+        };
+        assert_eq!(range.len(), 300);
+        assert_eq!(range.as_slice(), &file[..=299]);
+        tracing::debug!("Reading range from the middle...");
+        let range = {
+            let stream = store.stream_range(
+                "fireburn.ru", &filename,
+                (Bound::Included(150), Bound::Included(449))
+            ).await.unwrap();
+            let mut reader = tokio_util::io::StreamReader::new(stream);
+            let mut buf = Vec::default();
+            reader.read_to_end(&mut buf).await.unwrap();
+            buf
+        };
+        assert_eq!(range.len(), 300);
+        assert_eq!(range.as_slice(), &file[150..=449]);
+        tracing::debug!("Reading range from the end...");
+        let range = {
+            let stream = store.stream_range(
+                "fireburn.ru", &filename,
+                // Note: the `headers` crate parses bounds in a
+                // non-standard way, where unbounded start actually
+                // means getting things from the end...
+                (Bound::Unbounded, Bound::Included(300))
+            ).await.unwrap();
+            let mut reader = tokio_util::io::StreamReader::new(stream);
+            let mut buf = Vec::default();
+            reader.read_to_end(&mut buf).await.unwrap();
+            buf
+        };
+        assert_eq!(range.len(), 300);
+        assert_eq!(range.as_slice(), &file[file.len()-300..file.len()]);
+        tracing::debug!("Reading the whole file...");
+        // try to read range
+        let range = {
+            let stream = store.stream_range(
+                "fireburn.ru", &("/".to_string() + &filename),
+                (Bound::Unbounded, Bound::Unbounded)
+            ).await.unwrap();
+            let mut reader = tokio_util::io::StreamReader::new(stream);
+            let mut buf = Vec::default();
+            reader.read_to_end(&mut buf).await.unwrap();
+            buf
+        };
+        assert_eq!(range.len(), file.len());
+        assert_eq!(range.as_slice(), file);
+    }
+    #[tokio::test]
+    #[tracing_test::traced_test]
+    async fn test_streaming_read_write() {
+        let tempdir = tempfile::tempdir().expect("Failed to create tempdir");
+        let store = FileStore::new(tempdir.path());
+        let file: &[u8] = include_bytes!("./file.rs");
+        let stream = tokio_stream::iter(file.chunks(100).map(|i| Ok(bytes::Bytes::copy_from_slice(i))));
+        let metadata = Metadata {
+            filename: Some("style.css".to_string()),
+            content_type: Some("text/css".to_string()),
+            length: None,
+            etag: None,
+        };
+        // write through the interface
+        let filename = store.write_streaming(
+            "fireburn.ru",
+            metadata, stream
+        ).await.unwrap();
+        println!("{}, {}", filename, tempdir.path()
+                 .join("fireburn.ru")
+                 .join(&filename)
+                 .display());
+        let content = tokio::fs::read(
+            tempdir.path()
+                .join("fireburn.ru")
+                .join(&filename)
+        ).await.unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(content, file);
+        // check internal metadata format
+        let meta: Metadata = serde_json::from_slice(&tokio::fs::read(
+            tempdir.path()
+                .join("fireburn.ru")
+                .join(filename.clone() + ".json")
+        ).await.unwrap()).unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(meta.content_type.as_deref(), Some("text/css"));
+        assert_eq!(meta.filename.as_deref(), Some("style.css"));
+        assert_eq!(meta.length.map(|i| i.get()), Some(file.len()));
+        assert!(meta.etag.is_some());
+        // read back the data using the interface
+        let (metadata, read_back) = {
+            let (metadata, stream) = store.read_streaming(
+                "fireburn.ru",
+                &filename
+            ).await.unwrap();
+            let mut reader = tokio_util::io::StreamReader::new(stream);
+            let mut buf = Vec::default();
+            reader.read_to_end(&mut buf).await.unwrap();
+            (metadata, buf)
+        };
+        assert_eq!(read_back, file);
+        assert_eq!(metadata.content_type.as_deref(), Some("text/css"));
+        assert_eq!(meta.filename.as_deref(), Some("style.css"));
+        assert_eq!(meta.length.map(|i| i.get()), Some(file.len()));
+        assert!(meta.etag.is_some());
+    }
diff --git a/src/media/storage/mod.rs b/src/media/storage/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..020999c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/media/storage/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+use async_trait::async_trait;
+use axum::extract::multipart::Field;
+use tokio_stream::Stream;
+use bytes::Bytes;
+use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
+use std::ops::Bound;
+use std::pin::Pin;
+use std::fmt::Debug;
+use std::num::NonZeroUsize;
+pub mod file;
+#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
+pub struct Metadata {
+    /// Content type of the file. If None, the content-type is considered undefined.
+    pub content_type: Option<String>,
+    /// The original filename that was passed.
+    pub filename: Option<String>,
+    /// The recorded length of the file.
+    pub length: Option<NonZeroUsize>,
+    /// The e-tag of a file. Note: it must be a strong e-tag, for example, a hash.
+    pub etag: Option<String>,
+impl From<&Field<'_>> for Metadata {
+    fn from(field: &Field<'_>) -> Self {
+        Self {
+            content_type: field.content_type()
+                .map(|i| i.to_owned()),
+            filename: field.file_name()
+                .map(|i| i.to_owned()),
+            length: None,
+            etag: None,
+        }
+    }
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
+pub enum ErrorKind {
+    Backend,
+    Permission,
+    Json,
+    NotFound,
+    Other,
+pub struct MediaStoreError {
+    kind: ErrorKind,
+    source: Option<Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>>,
+    msg: String,
+impl MediaStoreError {
+    pub fn kind(&self) -> ErrorKind {
+        self.kind
+    }
+impl std::error::Error for MediaStoreError {
+    fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)> {
+        self.source
+            .as_ref()
+            .map(|i| i.as_ref() as &dyn std::error::Error)
+    }
+impl std::fmt::Display for MediaStoreError {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
+        write!(
+            f,
+            "{}: {}",
+            match self.kind {
+                ErrorKind::Backend => "media storage backend error",
+                ErrorKind::Permission => "permission denied",
+                ErrorKind::Json => "failed to parse json",
+                ErrorKind::NotFound => "blob not found",
+                ErrorKind::Other => "unknown media storage error",
+            },
+            self.msg
+        )
+    }
+pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, MediaStoreError>;
+pub trait MediaStore: 'static + Send + Sync + Clone {
+    async fn write_streaming<T>(
+        &self,
+        domain: &str,
+        metadata: Metadata,
+        content: T,
+    ) -> Result<String>
+    where
+        T: tokio_stream::Stream<Item = std::result::Result<bytes::Bytes, axum::extract::multipart::MultipartError>> + Unpin + Send + Debug;
+    async fn read_streaming(
+        &self,
+        domain: &str,
+        filename: &str,
+    ) -> Result<(Metadata, Pin<Box<dyn Stream<Item = std::io::Result<Bytes>> + Send>>)>;
+    async fn stream_range(
+        &self,
+        domain: &str,
+        filename: &str,
+        range: (Bound<u64>, Bound<u64>)
+    ) -> Result<Pin<Box<dyn Stream<Item = std::io::Result<Bytes>> + Send>>> {
+        use futures::stream::TryStreamExt;
+        use tracing::debug;
+        let (metadata, mut stream) = self.read_streaming(domain, filename).await?;
+        let length = metadata.length.unwrap().get();
+        use Bound::*;
+        let (start, end): (usize, usize) = match range {
+            (Unbounded, Unbounded) => return Ok(stream),
+            (Included(start), Unbounded) => (start.try_into().unwrap(), length - 1),
+            (Unbounded, Included(end)) => (length - usize::try_from(end).unwrap(), length - 1),
+            (Included(start), Included(end)) => (start.try_into().unwrap(), end.try_into().unwrap()),
+            (_, _) => unreachable!()
+        };
+        stream = Box::pin(
+            stream.map_ok({
+                let mut bytes_skipped = 0usize;
+                let mut bytes_read = 0usize;
+                move |chunk| {
+                    debug!("Skipped {}/{} bytes, chunk len {}", bytes_skipped, start, chunk.len());
+                    let chunk = if bytes_skipped < start {
+                        let need_to_skip = start - bytes_skipped;
+                        if chunk.len() < need_to_skip {
+                            return None
+                        }
+                        debug!("Skipping {} bytes", need_to_skip);
+                        bytes_skipped += need_to_skip;
+                        chunk.slice(need_to_skip..)
+                    } else {
+                        chunk
+                    };
+                    debug!("Read {} bytes from file, {} in this chunk", bytes_read, chunk.len());
+                    bytes_read += chunk.len();
+                    if bytes_read > length {
+                        if bytes_read - length > chunk.len() {
+                            return None
+                        }
+                        debug!("Truncating last {} bytes", bytes_read - length);
+                        return Some(chunk.slice(..chunk.len() - (bytes_read - length)))
+                    }
+                    Some(chunk)
+                }
+            })
+                .try_skip_while(|x| std::future::ready(Ok(x.is_none())))
+                .try_take_while(|x| std::future::ready(Ok(x.is_some())))
+                .map_ok(|x| x.unwrap())
+        );
+        return Ok(stream);
+    }
+    /// Read metadata for a file.
+    ///
+    /// The default implementation uses the `read_streaming` method
+    /// and drops the stream containing file content.
+    async fn metadata(&self, domain: &str, filename: &str) -> Result<Metadata> {
+        self.read_streaming(domain, filename)
+            .await
+            .map(|(meta, stream)| meta)
+    }
+    async fn delete(&self, domain: &str, filename: &str) -> Result<()>;
diff --git a/src/metrics.rs b/src/metrics.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e13fcb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/metrics.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#![allow(unused_imports, dead_code)]
+use async_trait::async_trait;
+use lazy_static::lazy_static;
+use prometheus::Encoder;
+use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
+// TODO: Vendor in the Metrics struct from warp_prometheus and rework the path matching algorithm
+pub fn metrics(path_includes: Vec<String>) -> warp::log::Log<impl Fn(warp::log::Info) + Clone> {
+    let metrics = warp_prometheus::Metrics::new(prometheus::default_registry(), &path_includes);
+    warp::log::custom(move |info| metrics.http_metrics(info))
+pub fn gather() -> Vec<u8> {
+    let mut buffer: Vec<u8> = vec![];
+    let encoder = prometheus::TextEncoder::new();
+    let metric_families = prometheus::gather();
+    encoder.encode(&metric_families, &mut buffer).unwrap();
+    buffer
diff --git a/src/micropub/get.rs b/src/micropub/get.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..718714a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/micropub/get.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+use crate::database::{MicropubChannel, Storage};
+use crate::indieauth::User;
+use crate::ApplicationState;
+use tide::prelude::{json, Deserialize};
+use tide::{Request, Response, Result};
+struct QueryOptions {
+    q: String,
+    url: Option<String>,
+pub async fn get_handler<Backend>(req: Request<ApplicationState<Backend>>) -> Result
+    Backend: Storage + Send + Sync,
+    let user = req.ext::<User>().unwrap();
+    let backend = &req.state().storage;
+    let media_endpoint = &req.state().media_endpoint;
+    let query = req.query::<QueryOptions>().unwrap_or(QueryOptions {
+        q: "".to_string(),
+        url: None,
+    });
+    match &*query.q {
+        "config" => {
+            let channels: Vec<MicropubChannel>;
+            match backend.get_channels(user.me.as_str()).await {
+                Ok(chans) => channels = chans,
+                Err(err) => return Ok(err.into())
+            }
+            Ok(Response::builder(200).body(json!({
+                "q": ["source", "config", "channel"],
+                "channels": channels,
+                "media-endpoint": media_endpoint
+            })).build())
+        },
+        "channel" => {
+            let channels: Vec<MicropubChannel>;
+            match backend.get_channels(user.me.as_str()).await {
+                Ok(chans) => channels = chans,
+                Err(err) => return Ok(err.into())
+            }
+            Ok(Response::builder(200).body(json!(channels)).build())
+        }
+        "source" => {
+            if user.check_scope("create") || user.check_scope("update") || user.check_scope("delete") || user.check_scope("undelete") {
+                if let Some(url) = query.url {
+                    match backend.get_post(&url).await {
+                        Ok(post) => if let Some(post) = post {
+                            Ok(Response::builder(200).body(post).build())
+                        } else {
+                            Ok(Response::builder(404).build())
+                        },
+                        Err(err) => Ok(err.into())
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    Ok(Response::builder(400).body(json!({
+                        "error": "invalid_request",
+                        "error_description": "Please provide `url`."
+                    })).build())
+                }
+            } else {
+                Ok(Response::builder(401).body(json!({
+                    "error": "insufficient_scope",
+                    "error_description": "You don't have the required scopes to proceed.",
+                    "scope": "update"
+                })).build())
+            }
+        },
+        // TODO: ?q=food, ?q=geo, ?q=contacts
+        // Depends on indexing posts
+        // Errors
+        "" => Ok(Response::builder(400).body(json!({
+            "error": "invalid_request",
+            "error_description": "No ?q= parameter specified. Try ?q=config maybe?"
+        })).build()),
+        _ => Ok(Response::builder(400).body(json!({
+            "error": "invalid_request",
+            "error_description": "Unsupported ?q= query. Try ?q=config and see the q array for supported values."
+        })).build())
+    }
diff --git a/src/micropub/mod.rs b/src/micropub/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02eee6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/micropub/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,846 @@
+use std::collections::HashMap;
+use std::sync::Arc;
+use crate::database::{MicropubChannel, Storage, StorageError};
+use crate::indieauth::backend::AuthBackend;
+use crate::indieauth::User;
+use crate::micropub::util::form_to_mf2_json;
+use axum::extract::{BodyStream, Query, Host};
+use axum::headers::ContentType;
+use axum::response::{IntoResponse, Response};
+use axum::TypedHeader;
+use axum::{http::StatusCode, Extension};
+use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
+use serde_json::json;
+use tokio::sync::Mutex;
+use tokio::task::JoinSet;
+use tracing::{debug, error, info, warn};
+use kittybox_indieauth::{Scope, TokenData};
+use kittybox_util::{MicropubError, ErrorType};
+#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, PartialEq)]
+#[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case")]
+enum QueryType {
+    Source,
+    Config,
+    Channel,
+    SyndicateTo,
+#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
+pub struct MicropubQuery {
+    q: QueryType,
+    url: Option<String>,
+impl From<StorageError> for MicropubError {
+    fn from(err: StorageError) -> Self {
+        Self {
+            error: match err.kind() {
+                crate::database::ErrorKind::NotFound => ErrorType::NotFound,
+                _ => ErrorType::InternalServerError,
+            },
+            error_description: format!("Backend error: {}", err),
+        }
+    }
+mod util;
+pub(crate) use util::normalize_mf2;
+struct FetchedPostContext {
+    url: url::Url,
+    mf2: serde_json::Value,
+    webmention: Option<url::Url>,
+fn populate_reply_context(
+    mf2: &serde_json::Value,
+    prop: &str,
+    ctxs: &[FetchedPostContext],
+) -> Option<Vec<serde_json::Value>> {
+    mf2["properties"][prop].as_array().map(|array| {
+        array
+            .iter()
+            // TODO: This seems to be O(n^2) and I don't like it.
+            // Switching `ctxs` to a hashmap might speed it up to O(n)
+            // The key would be the URL/UID
+            .map(|i| ctxs
+                .iter()
+                .find(|ctx| Some(ctx.url.as_str()) == i.as_str())
+                .and_then(|ctx| ctx.mf2["items"].get(0))
+                .unwrap_or(i))
+            .cloned()
+            .collect::<Vec<serde_json::Value>>()
+    })
+async fn background_processing<D: 'static + Storage>(
+    db: D,
+    mf2: serde_json::Value,
+    http: reqwest::Client,
+) -> () {
+    // TODO: Post-processing the post (aka second write pass)
+    // - [x] Download rich reply contexts
+    // - [ ] Syndicate the post if requested, add links to the syndicated copies
+    // - [ ] Send WebSub notifications to the hub (if we happen to have one)
+    // - [x] Send webmentions
+    use futures_util::StreamExt;
+    let uid: &str = mf2["properties"]["uid"][0].as_str().unwrap();
+    let context_props = ["in-reply-to", "like-of", "repost-of", "bookmark-of"];
+    let mut context_urls: Vec<url::Url> = vec![];
+    for prop in &context_props {
+        if let Some(array) = mf2["properties"][prop].as_array() {
+            context_urls.extend(
+                array
+                    .iter()
+                    .filter_map(|v| v.as_str())
+                    .filter_map(|v| v.parse::<url::Url>().ok()),
+            );
+        }
+    }
+    // TODO parse HTML in e-content and add links found here
+    context_urls.sort_unstable_by_key(|u| u.to_string());
+    context_urls.dedup();
+    // TODO: Make a stream to fetch all these posts and convert them to MF2
+    let post_contexts = {
+        let http = &http;
+        tokio_stream::iter(context_urls.into_iter())
+            .then(move |url: url::Url| http.get(url).send())
+            .filter_map(|response| futures::future::ready(response.ok()))
+            .filter(|response| futures::future::ready(response.status() == 200))
+            .filter_map(|response: reqwest::Response| async move {
+                // 1. We need to preserve the URL
+                // 2. We need to get the HTML for MF2 processing
+                // 3. We need to get the webmention endpoint address
+                // All of that can be done in one go.
+                let url = response.url().clone();
+                // TODO parse link headers
+                let links = response
+                    .headers()
+                    .get_all(hyper::http::header::LINK)
+                    .iter()
+                    .cloned()
+                    .collect::<Vec<hyper::http::HeaderValue>>();
+                let html = response.text().await;
+                if html.is_err() {
+                    return None;
+                }
+                let html = html.unwrap();
+                let mf2 = microformats::from_html(&html, url.clone()).unwrap();
+                // TODO use first Link: header if available
+                let webmention: Option<url::Url> = mf2
+                    .rels
+                    .by_rels()
+                    .get("webmention")
+                    .and_then(|i| i.first().cloned());
+                dbg!(Some(FetchedPostContext {
+                    url,
+                    mf2: serde_json::to_value(mf2).unwrap(),
+                    webmention
+                }))
+            })
+            .collect::<Vec<FetchedPostContext>>()
+            .await
+    };
+    let mut update = MicropubUpdate {
+        replace: Some(Default::default()),
+        ..Default::default()
+    };
+    for prop in context_props {
+        if let Some(json) = populate_reply_context(&mf2, prop, &post_contexts) {
+            update.replace.as_mut().unwrap().insert(prop.to_owned(), json);
+        }
+    }
+    if !update.replace.as_ref().unwrap().is_empty() {
+        if let Err(err) = db.update_post(uid, update).await {
+            error!("Failed to update post with rich reply contexts: {}", err);
+        }
+    }
+    // At this point we can start syndicating the post.
+    // Currently we don't really support any syndication endpoints, but still!
+    /*if let Some(syndicate_to) = mf2["properties"]["mp-syndicate-to"].as_array() {
+        let http = &http;
+        tokio_stream::iter(syndicate_to)
+            .filter_map(|i| futures::future::ready(i.as_str()))
+            .for_each_concurrent(3, |s: &str| async move {
+                #[allow(clippy::match_single_binding)]
+                match s {
+                    _ => {
+                        todo!("Syndicate to generic webmention-aware service {}", s);
+                    }
+                    // TODO special handling for non-webmention-aware services like the birdsite
+                }
+            })
+            .await;
+    }*/
+    {
+        let http = &http;
+        tokio_stream::iter(
+            post_contexts
+                .into_iter()
+                .filter(|ctx| ctx.webmention.is_some()),
+        )
+        .for_each_concurrent(2, |ctx| async move {
+            let mut map = std::collections::HashMap::new();
+            map.insert("source", uid);
+            map.insert("target", ctx.url.as_str());
+            match http
+                .post(ctx.webmention.unwrap().clone())
+                .form(&map)
+                .send()
+                .await
+            {
+                Ok(res) => {
+                    if !res.status().is_success() {
+                        warn!(
+                            "Failed to send a webmention for {}: got HTTP {}",
+                            ctx.url,
+                            res.status()
+                        );
+                    } else {
+                        info!(
+                            "Sent a webmention to {}, got HTTP {}",
+                            ctx.url,
+                            res.status()
+                        )
+                    }
+                }
+                Err(err) => warn!("Failed to send a webmention for {}: {}", ctx.url, err),
+            }
+        })
+        .await;
+    }
+// TODO actually save the post to the database and schedule post-processing
+pub(crate) async fn _post<D: 'static + Storage>(
+    user: &TokenData,
+    uid: String,
+    mf2: serde_json::Value,
+    db: D,
+    http: reqwest::Client,
+    jobset: Arc<Mutex<JoinSet<()>>>,
+) -> Result<Response, MicropubError> {
+    // Here, we have the following guarantees:
+    // - The MF2-JSON document is normalized (guaranteed by normalize_mf2)
+    //   - The MF2-JSON document contains a UID
+    //   - The MF2-JSON document's URL list contains its UID
+    //   - The MF2-JSON document's "content" field contains an HTML blob, if present
+    //   - The MF2-JSON document's publishing datetime is present
+    //   - The MF2-JSON document's target channels are set
+    //   - The MF2-JSON document's author is set
+    // Security check! Do we have an OAuth2 scope to proceed?
+    if !user.check_scope(&Scope::Create) {
+        return Err(MicropubError {
+            error: ErrorType::InvalidScope,
+            error_description: "Not enough privileges - try acquiring the \"create\" scope."
+                .to_owned(),
+        });
+    }
+    // Security check #2! Are we posting to our own website?
+    if !uid.starts_with(user.me.as_str())
+        || mf2["properties"]["channel"]
+            .as_array()
+            .unwrap_or(&vec![])
+            .iter()
+            .any(|url| !url.as_str().unwrap().starts_with(user.me.as_str()))
+    {
+        return Err(MicropubError {
+            error: ErrorType::Forbidden,
+            error_description: "You're posting to a website that's not yours.".to_owned(),
+        });
+    }
+    // Security check #3! Are we overwriting an existing document?
+    if db.post_exists(&uid).await? {
+        return Err(MicropubError {
+            error: ErrorType::AlreadyExists,
+            error_description: "UID clash was detected, operation aborted.".to_owned(),
+        });
+    }
+    let user_domain = format!(
+        "{}{}",
+        user.me.host_str().unwrap(),
+        user.me.port()
+            .map(|port| format!(":{}", port))
+            .unwrap_or_default()
+    );
+    // Save the post
+    tracing::debug!("Saving post to database...");
+    db.put_post(&mf2, &user_domain).await?;
+    let mut channels = mf2["properties"]["channel"]
+        .as_array()
+        .unwrap()
+        .iter()
+        .map(|i| i.as_str().unwrap_or(""))
+        .filter(|i| !i.is_empty());
+    let default_channel = user
+        .me
+        .join(util::DEFAULT_CHANNEL_PATH)
+        .unwrap()
+        .to_string();
+    let vcards_channel = user
+        .me
+        .join(util::CONTACTS_CHANNEL_PATH)
+        .unwrap()
+        .to_string();
+    let food_channel = user.me.join(util::FOOD_CHANNEL_PATH).unwrap().to_string();
+    let default_channels = vec![default_channel, vcards_channel, food_channel];
+    for chan in &mut channels {
+        debug!("Adding post {} to channel {}", uid, chan);
+        if db.post_exists(chan).await? {
+            db.add_to_feed(chan, &uid).await?;
+        } else if default_channels.iter().any(|i| chan == i) {
+            util::create_feed(&db, &uid, chan, user).await?;
+        } else {
+            warn!("Ignoring non-existent channel: {}", chan);
+        }
+    }
+    let reply =
+        IntoResponse::into_response((StatusCode::ACCEPTED, [("Location", uid.as_str())]));
+    #[cfg(not(tokio_unstable))]
+    jobset.lock().await.spawn(background_processing(db, mf2, http));
+    #[cfg(tokio_unstable)]
+    jobset.lock().await.build_task()
+        .name(format!("Kittybox background processing for post {}", uid.as_str()).as_str())
+        .spawn(background_processing(db, mf2, http));
+    Ok(reply)
+#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
+#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
+enum ActionType {
+    Delete,
+    Update,
+#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
+pub enum MicropubPropertyDeletion {
+    Properties(Vec<String>),
+    Values(HashMap<String, Vec<serde_json::Value>>)
+#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
+struct MicropubFormAction {
+    action: ActionType,
+    url: String,
+#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
+pub struct MicropubAction {
+    action: ActionType,
+    url: String,
+    #[serde(flatten)]
+    #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
+    update: Option<MicropubUpdate>
+#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Default)]
+pub struct MicropubUpdate {
+    #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
+    pub replace: Option<HashMap<String, Vec<serde_json::Value>>>,
+    #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
+    pub add: Option<HashMap<String, Vec<serde_json::Value>>>,
+    #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
+    pub delete: Option<MicropubPropertyDeletion>,
+impl From<MicropubFormAction> for MicropubAction {
+    fn from(a: MicropubFormAction) -> Self {
+        debug_assert!(matches!(a.action, ActionType::Delete));
+        Self {
+            action: a.action,
+            url: a.url,
+            update: None
+        }
+    }
+async fn post_action<D: Storage, A: AuthBackend>(
+    action: MicropubAction,
+    db: D,
+    user: User<A>,
+) -> Result<(), MicropubError> {
+    let uri = if let Ok(uri) = action.url.parse::<hyper::Uri>() {
+        uri
+    } else {
+        return Err(MicropubError {
+            error: ErrorType::InvalidRequest,
+            error_description: "Your URL doesn't parse properly.".to_owned(),
+        });
+    };
+    if uri.authority().unwrap()
+        != user
+            .me
+            .as_str()
+            .parse::<hyper::Uri>()
+            .unwrap()
+            .authority()
+            .unwrap()
+    {
+        return Err(MicropubError {
+            error: ErrorType::Forbidden,
+            error_description: "Don't tamper with others' posts!".to_owned(),
+        });
+    }
+    match action.action {
+        ActionType::Delete => {
+            if !user.check_scope(&Scope::Delete) {
+                return Err(MicropubError {
+                    error: ErrorType::InvalidScope,
+                    error_description: "You need a \"delete\" scope for this.".to_owned(),
+                });
+            }
+            db.delete_post(&action.url).await?
+        }
+        ActionType::Update => {
+            if !user.check_scope(&Scope::Update) {
+                return Err(MicropubError {
+                    error: ErrorType::InvalidScope,
+                    error_description: "You need an \"update\" scope for this.".to_owned(),
+                });
+            }
+            db.update_post(
+                &action.url,
+                action.update.ok_or(MicropubError {
+                    error: ErrorType::InvalidRequest,
+                    error_description: "Update request is not set.".to_owned(),
+                })?
+            )
+            .await?
+        }
+    }
+    Ok(())
+enum PostBody {
+    Action(MicropubAction),
+    MF2(serde_json::Value),
+async fn dispatch_body(
+    mut body: BodyStream,
+    content_type: ContentType,
+) -> Result<PostBody, MicropubError> {
+    let body: Vec<u8> = {
+        debug!("Buffering body...");
+        use tokio_stream::StreamExt;
+        let mut buf = Vec::default();
+        while let Some(chunk) = body.next().await {
+            buf.extend_from_slice(&chunk.unwrap())
+        }
+        buf
+    };
+    debug!("Content-Type: {:?}", content_type);
+    if content_type == ContentType::json() {
+        if let Ok(action) = serde_json::from_slice::<MicropubAction>(&body) {
+            Ok(PostBody::Action(action))
+        } else if let Ok(body) = serde_json::from_slice::<serde_json::Value>(&body) {
+            // quick sanity check
+            if !body.is_object() || !body["type"].is_array() {
+                return Err(MicropubError {
+                    error: ErrorType::InvalidRequest,
+                    error_description: "Invalid MF2-JSON detected: `.` should be an object, `.type` should be an array of MF2 types".to_owned()
+                });
+            }
+            Ok(PostBody::MF2(body))
+        } else {
+            Err(MicropubError {
+                error: ErrorType::InvalidRequest,
+                error_description: "Invalid JSON object passed.".to_owned(),
+            })
+        }
+    } else if content_type == ContentType::form_url_encoded() {
+        if let Ok(body) = serde_urlencoded::from_bytes::<MicropubFormAction>(&body) {
+            Ok(PostBody::Action(body.into()))
+        } else if let Ok(body) = serde_urlencoded::from_bytes::<Vec<(String, String)>>(&body) {
+            Ok(PostBody::MF2(form_to_mf2_json(body)))
+        } else {
+            Err(MicropubError {
+                error: ErrorType::InvalidRequest,
+                error_description: "Invalid form-encoded data. Try h=entry&content=Hello!"
+                    .to_owned(),
+            })
+        }
+    } else {
+        Err(MicropubError::new(
+            ErrorType::UnsupportedMediaType,
+            "This Content-Type is not recognized. Try application/json instead?",
+        ))
+    }
+#[tracing::instrument(skip(db, http))]
+pub(crate) async fn post<D: Storage + 'static, A: AuthBackend>(
+    Extension(db): Extension<D>,
+    Extension(http): Extension<reqwest::Client>,
+    Extension(jobset): Extension<Arc<Mutex<JoinSet<()>>>>,
+    TypedHeader(content_type): TypedHeader<ContentType>,
+    user: User<A>,
+    body: BodyStream,
+) -> axum::response::Response {
+    match dispatch_body(body, content_type).await {
+        Ok(PostBody::Action(action)) => match post_action(action, db, user).await {
+            Ok(()) => Response::default(),
+            Err(err) => err.into_response(),
+        },
+        Ok(PostBody::MF2(mf2)) => {
+            let (uid, mf2) = normalize_mf2(mf2, &user);
+            match _post(&user, uid, mf2, db, http, jobset).await {
+                Ok(response) => response,
+                Err(err) => err.into_response(),
+            }
+        }
+        Err(err) => err.into_response(),
+    }
+pub(crate) async fn query<D: Storage, A: AuthBackend>(
+    Extension(db): Extension<D>,
+    query: Option<Query<MicropubQuery>>,
+    Host(host): Host,
+    user: User<A>,
+) -> axum::response::Response {
+    // We handle the invalid query case manually to return a
+    // MicropubError instead of HTTP 422
+    let query = if let Some(Query(query)) = query {
+        query
+    } else {
+        return MicropubError::new(
+            ErrorType::InvalidRequest,
+            "Invalid query provided. Try ?q=config to see what you can do."
+        ).into_response();
+    };
+    if axum::http::Uri::try_from(user.me.as_str())
+        .unwrap()
+        .authority()
+        .unwrap()
+        != &host
+    {
+        return MicropubError::new(
+            ErrorType::NotAuthorized,
+            "This website doesn't belong to you.",
+        )
+            .into_response();
+    }
+    let user_domain = format!(
+        "{}{}",
+        user.me.host_str().unwrap(),
+        user.me.port()
+            .map(|port| format!(":{}", port))
+            .unwrap_or_default()
+    );
+    match query.q {
+        QueryType::Config => {
+            let channels: Vec<MicropubChannel> = match db.get_channels(user.me.as_str()).await {
+                Ok(chans) => chans,
+                Err(err) => {
+                    return MicropubError::new(
+                        ErrorType::InternalServerError,
+                        &format!("Error fetching channels: {}", err),
+                    )
+                    .into_response()
+                }
+            };
+            axum::response::Json(json!({
+                "q": [
+                    QueryType::Source,
+                    QueryType::Config,
+                    QueryType::Channel,
+                    QueryType::SyndicateTo
+                ],
+                "channels": channels,
+                "_kittybox_authority": user.me.as_str(),
+                "syndicate-to": [],
+                "media-endpoint": user.me.join("/.kittybox/media").unwrap().as_str()
+            }))
+            .into_response()
+        }
+        QueryType::Source => {
+            match query.url {
+                Some(url) => {
+                    match db.get_post(&url).await {
+                        Ok(some) => match some {
+                            Some(post) => axum::response::Json(&post).into_response(),
+                            None => MicropubError::new(
+                                ErrorType::NotFound,
+                                "The specified MF2 object was not found in database.",
+                            )
+                            .into_response(),
+                        },
+                        Err(err) => MicropubError::new(
+                            ErrorType::InternalServerError,
+                            &format!("Backend error: {}", err),
+                        )
+                        .into_response(),
+                    }
+                }
+                None => {
+                    // Here, one should probably attempt to query at least the main feed and collect posts
+                    // Using a pre-made query function can't be done because it does unneeded filtering
+                    // Don't implement for now, this is optional
+                    MicropubError::new(
+                        ErrorType::InvalidRequest,
+                        "Querying for post list is not implemented yet.",
+                    )
+                    .into_response()
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        QueryType::Channel => match db.get_channels(&user_domain).await {
+            Ok(chans) => axum::response::Json(json!({ "channels": chans })).into_response(),
+            Err(err) => MicropubError::new(
+                ErrorType::InternalServerError,
+                &format!("Error fetching channels: {}", err),
+            )
+            .into_response(),
+        },
+        QueryType::SyndicateTo => {
+            axum::response::Json(json!({ "syndicate-to": [] })).into_response()
+        }
+    }
+pub fn router<S, A>(
+    storage: S,
+    http: reqwest::Client,
+    auth: A,
+    jobset: Arc<Mutex<JoinSet<()>>>
+) -> axum::routing::MethodRouter
+    S: Storage + 'static,
+    A: AuthBackend
+    axum::routing::get(query::<S, A>)
+        .post(post::<S, A>)
+        .layer::<_, _, std::convert::Infallible>(tower_http::cors::CorsLayer::new()
+               .allow_methods([
+                   axum::http::Method::GET,
+                   axum::http::Method::POST,
+               ])
+               .allow_origin(tower_http::cors::Any))
+        .layer::<_, _, std::convert::Infallible>(axum::Extension(storage))
+        .layer::<_, _, std::convert::Infallible>(axum::Extension(http))
+        .layer::<_, _, std::convert::Infallible>(axum::Extension(auth))
+        .layer::<_, _, std::convert::Infallible>(axum::Extension(jobset))
+impl MicropubQuery {
+    fn config() -> Self {
+        Self {
+            q: QueryType::Config,
+            url: None,
+        }
+    }
+    fn source(url: &str) -> Self {
+        Self {
+            q: QueryType::Source,
+            url: Some(url.to_owned()),
+        }
+    }
+mod tests {
+    use std::sync::Arc;
+    use crate::{database::Storage, micropub::MicropubError};
+    use hyper::body::HttpBody;
+    use serde_json::json;
+    use tokio::sync::Mutex;
+    use super::FetchedPostContext;
+    use kittybox_indieauth::{Scopes, Scope, TokenData};
+    use axum::extract::Host;
+    #[test]
+    fn test_populate_reply_context() {
+        let already_expanded_reply_ctx = json!({
+            "type": ["h-entry"],
+            "properties": {
+                "content": ["Hello world!"]
+            }
+        });
+        let mf2 = json!({
+            "type": ["h-entry"],
+            "properties": {
+                "like-of": [
+                    "https://fireburn.ru/posts/example",
+                    already_expanded_reply_ctx,
+                    "https://fireburn.ru/posts/non-existent"
+                ]
+            }
+        });
+        let test_ctx = json!({
+            "type": ["h-entry"],
+            "properties": {
+                "content": ["This is a post which was reacted to."]
+            }
+        });
+        let reply_contexts = vec![FetchedPostContext {
+            url: "https://fireburn.ru/posts/example".parse().unwrap(),
+            mf2: json!({ "items": [test_ctx] }),
+            webmention: None,
+        }];
+        let like_of = super::populate_reply_context(&mf2, "like-of", &reply_contexts).unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(like_of[0], test_ctx);
+        assert_eq!(like_of[1], already_expanded_reply_ctx);
+        assert_eq!(like_of[2], "https://fireburn.ru/posts/non-existent");
+    }
+    #[tokio::test]
+    async fn test_post_reject_scope() {
+        let db = crate::database::MemoryStorage::new();
+        let post = json!({
+            "type": ["h-entry"],
+            "properties": {
+                "content": ["Hello world!"]
+            }
+        });
+        let user = TokenData {
+            me: "https://localhost:8080/".parse().unwrap(),
+            client_id: "https://kittybox.fireburn.ru/".parse().unwrap(),
+            scope: Scopes::new(vec![Scope::Profile]),
+            iat: None, exp: None
+        };
+        let (uid, mf2) = super::normalize_mf2(post, &user);
+        let err = super::_post(&user, uid, mf2, db.clone(), reqwest::Client::new(), Arc::new(Mutex::new(tokio::task::JoinSet::new())))
+            .await
+            .unwrap_err();
+        assert_eq!(err.error, super::ErrorType::InvalidScope);
+        let hashmap = db.mapping.read().await;
+        assert!(hashmap.is_empty());
+    }
+    #[tokio::test]
+    async fn test_post_reject_different_user() {
+        let db = crate::database::MemoryStorage::new();
+        let post = json!({
+            "type": ["h-entry"],
+            "properties": {
+                "content": ["Hello world!"],
+                "uid": ["https://fireburn.ru/posts/hello"],
+                "url": ["https://fireburn.ru/posts/hello"]
+            }
+        });
+        let user = TokenData {
+            me: "https://aaronparecki.com/".parse().unwrap(),
+            client_id: "https://kittybox.fireburn.ru/".parse().unwrap(),
+            scope: Scopes::new(vec![Scope::Profile, Scope::Create, Scope::Update, Scope::Media]),
+            iat: None, exp: None
+        };
+        let (uid, mf2) = super::normalize_mf2(post, &user);
+        let err = super::_post(&user, uid, mf2, db.clone(), reqwest::Client::new(), Arc::new(Mutex::new(tokio::task::JoinSet::new())))
+            .await
+            .unwrap_err();
+        assert_eq!(err.error, super::ErrorType::Forbidden);
+        let hashmap = db.mapping.read().await;
+        assert!(hashmap.is_empty());
+    }
+    #[tokio::test]
+    async fn test_post_mf2() {
+        let db = crate::database::MemoryStorage::new();
+        let post = json!({
+            "type": ["h-entry"],
+            "properties": {
+                "content": ["Hello world!"]
+            }
+        });
+        let user = TokenData {
+            me: "https://localhost:8080/".parse().unwrap(),
+            client_id: "https://kittybox.fireburn.ru/".parse().unwrap(),
+            scope: Scopes::new(vec![Scope::Profile, Scope::Create]),
+            iat: None, exp: None
+        };
+        let (uid, mf2) = super::normalize_mf2(post, &user);
+        let res = super::_post(&user, uid, mf2, db.clone(), reqwest::Client::new(), Arc::new(Mutex::new(tokio::task::JoinSet::new())))
+            .await
+            .unwrap();
+        assert!(res.headers().contains_key("Location"));
+        let location = res.headers().get("Location").unwrap();
+        assert!(db.post_exists(location.to_str().unwrap()).await.unwrap());
+        assert!(db
+            .post_exists("https://localhost:8080/feeds/main")
+            .await
+            .unwrap());
+    }
+    #[tokio::test]
+    async fn test_query_foreign_url() {
+        let mut res = super::query(
+            axum::Extension(crate::database::MemoryStorage::new()),
+            Some(axum::extract::Query(super::MicropubQuery::source(
+                "https://aaronparecki.com/feeds/main",
+            ))),
+            Host("aaronparecki.com".to_owned()),
+            crate::indieauth::User::<crate::indieauth::backend::fs::FileBackend>(
+                TokenData {
+                    me: "https://fireburn.ru/".parse().unwrap(),
+                    client_id: "https://kittybox.fireburn.ru/".parse().unwrap(),
+                    scope: Scopes::new(vec![Scope::Profile, Scope::Create, Scope::Update, Scope::Media]),
+                    iat: None, exp: None
+                }, std::marker::PhantomData
+            )
+        )
+        .await;
+        assert_eq!(res.status(), 401);
+        let body = res.body_mut().data().await.unwrap().unwrap();
+        let json: MicropubError = serde_json::from_slice(&body as &[u8]).unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(json.error, super::ErrorType::NotAuthorized);
+    }
diff --git a/src/micropub/util.rs b/src/micropub/util.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..940d7c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/micropub/util.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+use crate::database::Storage;
+use kittybox_indieauth::TokenData;
+use chrono::prelude::*;
+use core::iter::Iterator;
+use newbase60::num_to_sxg;
+use serde_json::json;
+use std::convert::TryInto;
+pub(crate) const DEFAULT_CHANNEL_PATH: &str = "/feeds/main";
+const DEFAULT_CHANNEL_NAME: &str = "Main feed";
+pub(crate) const CONTACTS_CHANNEL_PATH: &str = "/feeds/vcards";
+const CONTACTS_CHANNEL_NAME: &str = "My address book";
+pub(crate) const FOOD_CHANNEL_PATH: &str = "/feeds/food";
+const FOOD_CHANNEL_NAME: &str = "My recipe book";
+fn get_folder_from_type(post_type: &str) -> String {
+    (match post_type {
+        "h-feed" => "feeds/",
+        "h-card" => "vcards/",
+        "h-event" => "events/",
+        "h-food" => "food/",
+        _ => "posts/",
+    })
+    .to_string()
+/// Reset the datetime to a proper datetime.
+/// Do not attempt to recover the information.
+/// Do not pass GO. Do not collect $200.                
+fn reset_dt(post: &mut serde_json::Value) -> DateTime<FixedOffset> {
+    let curtime: DateTime<Local> = Local::now();
+    post["properties"]["published"] = json!([curtime.to_rfc3339()]);
+    chrono::DateTime::from(curtime)
+pub fn normalize_mf2(mut body: serde_json::Value, user: &TokenData) -> (String, serde_json::Value) {
+    // Normalize the MF2 object here.
+    let me = &user.me;
+    let folder = get_folder_from_type(body["type"][0].as_str().unwrap());
+    let published: DateTime<FixedOffset> =
+        if let Some(dt) = body["properties"]["published"][0].as_str() {
+            // Check if the datetime is parsable.
+            match DateTime::parse_from_rfc3339(dt) {
+                Ok(dt) => dt,
+                Err(_) => reset_dt(&mut body),
+            }
+        } else {
+            // Set the datetime.
+            // Note: this code block duplicates functionality with the above failsafe.
+            // Consider refactoring it to a helper function?
+            reset_dt(&mut body)
+        };
+    match body["properties"]["uid"][0].as_str() {
+        None => {
+            let uid = serde_json::Value::String(
+                me.join(
+                    &(folder.clone()
+                        + &num_to_sxg(published.timestamp_millis().try_into().unwrap())),
+                )
+                .unwrap()
+                .to_string(),
+            );
+            body["properties"]["uid"] = serde_json::Value::Array(vec![uid.clone()]);
+            match body["properties"]["url"].as_array_mut() {
+                Some(array) => array.push(uid),
+                None => body["properties"]["url"] = body["properties"]["uid"].clone(),
+            }
+        }
+        Some(uid_str) => {
+            let uid = uid_str.to_string();
+            match body["properties"]["url"].as_array_mut() {
+                Some(array) => {
+                    if !array.iter().any(|i| i.as_str().unwrap_or("") == uid) {
+                        array.push(serde_json::Value::String(uid))
+                    }
+                }
+                None => body["properties"]["url"] = body["properties"]["uid"].clone(),
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if let Some(slugs) = body["properties"]["mp-slug"].as_array() {
+        let new_urls = slugs
+            .iter()
+            .map(|i| i.as_str().unwrap_or(""))
+            .filter(|i| i != &"")
+            .map(|i| me.join(&((&folder).clone() + i)).unwrap().to_string())
+            .collect::<Vec<String>>();
+        let urls = body["properties"]["url"].as_array_mut().unwrap();
+        new_urls.iter().for_each(|i| urls.push(json!(i)));
+    }
+    let props = body["properties"].as_object_mut().unwrap();
+    props.remove("mp-slug");
+    if body["properties"]["content"][0].is_string() {
+        // Convert the content to HTML using the `markdown` crate
+        body["properties"]["content"] = json!([{
+            "html": markdown::to_html(body["properties"]["content"][0].as_str().unwrap()),
+            "value": body["properties"]["content"][0]
+        }])
+    }
+    // TODO: apply this normalization to editing too
+    if body["properties"]["mp-channel"].is_array() {
+        let mut additional_channels = body["properties"]["mp-channel"].as_array().unwrap().clone();
+        if let Some(array) = body["properties"]["channel"].as_array_mut() {
+            array.append(&mut additional_channels);
+        } else {
+            body["properties"]["channel"] = json!(additional_channels)
+        }
+        body["properties"]
+            .as_object_mut()
+            .unwrap()
+            .remove("mp-channel");
+    } else if body["properties"]["mp-channel"].is_string() {
+        let chan = body["properties"]["mp-channel"]
+            .as_str()
+            .unwrap()
+            .to_owned();
+        if let Some(array) = body["properties"]["channel"].as_array_mut() {
+            array.push(json!(chan))
+        } else {
+            body["properties"]["channel"] = json!([chan]);
+        }
+        body["properties"]
+            .as_object_mut()
+            .unwrap()
+            .remove("mp-channel");
+    }
+    if body["properties"]["channel"][0].as_str().is_none() {
+        match body["type"][0].as_str() {
+            Some("h-entry") => {
+                // Set the channel to the main channel...
+                // TODO find like posts and move them to separate private channel
+                let default_channel = me.join(DEFAULT_CHANNEL_PATH).unwrap().to_string();
+                body["properties"]["channel"] = json!([default_channel]);
+            }
+            Some("h-card") => {
+                let default_channel = me.join(CONTACTS_CHANNEL_PATH).unwrap().to_string();
+                body["properties"]["channel"] = json!([default_channel]);
+            }
+            Some("h-food") => {
+                let default_channel = me.join(FOOD_CHANNEL_PATH).unwrap().to_string();
+                body["properties"]["channel"] = json!([default_channel]);
+            }
+            // TODO h-event
+            /*"h-event" => {
+                let default_channel
+            },*/
+            _ => {
+                body["properties"]["channel"] = json!([]);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    body["properties"]["posted-with"] = json!([user.client_id]);
+    if body["properties"]["author"][0].as_str().is_none() {
+        body["properties"]["author"] = json!([me.as_str()])
+    }
+    // TODO: maybe highlight #hashtags?
+    // Find other processing to do and insert it here
+    return (
+        body["properties"]["uid"][0].as_str().unwrap().to_string(),
+        body,
+    );
+pub(crate) fn form_to_mf2_json(form: Vec<(String, String)>) -> serde_json::Value {
+    let mut mf2 = json!({"type": [], "properties": {}});
+    for (k, v) in form {
+        if k == "h" {
+            mf2["type"]
+                .as_array_mut()
+                .unwrap()
+                .push(json!("h-".to_string() + &v));
+        } else if k != "access_token" {
+            let key = k.strip_suffix("[]").unwrap_or(&k);
+            match mf2["properties"][key].as_array_mut() {
+                Some(prop) => prop.push(json!(v)),
+                None => mf2["properties"][key] = json!([v]),
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if mf2["type"].as_array().unwrap().is_empty() {
+        mf2["type"].as_array_mut().unwrap().push(json!("h-entry"));
+    }
+    mf2
+pub(crate) async fn create_feed(
+    storage: &impl Storage,
+    uid: &str,
+    channel: &str,
+    user: &TokenData,
+) -> crate::database::Result<()> {
+    let path = url::Url::parse(channel).unwrap().path().to_string();
+    let name = match path.as_str() {
+        _ => panic!("Tried to create an unknown default feed!"),
+    };
+    let (_, feed) = normalize_mf2(
+        json!({
+            "type": ["h-feed"],
+            "properties": {
+                "name": [name],
+                "uid": [channel]
+            },
+        }),
+        user,
+    );
+    storage.put_post(&feed, user.me.as_str()).await?;
+    storage.add_to_feed(channel, uid).await
+mod tests {
+    use super::*;
+    use serde_json::json;
+    fn token_data() -> TokenData {
+        TokenData {
+            me: "https://fireburn.ru/".parse().unwrap(),
+            client_id: "https://quill.p3k.io/".parse().unwrap(),
+            scope: kittybox_indieauth::Scopes::new(vec![kittybox_indieauth::Scope::Create]),
+            exp: Some(u64::MAX),
+            iat: Some(0)
+        }
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_form_to_mf2() {
+        assert_eq!(
+            super::form_to_mf2_json(
+                serde_urlencoded::from_str("h=entry&content=something%20interesting").unwrap()
+            ),
+            json!({
+                "type": ["h-entry"],
+                "properties": {
+                    "content": ["something interesting"]
+                }
+            })
+        )
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_no_replace_uid() {
+        let mf2 = json!({
+            "type": ["h-card"],
+            "properties": {
+                "uid": ["https://fireburn.ru/"],
+                "name": ["Vika Nezrimaya"],
+                "note": ["A crazy programmer girl who wants some hugs"]
+            }
+        });
+        let (uid, normalized) = normalize_mf2(
+            mf2.clone(),
+            &token_data(),
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            normalized["properties"]["uid"][0], mf2["properties"]["uid"][0],
+            "UID was replaced"
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            normalized["properties"]["uid"][0], uid,
+            "Returned post location doesn't match UID"
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_mp_channel() {
+        let mf2 = json!({
+            "type": ["h-entry"],
+            "properties": {
+                "uid": ["https://fireburn.ru/posts/test"],
+                "content": [{"html": "<p>Hello world!</p>"}],
+                "mp-channel": ["https://fireburn.ru/feeds/test"]
+            }
+        });
+        let (_, normalized) = normalize_mf2(
+            mf2.clone(),
+            &token_data(),
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            normalized["properties"]["channel"],
+            mf2["properties"]["mp-channel"]
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_mp_channel_as_string() {
+        let mf2 = json!({
+            "type": ["h-entry"],
+            "properties": {
+                "uid": ["https://fireburn.ru/posts/test"],
+                "content": [{"html": "<p>Hello world!</p>"}],
+                "mp-channel": "https://fireburn.ru/feeds/test"
+            }
+        });
+        let (_, normalized) = normalize_mf2(
+            mf2.clone(),
+            &token_data(),
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            normalized["properties"]["channel"][0],
+            mf2["properties"]["mp-channel"]
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_normalize_mf2() {
+        let mf2 = json!({
+            "type": ["h-entry"],
+            "properties": {
+                "content": ["This is content!"]
+            }
+        });
+        let (uid, post) = normalize_mf2(
+            mf2,
+            &token_data(),
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            post["properties"]["published"]
+                .as_array()
+                .expect("post['published'] is undefined")
+                .len(),
+            1,
+            "Post doesn't have a published time"
+        );
+        DateTime::parse_from_rfc3339(post["properties"]["published"][0].as_str().unwrap())
+            .expect("Couldn't parse date from rfc3339");
+        assert!(
+            !post["properties"]["url"]
+                .as_array()
+                .expect("post['url'] is undefined")
+                .is_empty(),
+            "Post doesn't have any URLs"
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            post["properties"]["uid"]
+                .as_array()
+                .expect("post['uid'] is undefined")
+                .len(),
+            1,
+            "Post doesn't have a single UID"
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            post["properties"]["uid"][0], uid,
+            "UID of a post and its supposed location don't match"
+        );
+        assert!(
+            uid.starts_with("https://fireburn.ru/posts/"),
+            "The post namespace is incorrect"
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            post["properties"]["content"][0]["html"]
+                .as_str()
+                .expect("Post doesn't have a rich content object")
+                .trim(),
+            "<p>This is content!</p>",
+            "Parsed Markdown content doesn't match expected HTML"
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            post["properties"]["channel"][0], "https://fireburn.ru/feeds/main",
+            "Post isn't posted to the main channel"
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            post["properties"]["author"][0], "https://fireburn.ru/",
+            "Post author is unknown"
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_mp_slug() {
+        let mf2 = json!({
+            "type": ["h-entry"],
+            "properties": {
+                "content": ["This is content!"],
+                "mp-slug": ["hello-post"]
+            },
+        });
+        let (_, post) = normalize_mf2(
+            mf2,
+            &token_data(),
+        );
+        assert!(
+            post["properties"]["url"]
+                .as_array()
+                .unwrap()
+                .iter()
+                .map(|i| i.as_str().unwrap())
+                .any(|i| i == "https://fireburn.ru/posts/hello-post"),
+            "Didn't found an URL pointing to the location expected by the mp-slug semantics"
+        );
+        assert!(
+            post["properties"]["mp-slug"].as_array().is_none(),
+            "mp-slug wasn't deleted from the array!"
+        )
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_normalize_feed() {
+        let mf2 = json!({
+            "type": ["h-feed"],
+            "properties": {
+                "name": "Main feed",
+                "mp-slug": ["main"]
+            }
+        });
+        let (uid, post) = normalize_mf2(
+            mf2,
+            &token_data(),
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            post["properties"]["uid"][0], uid,
+            "UID of a post and its supposed location don't match"
+        );
+        assert_eq!(post["properties"]["author"][0], "https://fireburn.ru/");
+        assert!(
+            post["properties"]["url"]
+                .as_array()
+                .unwrap()
+                .iter()
+                .map(|i| i.as_str().unwrap())
+                .any(|i| i == "https://fireburn.ru/feeds/main"),
+            "Didn't found an URL pointing to the location expected by the mp-slug semantics"
+        );
+        assert!(
+            post["properties"]["mp-slug"].as_array().is_none(),
+            "mp-slug wasn't deleted from the array!"
+        )
+    }
diff --git a/src/tokenauth.rs b/src/tokenauth.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..244a045
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tokenauth.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
+use url::Url;
+#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug, PartialEq, Clone)]
+pub struct User {
+    pub me: Url,
+    pub client_id: Url,
+    scope: String,
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Copy)]
+pub enum ErrorKind {
+    PermissionDenied,
+    NotAuthorized,
+    TokenEndpointError,
+    JsonParsing,
+    InvalidHeader,
+    Other,
+#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug, Clone)]
+pub struct TokenEndpointError {
+    error: String,
+    error_description: String,
+pub struct IndieAuthError {
+    source: Option<Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>>,
+    kind: ErrorKind,
+    msg: String,
+impl std::error::Error for IndieAuthError {
+    fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)> {
+        self.source
+            .as_ref()
+            .map(|e| e.as_ref() as &dyn std::error::Error)
+    }
+impl std::fmt::Display for IndieAuthError {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
+        write!(
+            f,
+            "{}: {}",
+            match self.kind {
+                ErrorKind::TokenEndpointError => "token endpoint returned an error: ",
+                ErrorKind::JsonParsing => "error while parsing token endpoint response: ",
+                ErrorKind::NotAuthorized => "token endpoint did not recognize the token: ",
+                ErrorKind::PermissionDenied => "token endpoint rejected the token: ",
+                ErrorKind::InvalidHeader => "authorization header parsing error: ",
+                ErrorKind::Other => "token endpoint communication error: ",
+            },
+            self.msg
+        )
+    }
+impl From<serde_json::Error> for IndieAuthError {
+    fn from(err: serde_json::Error) -> Self {
+        Self {
+            msg: format!("{}", err),
+            source: Some(Box::new(err)),
+            kind: ErrorKind::JsonParsing,
+        }
+    }
+impl From<reqwest::Error> for IndieAuthError {
+    fn from(err: reqwest::Error) -> Self {
+        Self {
+            msg: format!("{}", err),
+            source: Some(Box::new(err)),
+            kind: ErrorKind::Other,
+        }
+    }
+impl From<axum::extract::rejection::TypedHeaderRejection> for IndieAuthError {
+    fn from(err: axum::extract::rejection::TypedHeaderRejection) -> Self {
+        Self {
+            msg: format!("{:?}", err.reason()),
+            source: Some(Box::new(err)),
+            kind: ErrorKind::InvalidHeader,
+        }
+    }
+impl axum::response::IntoResponse for IndieAuthError {
+    fn into_response(self) -> axum::response::Response {
+        let status_code: StatusCode = match self.kind {
+            ErrorKind::PermissionDenied => StatusCode::FORBIDDEN,
+            ErrorKind::NotAuthorized => StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED,
+            ErrorKind::TokenEndpointError => StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
+            ErrorKind::JsonParsing => StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST,
+            ErrorKind::InvalidHeader => StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED,
+            ErrorKind::Other => StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
+        };
+        let body = serde_json::json!({
+            "error": match self.kind {
+                ErrorKind::PermissionDenied => "forbidden",
+                ErrorKind::NotAuthorized => "unauthorized",
+                ErrorKind::TokenEndpointError => "token_endpoint_error",
+                ErrorKind::JsonParsing => "invalid_request",
+                ErrorKind::InvalidHeader => "unauthorized",
+                ErrorKind::Other => "unknown_error",
+            },
+            "error_description": self.msg
+        });
+        (status_code, axum::response::Json(body)).into_response()
+    }
+impl User {
+    pub fn check_scope(&self, scope: &str) -> bool {
+        self.scopes().any(|i| i == scope)
+    }
+    pub fn scopes(&self) -> std::str::SplitAsciiWhitespace<'_> {
+        self.scope.split_ascii_whitespace()
+    }
+    pub fn new(me: &str, client_id: &str, scope: &str) -> Self {
+        Self {
+            me: Url::parse(me).unwrap(),
+            client_id: Url::parse(client_id).unwrap(),
+            scope: scope.to_string(),
+        }
+    }
+use axum::{
+    extract::{Extension, FromRequest, RequestParts, TypedHeader},
+    headers::{
+        authorization::{Bearer, Credentials},
+        Authorization,
+    },
+    http::StatusCode,
+// this newtype is required due to axum::Extension retrieving items by type
+// it's based on compiler magic matching extensions by their type's hashes
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+pub struct TokenEndpoint(pub url::Url);
+impl<B> FromRequest<B> for User
+    B: Send,
+    type Rejection = IndieAuthError;
+    #[cfg_attr(
+        all(debug_assertions, not(test)),
+        allow(unreachable_code, unused_variables)
+    )]
+    async fn from_request(req: &mut RequestParts<B>) -> Result<Self, Self::Rejection> {
+        // Return a fake user if we're running a debug build
+        // I don't wanna bother with authentication
+        #[cfg(all(debug_assertions, not(test)))]
+        return Ok(User::new(
+            "http://localhost:8080/",
+            "https://quill.p3k.io/",
+            "create update delete media",
+        ));
+        let TypedHeader(Authorization(token)) =
+            TypedHeader::<Authorization<Bearer>>::from_request(req)
+                .await
+                .map_err(IndieAuthError::from)?;
+        let Extension(TokenEndpoint(token_endpoint)): Extension<TokenEndpoint> =
+            Extension::from_request(req).await.unwrap();
+        let Extension(http): Extension<reqwest::Client> =
+            Extension::from_request(req).await.unwrap();
+        match http
+            .get(token_endpoint)
+            .header("Authorization", token.encode())
+            .header("Accept", "application/json")
+            .send()
+            .await
+        {
+            Ok(res) => match res.status() {
+                StatusCode::OK => match res.json::<serde_json::Value>().await {
+                    Ok(json) => match serde_json::from_value::<User>(json.clone()) {
+                        Ok(user) => Ok(user),
+                        Err(err) => {
+                            if let Some(false) = json["active"].as_bool() {
+                                Err(IndieAuthError {
+                                    source: None,
+                                    kind: ErrorKind::NotAuthorized,
+                                    msg: "The token is not active for this user.".to_owned(),
+                                })
+                            } else {
+                                Err(IndieAuthError::from(err))
+                            }
+                        }
+                    },
+                    Err(err) => Err(IndieAuthError::from(err)),
+                },
+                StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST => match res.json::<TokenEndpointError>().await {
+                    Ok(err) => {
+                        if err.error == "unauthorized" {
+                            Err(IndieAuthError {
+                                source: None,
+                                kind: ErrorKind::NotAuthorized,
+                                msg: err.error_description,
+                            })
+                        } else {
+                            Err(IndieAuthError {
+                                source: None,
+                                kind: ErrorKind::TokenEndpointError,
+                                msg: err.error_description,
+                            })
+                        }
+                    }
+                    Err(err) => Err(IndieAuthError::from(err)),
+                },
+                _ => Err(IndieAuthError {
+                    source: None,
+                    msg: format!("Token endpoint returned {}", res.status()),
+                    kind: ErrorKind::TokenEndpointError,
+                }),
+            },
+            Err(err) => Err(IndieAuthError::from(err)),
+        }
+    }
+mod tests {
+    use super::User;
+    use axum::{
+        extract::FromRequest,
+        http::{Method, Request},
+    };
+    use wiremock::{MockServer, Mock, ResponseTemplate};
+    use wiremock::matchers::{method, path, header};
+    #[test]
+    fn user_scopes_are_checkable() {
+        let user = User::new(
+            "https://fireburn.ru/",
+            "https://quill.p3k.io/",
+            "create update media",
+        );
+        assert!(user.check_scope("create"));
+        assert!(!user.check_scope("delete"));
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn get_http_client() -> reqwest::Client {
+        reqwest::Client::new()
+    }
+    fn request<A: Into<Option<&'static str>>>(
+        auth: A,
+        endpoint: String,
+    ) -> Request<()> {
+        let request = Request::builder().method(Method::GET);
+        match auth.into() {
+            Some(auth) => request.header("Authorization", auth),
+            None => request,
+        }
+        .extension(super::TokenEndpoint(endpoint.parse().unwrap()))
+        .extension(get_http_client())
+        .body(())
+        .unwrap()
+    }
+    #[tokio::test]
+    async fn test_require_token_with_token() {
+        let server = MockServer::start().await;
+        Mock::given(path("/token"))
+            .and(header("Authorization", "Bearer token"))
+            .respond_with(ResponseTemplate::new(200)
+                          .set_body_json(User::new(
+                              "https://fireburn.ru/",
+                              "https://quill.p3k.io/",
+                              "create update media",
+                          ))
+            )
+            .mount(&server)
+            .await;
+        let request = request("Bearer token", format!("{}/token", &server.uri()));
+        let mut parts = axum::extract::RequestParts::new(request);
+        let user = User::from_request(&mut parts).await.unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(user.me.as_str(), "https://fireburn.ru/")
+    }
+    #[tokio::test]
+    async fn test_require_token_fake_token() {
+        let server = MockServer::start().await;
+        Mock::given(path("/refuse_token"))
+            .respond_with(ResponseTemplate::new(200)
+                          .set_body_json(serde_json::json!({"active": false}))
+            )
+            .mount(&server)
+            .await;
+        let request = request("Bearer token", format!("{}/refuse_token", &server.uri()));
+        let mut parts = axum::extract::RequestParts::new(request);
+        let err = User::from_request(&mut parts).await.unwrap_err();
+        assert_eq!(err.kind, super::ErrorKind::NotAuthorized)
+    }
+    #[tokio::test]
+    async fn test_require_token_no_token() {
+        let server = MockServer::start().await;
+        Mock::given(path("/should_never_be_called"))
+            .respond_with(ResponseTemplate::new(500))
+            .expect(0)
+            .mount(&server)
+            .await;
+        let request = request(None, format!("{}/should_never_be_called", &server.uri()));
+        let mut parts = axum::extract::RequestParts::new(request);
+        let err = User::from_request(&mut parts).await.unwrap_err();
+        assert_eq!(err.kind, super::ErrorKind::InvalidHeader);
+    }
+    #[tokio::test]
+    async fn test_require_token_400_error_unauthorized() {
+        let server = MockServer::start().await;
+        Mock::given(path("/refuse_token_with_400"))
+            .and(header("Authorization", "Bearer token"))
+            .respond_with(ResponseTemplate::new(400)
+                          .set_body_json(serde_json::json!({
+                              "error": "unauthorized",
+                              "error_description": "The token provided was malformed"
+                          }))
+            )
+            .mount(&server)
+            .await;
+        let request = request(
+            "Bearer token",
+            format!("{}/refuse_token_with_400", &server.uri()),
+        );
+        let mut parts = axum::extract::RequestParts::new(request);
+        let err = User::from_request(&mut parts).await.unwrap_err();
+        assert_eq!(err.kind, super::ErrorKind::NotAuthorized);
+    }
diff --git a/src/webmentions/check.rs b/src/webmentions/check.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7322f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/webmentions/check.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+use std::{cell::RefCell, rc::Rc};
+use microformats::{types::PropertyValue, html5ever::{self, tendril::TendrilSink}};
+use kittybox_util::MentionType;
+#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
+pub enum Error {
+    #[error("microformats error: {0}")]
+    Microformats(#[from] microformats::Error),
+    // #[error("json error: {0}")]
+    // Json(#[from] serde_json::Error),
+    #[error("url parse error: {0}")]
+    UrlParse(#[from] url::ParseError),
+pub fn check_mention(document: impl AsRef<str> + std::fmt::Debug, base_url: &url::Url, link: &url::Url) -> Result<Option<(MentionType, serde_json::Value)>, Error> {
+    tracing::debug!("Parsing MF2 markup...");
+    // First, check the document for MF2 markup
+    let document = microformats::from_html(document.as_ref(), base_url.clone())?;
+    // Get an iterator of all items
+    let items_iter = document.items.iter()
+        .map(AsRef::as_ref)
+        .map(RefCell::borrow);
+    for item in items_iter {
+        tracing::debug!("Processing item: {:?}", item);
+        let props = item.properties.borrow();
+        for (prop, interaction_type) in [
+            ("in-reply-to", MentionType::Reply), ("like-of", MentionType::Like),
+            ("bookmark-of", MentionType::Bookmark), ("repost-of", MentionType::Repost)
+        ] {
+            if let Some(propvals) = props.get(prop) {
+                tracing::debug!("Has a u-{} property", prop);
+                for val in propvals {
+                    if let PropertyValue::Url(url) = val {
+                        if url == link {
+                            tracing::debug!("URL matches! Webmention is valid");
+                            return Ok(Some((interaction_type, serde_json::to_value(&*item).unwrap())))
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // Process `content`
+        tracing::debug!("Processing e-content...");
+        if let Some(PropertyValue::Fragment(content)) = props.get("content")
+            .map(Vec::as_slice)
+            .unwrap_or_default()
+            .first()
+        {
+            tracing::debug!("Parsing HTML data...");
+            let root = html5ever::parse_document(html5ever::rcdom::RcDom::default(), Default::default())
+                .from_utf8()
+                .one(content.html.to_owned().as_bytes())
+                .document;
+            // This is a trick to unwrap recursion into a loop
+            //
+            // A list of unprocessed node is made. Then, in each
+            // iteration, the list is "taken" and replaced with an
+            // empty list, which is populated with nodes for the next
+            // iteration of the loop.
+            //
+            // Empty list means all nodes were processed.
+            let mut unprocessed_nodes: Vec<Rc<html5ever::rcdom::Node>> = root.children.borrow().iter().cloned().collect();
+            while !unprocessed_nodes.is_empty() {
+                // "Take" the list out of its memory slot, replace it with an empty list
+                let nodes = std::mem::take(&mut unprocessed_nodes);
+                tracing::debug!("Processing list of {} nodes", nodes.len());
+                'nodes_loop: for node in nodes.into_iter() {
+                    // Add children nodes to the list for the next iteration
+                    unprocessed_nodes.extend(node.children.borrow().iter().cloned());
+                    if let html5ever::rcdom::NodeData::Element { ref name, ref attrs, .. } = node.data {
+                        // If it's not `<a>`, skip it
+                        if name.local != *"a" { continue; }
+                        let mut is_mention: bool = false;
+                        for attr in attrs.borrow().iter() {
+                            if attr.name.local == *"rel" {
+                                // Don't count `rel="nofollow"` links — a web crawler should ignore them
+                                // and so for purposes of driving visitors they are useless
+                                if attr.value
+                                    .as_ref()
+                                    .split([',', ' '])
+                                    .any(|v| v == "nofollow")
+                                {
+                                    // Skip the entire node.
+                                    continue 'nodes_loop;
+                                }
+                            }
+                            // if it's not `<a href="...">`, skip it 
+                            if attr.name.local != *"href" { continue; }
+                            // Be forgiving in parsing URLs, and resolve them against the base URL
+                            if let Ok(url) = base_url.join(attr.value.as_ref()) {
+                                if &url == link {
+                                    is_mention = true;
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                        if is_mention {
+                            return Ok(Some((MentionType::Mention, serde_json::to_value(&*item).unwrap())));
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    Ok(None)
diff --git a/src/webmentions/mod.rs b/src/webmentions/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95ea870
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/webmentions/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+use axum::{Form, response::{IntoResponse, Response}, Extension};
+use axum::http::StatusCode;
+use tracing::error;
+use crate::database::{Storage, StorageError};
+use self::queue::JobQueue;
+pub mod queue;
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "sqlx", derive(sqlx::FromRow))]
+pub struct Webmention {
+    source: String,
+    target: String,
+impl queue::JobItem for Webmention {}
+impl queue::PostgresJobItem for Webmention {
+    const DATABASE_NAME: &'static str = "kittybox_webmention.incoming_webmention_queue";
+    const NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL: &'static str = "incoming_webmention";
+async fn accept_webmention<Q: JobQueue<Webmention>>(
+    Extension(queue): Extension<Q>,
+    Form(webmention): Form<Webmention>,
+) -> Response {
+    if let Err(err) = webmention.source.parse::<url::Url>() {
+        return (StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, err.to_string()).into_response()
+    }
+    if let Err(err) = webmention.target.parse::<url::Url>() {
+        return (StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, err.to_string()).into_response()
+    }
+    match queue.put(&webmention).await {
+        Ok(id) => (StatusCode::ACCEPTED, [
+            ("Location", format!("/.kittybox/webmention/{id}"))
+        ]).into_response(),
+        Err(err) => (StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, [
+            ("Content-Type", "text/plain")
+        ], err.to_string()).into_response()
+    }
+pub fn router<Q: JobQueue<Webmention>, S: Storage + 'static>(
+    queue: Q, db: S, http: reqwest::Client,
+    cancellation_token: tokio_util::sync::CancellationToken
+) -> (axum::Router, SupervisedTask) {
+    // Automatically spawn a background task to handle webmentions
+    let bgtask_handle = supervised_webmentions_task(queue.clone(), db, http, cancellation_token);
+    let router = axum::Router::new()
+        .route("/.kittybox/webmention",
+            axum::routing::post(accept_webmention::<Q>)
+        )
+        .layer(Extension(queue));
+    (router, bgtask_handle)
+#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
+pub enum SupervisorError {
+    #[error("the task was explicitly cancelled")]
+    Cancelled
+pub type SupervisedTask = tokio::task::JoinHandle<Result<std::convert::Infallible, SupervisorError>>;
+pub fn supervisor<E, A, F>(mut f: F, cancellation_token: tokio_util::sync::CancellationToken) -> SupervisedTask
+    E: std::error::Error + std::fmt::Debug + Send + 'static,
+    A: std::future::Future<Output = Result<std::convert::Infallible, E>> + Send + 'static,
+    F: FnMut() -> A + Send + 'static
+    let supervisor_future = async move {
+        loop {
+            // Don't spawn the task if we are already cancelled, but
+            // have somehow missed it (probably because the task
+            // crashed and we immediately received a cancellation
+            // request after noticing the crashed task)
+            if cancellation_token.is_cancelled() {
+                return Err(SupervisorError::Cancelled)
+            }
+            let task = tokio::task::spawn(f());
+            tokio::select! {
+                _ = cancellation_token.cancelled() => {
+                    tracing::info!("Shutdown of background task {:?} requested.", std::any::type_name::<A>());
+                    return Err(SupervisorError::Cancelled)
+                }
+                task_result = task => match task_result {
+                    Err(e) => tracing::error!("background task {:?} exited unexpectedly: {}", std::any::type_name::<A>(), e),
+                    Ok(Err(e)) => tracing::error!("background task {:?} returned error: {}", std::any::type_name::<A>(), e),
+                    Ok(Ok(_)) => unreachable!("task's Ok is Infallible")
+                }
+            }
+            tracing::debug!("Sleeping for a little while to back-off...");
+            tokio::time::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs(5)).await;
+        }
+    };
+    #[cfg(not(tokio_unstable))]
+    return tokio::task::spawn(supervisor_future);
+    #[cfg(tokio_unstable)]
+    return tokio::task::Builder::new()
+        .name(format!("supervisor for background task {}", std::any::type_name::<A>()).as_str())
+        .spawn(supervisor_future)
+        .unwrap();
+mod check;
+#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
+enum Error<Q: std::error::Error + std::fmt::Debug + Send + 'static> {
+    #[error("queue error: {0}")]
+    Queue(#[from] Q),
+    #[error("storage error: {0}")]
+    Storage(StorageError)
+async fn process_webmentions_from_queue<Q: JobQueue<Webmention>, S: Storage + 'static>(queue: Q, db: S, http: reqwest::Client) -> Result<std::convert::Infallible, Error<Q::Error>> {
+    use futures_util::StreamExt;
+    use self::queue::Job;
+    let mut stream = queue.into_stream().await?;
+    while let Some(item) = stream.next().await.transpose()? {
+        let job = item.job();
+        let (source, target) = (
+            job.source.parse::<url::Url>().unwrap(),
+            job.target.parse::<url::Url>().unwrap()
+        );
+        let (code, text) = match http.get(source.clone()).send().await {
+            Ok(response) => {
+                let code = response.status();
+                if ![StatusCode::OK, StatusCode::GONE].iter().any(|i| i == &code) {
+                    error!("error processing webmention: webpage fetch returned {}", code);
+                    continue;
+                }
+                match response.text().await {
+                    Ok(text) => (code, text),
+                    Err(err) => {
+                        error!("error processing webmention: error fetching webpage text: {}", err);
+                        continue
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            Err(err) => {
+                error!("error processing webmention: error requesting webpage: {}", err);
+                continue
+            }
+        };
+        if code == StatusCode::GONE {
+            todo!("removing webmentions is not implemented yet");
+            // db.remove_webmention(target.as_str(), source.as_str()).await.map_err(Error::<Q::Error>::Storage)?;
+        } else {
+            // Verify webmention
+            let (mention_type, mut mention) = match tokio::task::block_in_place({
+                || check::check_mention(text, &source, &target)
+            }) {
+                Ok(Some(mention_type)) => mention_type,
+                Ok(None) => {
+                    error!("webmention {} -> {} invalid, rejecting", source, target);
+                    item.done().await?;
+                    continue;
+                }
+                Err(err) => {
+                    error!("error processing webmention: error checking webmention: {}", err);
+                    continue;
+                }
+            };
+            {
+                mention["type"] = serde_json::json!(["h-cite"]);
+                if !mention["properties"].as_object().unwrap().contains_key("uid") {
+                    let url = mention["properties"]["url"][0].as_str().unwrap_or_else(|| target.as_str()).to_owned();
+                    let props = mention["properties"].as_object_mut().unwrap();
+                    props.insert("uid".to_owned(), serde_json::Value::Array(
+                        vec![serde_json::Value::String(url)])
+                    );
+                }
+            }
+            db.add_or_update_webmention(target.as_str(), mention_type, mention).await.map_err(Error::<Q::Error>::Storage)?;
+        }
+    }
+    unreachable!()
+fn supervised_webmentions_task<Q: JobQueue<Webmention>, S: Storage + 'static>(
+    queue: Q, db: S,
+    http: reqwest::Client,
+    cancellation_token: tokio_util::sync::CancellationToken
+) -> SupervisedTask {
+    supervisor::<Error<Q::Error>, _, _>(move || process_webmentions_from_queue(queue.clone(), db.clone(), http.clone()), cancellation_token)
diff --git a/src/webmentions/queue.rs b/src/webmentions/queue.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b811e71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/webmentions/queue.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+use std::{pin::Pin, str::FromStr};
+use futures_util::{Stream, StreamExt};
+use sqlx::{postgres::PgListener, Executor};
+use uuid::Uuid;
+use super::Webmention;
+static MIGRATOR: sqlx::migrate::Migrator = sqlx::migrate!("./migrations/webmention");
+pub use kittybox_util::queue::{JobQueue, JobItem, Job};
+pub trait PostgresJobItem: JobItem + sqlx::FromRow<'static, sqlx::postgres::PgRow> {
+    const DATABASE_NAME: &'static str;
+    const NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL: &'static str;
+struct PostgresJobRow<T: PostgresJobItem> {
+    id: Uuid,
+    #[sqlx(flatten)]
+    job: T
+pub struct PostgresJob<T: PostgresJobItem> {
+    id: Uuid,
+    job: T,
+    // This will normally always be Some, except on drop
+    txn: Option<sqlx::Transaction<'static, sqlx::Postgres>>,
+    runtime_handle: tokio::runtime::Handle,
+impl<T: PostgresJobItem> Drop for PostgresJob<T> {
+    // This is an emulation of "async drop" — the struct retains a
+    // runtime handle, which it uses to block on a future that does
+    // the actual cleanup.
+    //
+    // Of course, this is not portable between runtimes, but I don't
+    // care about that, since Kittybox is designed to work within the
+    // Tokio ecosystem.
+    fn drop(&mut self) {
+        tracing::error!("Job {:?} failed, incrementing attempts...", &self);
+        if let Some(mut txn) = self.txn.take() {
+            let id = self.id;
+            self.runtime_handle.spawn(async move {
+                tracing::debug!("Constructing query to increment attempts for job {}...", id);
+                // UPDATE "T::DATABASE_NAME" WHERE id = $1 SET attempts = attempts + 1
+                sqlx::query_builder::QueryBuilder::new("UPDATE ")
+                    // This is safe from a SQL injection standpoint, since it is a constant.
+                    .push(T::DATABASE_NAME)
+                    .push(" SET attempts = attempts + 1")
+                    .push(" WHERE id = ")
+                    .push_bind(id)
+                    .build()
+                    .execute(&mut *txn)
+                    .await
+                    .unwrap();
+                sqlx::query_builder::QueryBuilder::new("NOTIFY ")
+                    .push(T::NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL)
+                    .build()
+                    .execute(&mut *txn)
+                    .await
+                    .unwrap();
+                txn.commit().await.unwrap();
+            });
+        }
+    }
+impl<T: PostgresJobItem> PostgresJob<T> {
+    async fn attempts(&mut self) -> Result<usize, sqlx::Error> {
+        sqlx::query_builder::QueryBuilder::new("SELECT attempts FROM ")
+            .push(T::DATABASE_NAME)
+            .push(" WHERE id = ")
+            .push_bind(self.id)
+            .build_query_as::<(i32,)>()
+            // It's safe to unwrap here, because we "take" the txn only on drop or commit,
+            // where it's passed by value, not by reference.
+            .fetch_one(self.txn.as_deref_mut().unwrap())
+            .await
+            .map(|(i,)| i as usize)
+    }
+impl Job<Webmention, PostgresJobQueue<Webmention>> for PostgresJob<Webmention> {
+    fn job(&self) -> &Webmention {
+        &self.job
+    }
+    async fn done(mut self) -> Result<(), <PostgresJobQueue<Webmention> as JobQueue<Webmention>>::Error> {
+        tracing::debug!("Deleting {} from the job queue", self.id);
+        sqlx::query("DELETE FROM kittybox_webmention.incoming_webmention_queue WHERE id = $1")
+            .bind(self.id)
+            .execute(self.txn.as_deref_mut().unwrap())
+            .await?;
+        self.txn.take().unwrap().commit().await
+    }
+pub struct PostgresJobQueue<T> {
+    db: sqlx::PgPool,
+    _phantom: std::marker::PhantomData<T>
+impl<T> Clone for PostgresJobQueue<T> {
+    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
+        Self {
+            db: self.db.clone(),
+            _phantom: std::marker::PhantomData
+        }
+    }
+impl PostgresJobQueue<Webmention> {
+    pub async fn new(uri: &str) -> Result<Self, sqlx::Error> {
+        let mut options = sqlx::postgres::PgConnectOptions::from_str(uri)?
+            .options([("search_path", "kittybox_webmention")]);
+        if let Ok(password_file) = std::env::var("PGPASS_FILE") {
+            let password = tokio::fs::read_to_string(password_file).await.unwrap();
+            options = options.password(&password);
+        } else if let Ok(password) = std::env::var("PGPASS") {
+            options = options.password(&password)
+        }
+        Self::from_pool(
+            sqlx::postgres::PgPoolOptions::new()
+                .max_connections(50)
+                .connect_with(options)
+                .await?
+        ).await
+    }
+    pub(crate) async fn from_pool(db: sqlx::PgPool) -> Result<Self, sqlx::Error> {
+        db.execute(sqlx::query("CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS kittybox_webmention")).await?;
+        MIGRATOR.run(&db).await?;
+        Ok(Self { db, _phantom: std::marker::PhantomData })
+    }
+impl JobQueue<Webmention> for PostgresJobQueue<Webmention> {
+    type Job = PostgresJob<Webmention>;
+    type Error = sqlx::Error;
+    async fn get_one(&self) -> Result<Option<Self::Job>, Self::Error> {
+        let mut txn = self.db.begin().await?;
+        match sqlx::query_as::<_, PostgresJobRow<Webmention>>(
+            "SELECT id, source, target FROM kittybox_webmention.incoming_webmention_queue WHERE attempts < 5 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED LIMIT 1"
+        )
+            .fetch_optional(&mut *txn)
+            .await?
+        {
+            Some(job_row) => {
+                return Ok(Some(Self::Job {
+                    id: job_row.id,
+                    job: job_row.job,
+                    txn: Some(txn),
+                    runtime_handle: tokio::runtime::Handle::current(),
+                }))
+            },
+            None => Ok(None)
+        }
+    }
+    async fn put(&self, item: &Webmention) -> Result<Uuid, Self::Error> {
+        sqlx::query_scalar::<_, Uuid>("INSERT INTO kittybox_webmention.incoming_webmention_queue (source, target) VALUES ($1, $2) RETURNING id")
+            .bind(item.source.as_str())
+            .bind(item.target.as_str())
+            .fetch_one(&self.db)
+            .await
+    }
+    async fn into_stream(self) -> Result<Pin<Box<dyn Stream<Item = Result<Self::Job, Self::Error>> + Send>>, Self::Error> {
+        let mut listener = PgListener::connect_with(&self.db).await?;
+        listener.listen("incoming_webmention").await?;
+        let stream: Pin<Box<dyn Stream<Item = Result<Self::Job, Self::Error>> + Send>> = futures_util::stream::try_unfold((), {
+            let listener = std::sync::Arc::new(tokio::sync::Mutex::new(listener));
+            move |_| {
+                let queue = self.clone();
+                let listener = listener.clone();
+                async move {
+                    loop {
+                        match queue.get_one().await? {
+                            Some(item) => return Ok(Some((item, ()))),
+                            None => {
+                                listener.lock().await.recv().await?;
+                                continue
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }).boxed();
+        Ok(stream)
+    }
+mod tests {
+    use std::sync::Arc;
+    use super::{Webmention, PostgresJobQueue, Job, JobQueue, MIGRATOR};
+    use futures_util::StreamExt;
+    #[sqlx::test(migrator = "MIGRATOR")]
+    #[tracing_test::traced_test]
+    async fn test_webmention_queue(pool: sqlx::PgPool) -> Result<(), sqlx::Error> {
+        let test_webmention = Webmention {
+            source: "https://fireburn.ru/posts/lorem-ipsum".to_owned(),
+            target: "https://aaronparecki.com/posts/dolor-sit-amet".to_owned()
+        };
+        let queue = PostgresJobQueue::<Webmention>::from_pool(pool).await?;
+        tracing::debug!("Putting webmention into queue");
+        queue.put(&test_webmention).await?;
+        {
+            let mut job_description = queue.get_one().await?.unwrap();
+            assert_eq!(job_description.job(), &test_webmention);
+            assert_eq!(job_description.attempts().await?, 0);
+        }
+        tracing::debug!("Creating a stream");
+        let mut stream = queue.clone().into_stream().await?;
+        {
+            let mut guard = stream.next().await.transpose()?.unwrap();
+            assert_eq!(guard.job(), &test_webmention);
+            assert_eq!(guard.attempts().await?, 1);
+            if let Some(item) = queue.get_one().await? {
+                panic!("Unexpected item {:?} returned from job queue!", item)
+            };
+        }
+        {
+            let mut guard = stream.next().await.transpose()?.unwrap();
+            assert_eq!(guard.job(), &test_webmention);
+            assert_eq!(guard.attempts().await?, 2);
+            guard.done().await?;
+        }
+        match queue.get_one().await? {
+            Some(item) => panic!("Unexpected item {:?} returned from job queue!", item),
+            None => Ok(())
+        }
+    }
+    #[sqlx::test(migrator = "MIGRATOR")]
+    #[tracing_test::traced_test]
+    async fn test_no_hangups_in_queue(pool: sqlx::PgPool) -> Result<(), sqlx::Error> {
+        let test_webmention = Webmention {
+            source: "https://fireburn.ru/posts/lorem-ipsum".to_owned(),
+            target: "https://aaronparecki.com/posts/dolor-sit-amet".to_owned()
+        };
+        let queue = PostgresJobQueue::<Webmention>::from_pool(pool.clone()).await?;
+        tracing::debug!("Putting webmention into queue");
+        queue.put(&test_webmention).await?;
+        tracing::debug!("Creating a stream");
+        let mut stream = queue.clone().into_stream().await?;
+        // Synchronisation barrier that will be useful later
+        let barrier = Arc::new(tokio::sync::Barrier::new(2));
+        {
+            // Get one job guard from a queue
+            let mut guard = stream.next().await.transpose()?.unwrap();
+            assert_eq!(guard.job(), &test_webmention);
+            assert_eq!(guard.attempts().await?, 0);
+            tokio::task::spawn({
+                let barrier = barrier.clone();
+                async move {
+                    // Wait for the signal to drop the guard!
+                    barrier.wait().await;
+                    drop(guard)
+                }
+            });
+        }
+        tokio::time::timeout(std::time::Duration::from_secs(1), stream.next()).await.unwrap_err();
+        let future = tokio::task::spawn(
+            tokio::time::timeout(
+                std::time::Duration::from_secs(10), async move {
+                    stream.next().await.unwrap().unwrap()
+                }
+            )
+        );
+        // Let the other task drop the guard it is holding
+        barrier.wait().await;
+        let mut guard = future.await
+            .expect("Timeout on fetching item")
+            .expect("Job queue error");
+        assert_eq!(guard.job(), &test_webmention);
+        assert_eq!(guard.attempts().await?, 1);
+        Ok(())
+    }