#![forbid(unsafe_code)] #![warn(clippy::todo)] use std::sync::Arc; use axum::extract::FromRef; use axum_extra::extract::cookie::Key; use database::{FileStorage, PostgresStorage, Storage}; use indieauth::backend::{AuthBackend, FileBackend as FileAuthBackend}; use kittybox_util::queue::{JobItem, JobQueue}; use media::storage::{MediaStore, file::FileStore as FileMediaStore}; use tokio::{sync::Mutex, task::JoinSet}; use webmentions::queue::{PostgresJobItem, PostgresJobQueue}; /// Database abstraction layer for Kittybox, allowing the CMS to work with any kind of database. pub mod database; pub mod frontend; pub mod media; pub mod micropub; pub mod indieauth; pub mod webmentions; pub mod login; //pub mod admin; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct AppState<A, S, M, Q> where A: AuthBackend + Sized + 'static, S: Storage + Sized + 'static, M: MediaStore + Sized + 'static, Q: JobQueue<webmentions::Webmention> + Sized { pub auth_backend: A, pub storage: S, pub media_store: M, pub job_queue: Q, pub http: reqwest::Client, pub background_jobs: Arc<Mutex<JoinSet<()>>>, pub cookie_key: Key } // This is really regrettable, but I can't write: // // ```compile-error // impl <A, S, M> FromRef<AppState<A, S, M>> for A // where A: AuthBackend, S: Storage, M: MediaStore { // fn from_ref(input: &AppState<A, S, M>) -> A { // input.auth_backend.clone() // } // } // ``` // // ...because of the orphan rule. // // I wonder if this would stifle external implementations. I think it // shouldn't, because my AppState type is generic, and since the // target type is local, the orphan rule will not kick in. You just // have to repeat this magic invocation. impl<S, M, Q> FromRef<AppState<Self, S, M, Q>> for FileAuthBackend // where S: Storage, M: MediaStore where S: Storage, M: MediaStore, Q: JobQueue<webmentions::Webmention> { fn from_ref(input: &AppState<Self, S, M, Q>) -> Self { input.auth_backend.clone() } } impl<A, M, Q> FromRef<AppState<A, Self, M, Q>> for PostgresStorage // where A: AuthBackend, M: MediaStore where A: AuthBackend, M: MediaStore, Q: JobQueue<webmentions::Webmention> { fn from_ref(input: &AppState<A, Self, M, Q>) -> Self { input.storage.clone() } } impl<A, M, Q> FromRef<AppState<A, Self, M, Q>> for FileStorage where A: AuthBackend, M: MediaStore, Q: JobQueue<webmentions::Webmention> { fn from_ref(input: &AppState<A, Self, M, Q>) -> Self { input.storage.clone() } } impl<A, S, Q> FromRef<AppState<A, S, Self, Q>> for FileMediaStore // where A: AuthBackend, S: Storage where A: AuthBackend, S: Storage, Q: JobQueue<webmentions::Webmention> { fn from_ref(input: &AppState<A, S, Self, Q>) -> Self { input.media_store.clone() } } impl<A, S, M, Q> FromRef<AppState<A, S, M, Q>> for Key where A: AuthBackend, S: Storage, M: MediaStore, Q: JobQueue<webmentions::Webmention> { fn from_ref(input: &AppState<A, S, M, Q>) -> Self { input.cookie_key.clone() } } impl<A, S, M, Q> FromRef<AppState<A, S, M, Q>> for reqwest::Client where A: AuthBackend, S: Storage, M: MediaStore, Q: JobQueue<webmentions::Webmention> { fn from_ref(input: &AppState<A, S, M, Q>) -> Self { input.http.clone() } } impl<A, S, M, Q> FromRef<AppState<A, S, M, Q>> for Arc<Mutex<JoinSet<()>>> where A: AuthBackend, S: Storage, M: MediaStore, Q: JobQueue<webmentions::Webmention> { fn from_ref(input: &AppState<A, S, M, Q>) -> Self { input.background_jobs.clone() } } #[cfg(feature = "sqlx")] impl<A, S, M> FromRef<AppState<A, S, M, Self>> for PostgresJobQueue<webmentions::Webmention> where A: AuthBackend, S: Storage, M: MediaStore { fn from_ref(input: &AppState<A, S, M, Self>) -> Self { input.job_queue.clone() } } pub mod companion { use std::{collections::HashMap, sync::Arc}; use axum::{ extract::{Extension, Path}, response::{IntoResponse, Response} }; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] struct Resource { data: &'static [u8], mime: &'static str } impl IntoResponse for &Resource { fn into_response(self) -> Response { (axum::http::StatusCode::OK, [("Content-Type", self.mime)], self.data).into_response() } } // TODO replace with the "phf" crate someday type ResourceTable = Arc<HashMap<&'static str, Resource>>; #[tracing::instrument] async fn map_to_static( Path(name): Path<String>, Extension(resources): Extension<ResourceTable> ) -> Response { tracing::debug!("Searching for {} in the resource table...", name); match resources.get(name.as_str()) { Some(res) => res.into_response(), None => { #[cfg(debug_assertions)] tracing::error!("Not found"); (axum::http::StatusCode::NOT_FOUND, [("Content-Type", "text/plain")], "Not found. Sorry.".as_bytes()).into_response() } } } pub fn router<St: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static>() -> axum::Router<St> { let resources: ResourceTable = { let mut map = HashMap::new(); macro_rules! register_resource { ($map:ident, $prefix:expr, ($filename:literal, $mime:literal)) => {{ $map.insert($filename, Resource { data: include_bytes!(concat!($prefix, $filename)), mime: $mime }) }}; ($map:ident, $prefix:expr, ($filename:literal, $mime:literal), $( ($f:literal, $m:literal) ),+) => {{ register_resource!($map, $prefix, ($filename, $mime)); register_resource!($map, $prefix, $(($f, $m)),+); }}; } register_resource! { map, concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/", "companion", "/"), ("index.html", "text/html; charset=\"utf-8\""), ("main.js", "text/javascript"), ("micropub_api.js", "text/javascript"), ("indieauth.js", "text/javascript"), ("base64.js", "text/javascript"), ("style.css", "text/css") }; Arc::new(map) }; axum::Router::new() .route( "/:filename", axum::routing::get(map_to_static) .layer(Extension(resources)) ) } }