{ crane, lib, nodePackages , useWebAuthn ? false, openssl, zlib, pkg-config, protobuf , usePostgres ? true, postgresql, postgresqlTestHook , nixosTests }: assert useWebAuthn -> openssl != null && pkg-config != null; assert usePostgres -> postgresql != null && postgresqlTestHook != null; let featureMatrix = features: lib.concatStringsSep " " (lib.attrNames (lib.filterAttrs (k: v: v) features)); suffixes = [ ".sql" ".ts" ".css" ".html" ".json" ]; suffixFilter = suffixes: name: type: let base = baseNameOf (toString name); in type == "directory" || lib.any (ext: lib.hasSuffix ext base) suffixes; srcFilter = path: type: (suffixFilter suffixes path type) || (crane.filterCargoSources path type); src = lib.cleanSourceWith { src = ./.; # The original, unfiltered source filter = srcFilter; name = "source"; # Be reproducible, regardless of the directory name }; cargoFeatures = "--no-default-features --features=\"${featureMatrix { webauthn = useWebAuthn; postgres = usePostgres; rustls = !useWebAuthn; }}\""; args = { inherit src; strictDeps = true; cargoExtraArgs = cargoFeatures; buildInputs = lib.optional useWebAuthn openssl; nativeBuildInputs = [ nodePackages.typescript ] ++ (lib.optional useWebAuthn pkg-config); meta = with lib.meta; { maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ vikanezrimaya ]; platforms = ["aarch64-linux" "x86_64-linux"]; mainProgram = "kittybox"; }; }; cargoArtifacts = crane.buildDepsOnly args; args' = args // { inherit cargoArtifacts; }; in crane.buildPackage (args' // { nativeCheckInputs = lib.optionals usePostgres [ postgresql postgresqlTestHook ]; # Tests create arbitrary databases; we need to be prepared for that postgresqlTestUserOptions = "LOGIN SUPERUSER"; postgresqlTestSetupPost = '' export DATABASE_URL="postgres://localhost?host=$PGHOST&user=$PGUSER&dbname=$PGDATABASE" ''; passthru = { tests = nixosTests; hasPostgres = usePostgres; inherit cargoArtifacts; clippy = crane.cargoClippy args'; }; })