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path: root/kittybox-rs/src/database
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Diffstat (limited to 'kittybox-rs/src/database')
4 files changed, 168 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kittybox-rs/src/database/file/mod.rs b/kittybox-rs/src/database/file/mod.rs
index fe53ea5..ca8e2ac 100644
--- a/kittybox-rs/src/database/file/mod.rs
+++ b/kittybox-rs/src/database/file/mod.rs
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ use crate::database::{ErrorKind, Result, settings, Storage, StorageError};
 use crate::micropub::{MicropubUpdate, MicropubPropertyDeletion};
 use async_trait::async_trait;
 use futures::{stream, StreamExt, TryStreamExt};
+use kittybox_util::MentionType;
 use serde_json::json;
 use std::borrow::Cow;
 use std::collections::HashMap;
@@ -680,4 +681,53 @@ impl Storage for FileStorage {
+    #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))]
+    async fn add_or_update_webmention(&self, target: &str, mention_type: MentionType, mention: serde_json::Value) -> Result<()> {
+        let path = url_to_path(&self.root_dir, target);
+        let tempfilename = path.with_extension("tmp");
+        let mut temp = OpenOptions::new()
+                .write(true)
+                .create_new(true)
+                .open(&tempfilename)
+                .await?;
+        let mut file = OpenOptions::new().read(true).open(&path).await?;
+        let mut post: serde_json::Value = {
+            let mut content = String::new();
+            file.read_to_string(&mut content).await?;
+            drop(file);
+            serde_json::from_str(&content)?
+        };
+        let key: &'static str = match mention_type {
+            MentionType::Reply => "reply",
+            MentionType::Like => "like",
+            MentionType::Repost => "repost",
+            MentionType::Bookmark => "bookmark",
+            MentionType::Mention => "mention",
+        };
+        let mention_uid = mention["properties"]["uid"][0].clone();
+        if let Some(values) = post["properties"][key].as_array_mut() {
+            for value in values.iter_mut() {
+                if value["properties"]["uid"][0] == mention_uid {
+                    *value = mention;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+            post["properties"][key] = serde_json::Value::Array(vec![mention]);
+        }
+        temp.write_all(post.to_string().as_bytes()).await?;
+        temp.flush().await?;
+        temp.sync_all().await?;
+        drop(temp);
+        tokio::fs::rename(tempfilename, &path).await?;
+        tokio::fs::File::open(path.parent().unwrap()).await?.sync_all().await?;
+        Ok(())
+    }
diff --git a/kittybox-rs/src/database/memory.rs b/kittybox-rs/src/database/memory.rs
index 26d3095..6339e7a 100644
--- a/kittybox-rs/src/database/memory.rs
+++ b/kittybox-rs/src/database/memory.rs
@@ -226,6 +226,11 @@ impl Storage for MemoryStorage {
+    #[allow(unused_variables)]
+    async fn add_or_update_webmention(&self, target: &str, mention_type: kittybox_util::MentionType, mention: serde_json::Value) -> Result<()> {
+        todo!()
+    }
 impl Default for MemoryStorage {
diff --git a/kittybox-rs/src/database/mod.rs b/kittybox-rs/src/database/mod.rs
index 231fd26..1d1cf15 100644
--- a/kittybox-rs/src/database/mod.rs
+++ b/kittybox-rs/src/database/mod.rs
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 use std::borrow::Cow;
 use async_trait::async_trait;
+use kittybox_util::MentionType;
 mod file;
 pub use crate::database::file::FileStorage;
@@ -296,6 +297,22 @@ pub trait Storage: std::fmt::Debug + Clone + Send + Sync {
     /// Commits a setting to the setting store.
     async fn set_setting<S: Setting<'a> + 'a, 'a>(&self, user: &'a str, value: S::Data) -> Result<()>;
+    /// Add (or update) a webmention on a certian post.
+    ///
+    /// The MF2 object describing the webmention content will always
+    /// be of type `h-cite`, and the `uid` property on the object will
+    /// always be set.
+    ///
+    /// The rationale for this function is as follows: webmentions
+    /// might be duplicated, and we need to deduplicate them first. As
+    /// we lack support for transactions and locking posts on the
+    /// database, the only way is to implement the operation on the
+    /// database itself.
+    ///
+    /// Besides, it may even allow for nice tricks like storing the
+    /// webmentions separately and rehydrating them on feed reads.
+    async fn add_or_update_webmention(&self, target: &str, mention_type: MentionType, mention: serde_json::Value) -> Result<()>;
@@ -303,6 +320,7 @@ mod tests {
     use super::settings;
     use super::{MicropubChannel, Storage};
+    use kittybox_util::MentionType;
     use serde_json::json;
     async fn test_basic_operations<Backend: Storage>(backend: Backend) {
@@ -499,6 +517,37 @@ mod tests {
+    fn gen_random_mention(domain: &str, mention_type: MentionType, url: &str) -> serde_json::Value {
+        use faker_rand::lorem::{Paragraphs, Word};
+        let uid = format!(
+            "https://{domain}/posts/{}-{}-{}",
+            rand::random::<Word>(),
+            rand::random::<Word>(),
+            rand::random::<Word>()
+        );
+        let time = chrono::Local::now().to_rfc3339();
+        let post = json!({
+            "type": ["h-cite"],
+            "properties": {
+                "content": [rand::random::<Paragraphs>().to_string()],
+                "uid": [&uid],
+                "url": [&uid],
+                "published": [&time],
+                (match mention_type {
+                    MentionType::Reply => "in-reply-to",
+                    MentionType::Like => "like-of",
+                    MentionType::Repost => "repost-of",
+                    MentionType::Bookmark => "bookmark-of",
+                    MentionType::Mention => unimplemented!(),
+                }): [url]
+            }
+        });
+        post
+    }
     async fn test_feed_pagination<Backend: Storage>(backend: Backend) {
         let posts = {
             let mut posts = std::iter::from_fn(
@@ -626,6 +675,30 @@ mod tests {
         .expect("Operation should not hang: see https://gitlab.com/kittybox/kittybox/-/issues/4");
+    async fn test_webmention_addition<Backend: Storage>(db: Backend) {
+        let post = gen_random_post("fireburn.ru");
+        db.put_post(&post, "fireburn.ru").await.unwrap();
+        const TYPE: MentionType = MentionType::Reply;
+        let target = post["properties"]["uid"][0].as_str().unwrap();
+        let mut reply = gen_random_mention("aaronparecki.com", TYPE, target);
+        let (read_post, _) = db.read_feed_with_cursor(target, None, 20, None).await.unwrap().unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(post, read_post);
+        db.add_or_update_webmention(target, TYPE, reply.clone()).await.unwrap();
+        let (read_post, _) = db.read_feed_with_cursor(target, None, 20, None).await.unwrap().unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(read_post["properties"]["reply"][0], reply);
+        reply["properties"]["content"][0] = json!(rand::random::<faker_rand::lorem::Paragraphs>().to_string());
+        db.add_or_update_webmention(target, TYPE, reply.clone()).await.unwrap();
+        let (read_post, _) = db.read_feed_with_cursor(target, None, 20, None).await.unwrap().unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(read_post["properties"]["reply"][0], reply);
+    }
     /// Automatically generates a test suite for
     macro_rules! test_all {
         ($func_name:ident, $mod_name:ident) => {
@@ -635,6 +708,7 @@ mod tests {
+                $func_name!(test_webmention_addition);
diff --git a/kittybox-rs/src/database/postgres/mod.rs b/kittybox-rs/src/database/postgres/mod.rs
index b9a21c3..b1a03b1 100644
--- a/kittybox-rs/src/database/postgres/mod.rs
+++ b/kittybox-rs/src/database/postgres/mod.rs
@@ -130,6 +130,45 @@ impl Storage for PostgresStorage {
             .map(|_| ())
+    async fn add_or_update_webmention(&self, target: &str, mention_type: MentionType, mention: serde_json::Value) -> Result<()> {
+        let mut txn = self.db.begin().await?;
+        let (uid, mut post) = sqlx::query_as::<_, (String, serde_json::Value)>("SELECT uid, mf2 FROM kittybox.mf2_json WHERE uid = $1 OR mf2['properties']['url'] ? $1 FOR UPDATE")
+            .bind(target)
+            .fetch_optional(&mut *txn)
+            .await?
+            .ok_or(StorageError::from_static(
+                ErrorKind::NotFound,
+                "The specified post wasn't found in the database."
+            ))?;
+        let key: &'static str = match mention_type {
+            MentionType::Reply => "reply",
+            MentionType::Like => "like",
+            MentionType::Repost => "repost",
+            MentionType::Bookmark => "bookmark",
+            MentionType::Mention => "mention",
+        };
+        let mention_uid = mention["properties"]["uid"][0].clone();
+        if let Some(values) = post["properties"][key].as_array_mut() {
+            for value in values.iter_mut() {
+                if value["properties"]["uid"][0] == mention_uid {
+                    *value = mention;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+            post["properties"][key] = serde_json::Value::Array(vec![mention]);
+        }
+        sqlx::query("UPDATE kittybox.mf2_json SET mf2 = $2 WHERE uid = $1")
+            .bind(uid)
+            .bind(post)
+            .execute(&mut *txn)
+            .await?;
+        txn.commit().await.map_err(Into::into)
+    }
     async fn update_post(&self, url: &'_ str, update: MicropubUpdate) -> Result<()> {
         tracing::debug!("Updating post {}", url);