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path: root/kittybox-rs/src/database/file/mod.rs
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authorVika <vika@fireburn.ru>2022-05-24 17:18:30 +0300
committerVika <vika@fireburn.ru>2022-05-24 17:18:30 +0300
commit5610a5f0bf1a9df02bd3d5b55e2cdebef2440360 (patch)
tree8394bcf1dcc204043d7adeb8dde2e2746977606e /kittybox-rs/src/database/file/mod.rs
parent2f93873122b47e42f7ee1c38f1f04d052a63599c (diff)
flake.nix: reorganize
 - Kittybox's source code is moved to a subfolder
   - This improves build caching by Nix since it doesn't take changes
     to other files into account
 - Package and test definitions were spun into separate files
   - This makes my flake.nix much easier to navigate
   - This also makes it somewhat possible to use without flakes (but
     it is still not easy, so use flakes!)
 - Some attributes were moved in compliance with Nix 2.8's changes to
   flake schema
Diffstat (limited to 'kittybox-rs/src/database/file/mod.rs')
1 files changed, 619 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kittybox-rs/src/database/file/mod.rs b/kittybox-rs/src/database/file/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e7aa96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kittybox-rs/src/database/file/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,619 @@
+use crate::database::{filter_post, ErrorKind, Result, Storage, StorageError, Settings};
+use std::io::ErrorKind as IOErrorKind;
+use tokio::fs::{File, OpenOptions};
+use tokio::io::{AsyncReadExt, AsyncWriteExt};
+use tokio::task::spawn_blocking;
+use async_trait::async_trait;
+use futures::{stream, StreamExt, TryStreamExt};
+use log::debug;
+use serde_json::json;
+use std::collections::HashMap;
+use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
+impl From<std::io::Error> for StorageError {
+    fn from(source: std::io::Error) -> Self {
+        Self::with_source(
+            match source.kind() {
+                IOErrorKind::NotFound => ErrorKind::NotFound,
+                IOErrorKind::AlreadyExists => ErrorKind::Conflict,
+                _ => ErrorKind::Backend,
+            },
+            "file I/O error",
+            Box::new(source),
+        )
+    }
+impl From<tokio::time::error::Elapsed> for StorageError {
+    fn from(source: tokio::time::error::Elapsed) -> Self {
+        Self::with_source(
+            ErrorKind::Backend,
+            "timeout on I/O operation",
+            Box::new(source)
+        )
+    }
+// Copied from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39340924
+// This routine is adapted from the *old* Path's `path_relative_from`
+// function, which works differently from the new `relative_from` function.
+// In particular, this handles the case on unix where both paths are
+// absolute but with only the root as the common directory.
+fn path_relative_from(path: &Path, base: &Path) -> Option<PathBuf> {
+    use std::path::Component;
+    if path.is_absolute() != base.is_absolute() {
+        if path.is_absolute() {
+            Some(PathBuf::from(path))
+        } else {
+            None
+        }
+    } else {
+        let mut ita = path.components();
+        let mut itb = base.components();
+        let mut comps: Vec<Component> = vec![];
+        loop {
+            match (ita.next(), itb.next()) {
+                (None, None) => break,
+                (Some(a), None) => {
+                    comps.push(a);
+                    comps.extend(ita.by_ref());
+                    break;
+                }
+                (None, _) => comps.push(Component::ParentDir),
+                (Some(a), Some(b)) if comps.is_empty() && a == b => (),
+                (Some(a), Some(b)) if b == Component::CurDir => comps.push(a),
+                (Some(_), Some(b)) if b == Component::ParentDir => return None,
+                (Some(a), Some(_)) => {
+                    comps.push(Component::ParentDir);
+                    for _ in itb {
+                        comps.push(Component::ParentDir);
+                    }
+                    comps.push(a);
+                    comps.extend(ita.by_ref());
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        Some(comps.iter().map(|c| c.as_os_str()).collect())
+    }
+#[allow(clippy::unwrap_used, clippy::expect_used)]
+mod tests {
+    #[test]
+    fn test_relative_path_resolving() {
+        let path1 = std::path::Path::new("/home/vika/Projects/kittybox");
+        let path2 = std::path::Path::new("/home/vika/Projects/nixpkgs");
+        let relative_path = super::path_relative_from(path2, path1).unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(relative_path, std::path::Path::new("../nixpkgs"))
+    }
+// This could be checked by completely resolving the path
+// and checking if it has a common prefix
+fn url_to_path(root: &Path, url: &str) -> PathBuf {
+    let path = url_to_relative_path(url).to_logical_path(root);
+    if !path.starts_with(root) {
+        // TODO: handle more gracefully
+        panic!("Security error: {:?} is not a prefix of {:?}", path, root)
+    } else {
+        path
+    }
+fn url_to_relative_path(url: &str) -> relative_path::RelativePathBuf {
+    let url = warp::http::Uri::try_from(url).expect("Couldn't parse a URL");
+    let mut path = relative_path::RelativePathBuf::new();
+    path.push(url.authority().unwrap().to_string() + url.path() + ".json");
+    path
+fn modify_post(post: &serde_json::Value, update: &serde_json::Value) -> Result<serde_json::Value> {
+    let mut add_keys: HashMap<String, Vec<serde_json::Value>> = HashMap::new();
+    let mut remove_keys: Vec<String> = vec![];
+    let mut remove_values: HashMap<String, Vec<serde_json::Value>> = HashMap::new();
+    let mut post = post.clone();
+    if let Some(delete) = update["delete"].as_array() {
+        remove_keys.extend(
+            delete
+                .iter()
+                .filter_map(|v| v.as_str())
+                .map(|v| v.to_string()),
+        );
+    } else if let Some(delete) = update["delete"].as_object() {
+        for (k, v) in delete {
+            if let Some(v) = v.as_array() {
+                remove_values
+                    .entry(k.to_string())
+                    .or_default()
+                    .extend(v.clone());
+            } else {
+                return Err(StorageError::new(
+                    ErrorKind::BadRequest,
+                    "Malformed update object",
+                ));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if let Some(add) = update["add"].as_object() {
+        for (k, v) in add {
+            if let Some(v) = v.as_array() {
+                add_keys.insert(k.to_string(), v.clone());
+            } else {
+                return Err(StorageError::new(
+                    ErrorKind::BadRequest,
+                    "Malformed update object",
+                ));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if let Some(replace) = update["replace"].as_object() {
+        for (k, v) in replace {
+            remove_keys.push(k.to_string());
+            if let Some(v) = v.as_array() {
+                add_keys.insert(k.to_string(), v.clone());
+            } else {
+                return Err(StorageError::new(ErrorKind::BadRequest, "Malformed update object"));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if let Some(props) = post["properties"].as_object_mut() {
+        for k in remove_keys {
+            props.remove(&k);
+        }
+    }
+    for (k, v) in remove_values {
+        let k = &k;
+        let props = if k == "children" {
+            &mut post
+        } else {
+            &mut post["properties"]
+        };
+        v.iter().for_each(|v| {
+            if let Some(vec) = props[k].as_array_mut() {
+                if let Some(index) = vec.iter().position(|w| w == v) {
+                    vec.remove(index);
+                }
+            }
+        });
+    }
+    for (k, v) in add_keys {
+        let props = if k == "children" {
+            &mut post
+        } else {
+            &mut post["properties"]
+        };
+        let k = &k;
+        if let Some(prop) = props[k].as_array_mut() {
+            if k == "children" {
+                v.into_iter()
+                    .rev()
+                    .for_each(|v| prop.insert(0, v));
+            } else {
+                prop.extend(v.into_iter());
+            }
+        } else {
+            post["properties"][k] = serde_json::Value::Array(v)
+        }
+    }
+    Ok(post)
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+/// A backend using a folder with JSON files as a backing store.
+/// Uses symbolic links to represent a many-to-one mapping of URLs to a post.
+pub struct FileStorage {
+    root_dir: PathBuf,
+impl FileStorage {
+    /// Create a new storage wrapping a folder specified by root_dir.
+    pub async fn new(root_dir: PathBuf) -> Result<Self> {
+        // TODO check if the dir is writable
+        Ok(Self { root_dir })
+    }
+async fn hydrate_author<S: Storage>(
+    feed: &mut serde_json::Value,
+    user: &'_ Option<String>,
+    storage: &S,
+) {
+    let url = feed["properties"]["uid"][0]
+        .as_str()
+        .expect("MF2 value should have a UID set! Check if you used normalize_mf2 before recording the post!");
+    if let Some(author) = feed["properties"]["author"].as_array().cloned() {
+        if !feed["type"]
+            .as_array()
+            .expect("MF2 value should have a type set!")
+            .iter()
+            .any(|i| i == "h-card")
+        {
+            let author_list: Vec<serde_json::Value> = stream::iter(author.iter())
+                .then(|i| async move {
+                    if let Some(i) = i.as_str() {
+                        match storage.get_post(i).await {
+                            Ok(post) => match post {
+                                Some(post) => match filter_post(post, user) {
+                                    Some(author) => author,
+                                    None => json!(i),
+                                },
+                                None => json!(i),
+                            },
+                            Err(e) => {
+                                log::error!("Error while hydrating post {}: {}", url, e);
+                                json!(i)
+                            }
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        i.clone()
+                    }
+                })
+                .collect::<Vec<_>>()
+                .await;
+            if let Some(props) = feed["properties"].as_object_mut() {
+                props["author"] = json!(author_list);
+            } else {
+                feed["properties"] = json!({"author": author_list});
+            }
+        }
+    }
+impl Storage for FileStorage {
+    async fn post_exists(&self, url: &str) -> Result<bool> {
+        let path = url_to_path(&self.root_dir, url);
+        debug!("Checking if {:?} exists...", path);
+        /*let result = match tokio::fs::metadata(path).await {
+            Ok(metadata) => {
+                Ok(true)
+            },
+            Err(err) => {
+                if err.kind() == IOErrorKind::NotFound {
+                    Ok(false)
+                } else {
+                    Err(err.into())
+                }
+            }
+        };*/
+        #[allow(clippy::unwrap_used)] // JoinHandle captures panics, this closure shouldn't panic
+        Ok(spawn_blocking(move || path.is_file()).await.unwrap())
+    }
+    async fn get_post(&self, url: &str) -> Result<Option<serde_json::Value>> {
+        let path = url_to_path(&self.root_dir, url);
+        // TODO: check that the path actually belongs to the dir of user who requested it
+        // it's not like you CAN access someone else's private posts with it
+        // so it's not exactly a security issue, but it's still not good
+        debug!("Opening {:?}", path);
+        match File::open(&path).await {
+            Ok(mut file) => {
+                let mut content = String::new();
+                // Typechecks because OS magic acts on references
+                // to FDs as if they were behind a mutex
+                AsyncReadExt::read_to_string(&mut file, &mut content).await?;
+                debug!("Read {} bytes successfully from {:?}", content.as_bytes().len(), &path);
+                Ok(Some(serde_json::from_str(&content)?))
+            },
+            Err(err) => {
+                if err.kind() == IOErrorKind::NotFound {
+                    Ok(None)
+                } else {
+                    Err(err.into())
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    async fn put_post(&self, post: &'_ serde_json::Value, user: &'_ str) -> Result<()> {
+        let key = post["properties"]["uid"][0]
+            .as_str()
+            .expect("Tried to save a post without UID");
+        let path = url_to_path(&self.root_dir, key);
+        let tempfile = (&path).with_extension("tmp");
+        debug!("Creating {:?}", path);
+        let parent = path.parent().expect("Parent for this directory should always exist").to_owned();
+        if !parent.is_dir() {
+            tokio::fs::create_dir_all(parent).await?;
+        }
+        let mut file = tokio::fs::OpenOptions::new()
+            .write(true)
+            .create_new(true)
+            .open(&tempfile).await?;
+        file.write_all(post.to_string().as_bytes()).await?;
+        file.flush().await?;
+        drop(file);
+        tokio::fs::rename(&tempfile, &path).await?;
+        if let Some(urls) = post["properties"]["url"].as_array() {
+            for url in urls
+                .iter()
+                .map(|i| i.as_str().unwrap())
+            {
+                if url != key && url.starts_with(user) {
+                    let link = url_to_path(&self.root_dir, url);
+                    debug!("Creating a symlink at {:?}", link);
+                    let orig = path.clone();
+                    // We're supposed to have a parent here.
+                    let basedir = link.parent().ok_or_else(|| {
+                        StorageError::new(
+                            ErrorKind::Backend,
+                            "Failed to calculate parent directory when creating a symlink",
+                        )
+                    })?;
+                    let relative = path_relative_from(&orig, basedir).unwrap();
+                    println!("{:?} - {:?} = {:?}", &orig, &basedir, &relative);
+                    tokio::fs::symlink(relative, link).await?;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if post["type"]
+            .as_array()
+            .unwrap()
+            .iter()
+            .any(|s| s.as_str() == Some("h-feed"))
+        {
+            println!("Adding to channel list...");
+            // Add the h-feed to the channel list
+            let mut path = relative_path::RelativePathBuf::new();
+            path.push(warp::http::Uri::try_from(user.to_string()).unwrap().authority().unwrap().to_string());
+            path.push("channels");
+            let path = path.to_path(&self.root_dir);
+            let tempfilename = (&path).with_extension("tmp");
+            let channel_name = post["properties"]["name"][0]
+                .as_str()
+                .map(|s| s.to_string())
+                .unwrap_or_else(String::default);
+            let key = key.to_string();
+            let mut tempfile = OpenOptions::new()
+                .write(true)
+                .create_new(true)
+                .open(&tempfilename).await?;
+            let mut file = OpenOptions::new()
+                .read(true)
+                .write(true)
+                .truncate(false)
+                .create(true)
+                .open(&path).await?;
+            let mut content = String::new();
+            file.read_to_string(&mut content).await?;
+            drop(file);
+            let mut channels: Vec<super::MicropubChannel> = if !content.is_empty() {
+                serde_json::from_str(&content)?
+            } else {
+                Vec::default()
+            };
+            channels.push(super::MicropubChannel {
+                uid: key.to_string(),
+                name: channel_name,
+            });
+            tempfile.write_all(serde_json::to_string(&channels)?.as_bytes()).await?;
+            tempfile.flush().await?;
+            drop(tempfile);
+            tokio::fs::rename(tempfilename, path).await?;
+        }
+        Ok(())
+    }
+    async fn update_post(&self, url: &'_ str, update: serde_json::Value) -> Result<()> {
+        let path = url_to_path(&self.root_dir, url);
+        let tempfilename = path.with_extension("tmp");
+        #[allow(unused_variables)]
+        let (old_json, new_json) = {
+            let mut temp = OpenOptions::new()
+                .write(true)
+                .create_new(true)
+                .open(&tempfilename)
+                .await?;
+            let mut file = OpenOptions::new()
+                .read(true)
+                .open(&path)
+                .await?;
+            let mut content = String::new();
+            file.read_to_string(&mut content).await?;
+            let json: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_str(&content)?;
+            drop(file);
+            // Apply the editing algorithms
+            let new_json = modify_post(&json, &update)?;
+            temp.write_all(new_json.to_string().as_bytes()).await?;
+            temp.flush().await?;
+            drop(temp);
+            tokio::fs::rename(tempfilename, path).await?;
+            (json, new_json)
+        };
+        // TODO check if URLs changed between old and new JSON
+        Ok(())
+    }
+    async fn get_channels(&self, user: &'_ str) -> Result<Vec<super::MicropubChannel>> {
+        let mut path = relative_path::RelativePathBuf::new();
+        path.push(warp::http::Uri::try_from(user.to_string()).unwrap().authority().unwrap().to_string());
+        path.push("channels");
+        let path = path.to_path(&self.root_dir);
+        match File::open(&path).await {
+            Ok(mut f) => {
+                let mut content = String::new();
+                f.read_to_string(&mut content).await?;
+                // This should not happen, but if it does, handle it gracefully
+                if content.is_empty() {
+                    return Ok(vec![]);
+                }
+                let channels: Vec<super::MicropubChannel> = serde_json::from_str(&content)?;
+                Ok(channels)
+            }
+            Err(e) => {
+                if e.kind() == IOErrorKind::NotFound {
+                    Ok(vec![])
+                } else {
+                    Err(e.into())
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    async fn read_feed_with_limit(
+        &self,
+        url: &'_ str,
+        after: &'_ Option<String>,
+        limit: usize,
+        user: &'_ Option<String>,
+    ) -> Result<Option<serde_json::Value>> {
+        if let Some(feed) = self.get_post(url).await? {
+            if let Some(mut feed) = filter_post(feed, user) {
+                if feed["children"].is_array() {
+                    // This code contains several clones. It looks
+                    // like the borrow checker thinks it is preventing
+                    // me from doing something incredibly stupid. The
+                    // borrow checker may or may not be right.
+                    let children = feed["children"].as_array().unwrap().clone();
+                    let mut posts_iter = children
+                        .into_iter()
+                        .map(|s: serde_json::Value| s.as_str().unwrap().to_string());
+                    // Note: we can't actually use skip_while here because we end up emitting `after`.
+                    // This imperative snippet consumes after instead of emitting it, allowing the
+                    // stream of posts to return only those items that truly come *after*
+                    if let Some(after) = after {
+                        for s in posts_iter.by_ref() {
+                            if &s == after {
+                                break
+                            }
+                        }
+                    };
+                    let posts = stream::iter(posts_iter)
+                        .map(|url: String| async move { self.get_post(&url).await })
+                        .buffered(std::cmp::min(3, limit))
+                        // Hack to unwrap the Option and sieve out broken links
+                        // Broken links return None, and Stream::filter_map skips Nones.
+                        .try_filter_map(|post: Option<serde_json::Value>| async move { Ok(post) })
+                        .try_filter_map(|post| async move { Ok(filter_post(post, user)) })
+                        .and_then(|mut post| async move {
+                            hydrate_author(&mut post, user, self).await;
+                            Ok(post)
+                        })
+                        .take(limit);
+                    match posts.try_collect::<Vec<serde_json::Value>>().await {
+                        Ok(posts) => feed["children"] = serde_json::json!(posts),
+                        Err(err) => {
+                            return Err(StorageError::with_source(
+                                ErrorKind::Other,
+                                "Feed assembly error",
+                                Box::new(err),
+                            ));
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                hydrate_author(&mut feed, user, self).await;
+                Ok(Some(feed))
+            } else {
+                Err(StorageError::new(
+                    ErrorKind::PermissionDenied,
+                    "specified user cannot access this post",
+                ))
+            }
+        } else {
+            Ok(None)
+        }
+    }
+    async fn delete_post(&self, url: &'_ str) -> Result<()> {
+        let path = url_to_path(&self.root_dir, url);
+        if let Err(e) = tokio::fs::remove_file(path).await {
+            Err(e.into())
+        } else {
+            // TODO check for dangling references in the channel list
+            Ok(())
+        }
+    }
+    async fn get_setting(&self, setting: Settings, user: &'_ str) -> Result<String> {
+        log::debug!("User for getting settings: {}", user);
+        let url = warp::http::Uri::try_from(user).expect("Couldn't parse a URL");
+        let mut path = relative_path::RelativePathBuf::new();
+        path.push(url.authority().unwrap().to_string());
+        path.push("settings");
+        let path = path.to_path(&self.root_dir);
+        log::debug!("Getting settings from {:?}", &path);
+        let setting = setting.to_string();
+        let mut file = File::open(path).await?;
+        let mut content = String::new();
+        file.read_to_string(&mut content).await?;
+        let settings: HashMap<String, String> = serde_json::from_str(&content)?;
+        // XXX consider returning string slices instead of cloning a string every time
+        // it might come with a performance hit and/or memory usage inflation
+        settings
+            .get(&setting)
+            .cloned()
+            .ok_or_else(|| StorageError::new(ErrorKind::Backend, "Setting not set"))
+    }
+    async fn set_setting(&self, setting: Settings, user: &'_ str, value: &'_ str) -> Result<()> {
+        let url = warp::http::Uri::try_from(user).expect("Couldn't parse a URL");
+        let mut path = relative_path::RelativePathBuf::new();
+        path.push(url.authority().unwrap().to_string());
+        path.push("settings");
+        let path = path.to_path(&self.root_dir);
+        let temppath = path.with_extension("tmp");
+        let parent = path.parent().unwrap().to_owned();
+        if !spawn_blocking(move || parent.is_dir()).await.unwrap() {
+            tokio::fs::create_dir_all(path.parent().unwrap()).await?;
+        }
+        let (setting, value) = (setting.to_string(), value.to_string());
+        let mut tempfile = OpenOptions::new()
+            .write(true)
+            .create_new(true)
+            .open(&temppath)
+            .await?;
+        let mut settings: HashMap<String, String> = match File::open(&path).await {
+            Ok(mut f) => {
+                let mut content = String::new();
+                f.read_to_string(&mut content).await?;
+                if content.is_empty() {
+                    HashMap::default()
+                } else {
+                    serde_json::from_str(&content)?
+                }
+            }
+            Err(err) => if err.kind() == IOErrorKind::NotFound {
+                HashMap::default()
+            } else {
+                return Err(err.into())
+            }
+        };
+        settings.insert(setting, value);
+        tempfile.write_all(serde_json::to_string(&settings)?.as_bytes()).await?;
+        drop(tempfile);
+        tokio::fs::rename(temppath, path).await?;
+        Ok(())
+    }