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path: root/templates/src/templates.rs
blob: 53b096512c7fe7ac2996f524b77752b92d60fb32 (plain) (tree)
























use kittybox_util::{MicropubChannel, IndiewebEndpoints};
use ellipse::Ellipse;
use http::StatusCode;
use log::error;

pub static POSTS_PER_PAGE: usize = 20;

/// Return a pretty location specifier from a geo: URI.
fn decode_geo_uri(uri: &str) -> String {
    if let Some(part) = uri.split(':').collect::<Vec<_>>().get(1) {
        if let Some(part) = part.split(';').next() {
            let mut parts = part.split(',');
            let lat = parts.next().unwrap();
            let lon = parts.next().unwrap();
            // TODO - format them as proper latitude and longitude
            return format!("{}, {}", lat, lon);
        } else {
    } else {

markup::define! {
    Template<'a>(title: &'a str, blog_name: &'a str, endpoints: Option<IndiewebEndpoints>, feeds: Vec<MicropubChannel>, user: Option<String>, content: String) {
        html {
            head {
                title { @title }
                link[rel="preconnect", href="https://fonts.gstatic.com"];
                link[rel="stylesheet", href="/static/style.css"];
                meta[name="viewport", content="initial-scale=1, width=device-width"];
                // TODO: link rel= for common IndieWeb APIs: webmention, microsub
                link[rel="micropub", href="/micropub"]; // Static, because it's built into the server itself
                @if let Some(endpoints) = endpoints {
                    link[rel="authorization_endpoint", href=&endpoints.authorization_endpoint];
                    link[rel="token_endpoint", href=&endpoints.token_endpoint];
                    @if let Some(webmention) = &endpoints.webmention {
                        link[rel="webmention", href=&webmention];
                    @if let Some(microsub) = &endpoints.microsub {
                        link[rel="microsub", href=&microsub];
            body {
                // TODO Somehow compress headerbar into a menu when the screen space is tight
                nav #headerbar {
                    ul {
                        li { a #homepage[href="/"] { @blog_name } }
                        @for feed in feeds.iter() {
                            li { a[href=&feed.uid] { @feed.name } }
                        li.shiftright {
                            @if user.is_none() {
                                a #login[href="/login"] { "Sign in" }
                            } else {
                                span {
                                    @user.as_ref().unwrap() " - " a #logout[href="/logout"] { "Sign out" }
                main {
    Entry<'a>(post: &'a serde_json::Value) {
        article."h-entry" {
            header.metadata {
                @if post["properties"]["name"][0].is_string() {
                    h1."p-name" {
                } else {
                    @if post["properties"]["author"][0].is_object() {
                        section."mini-h-card" {
                            a.larger[href=post["properties"]["author"][0]["properties"]["uid"][0].as_str().unwrap()] {
                                @if post["properties"]["author"][0]["properties"]["photo"][0].is_string() {
                                    img[src=post["properties"]["author"][0]["properties"]["photo"][0].as_str().unwrap()] {}
                div {
                    span {
                        a."u-url"."u-uid"[href=post["properties"]["uid"][0].as_str().unwrap()] {
                            time."dt-published"[datetime=post["properties"]["published"][0].as_str().unwrap()] {
                                    .map(|dt| dt.format("%a %b %e %T %Y").to_string())
                                    .unwrap_or("ERROR: Couldn't parse the datetime".to_string())
                    @if post["properties"]["visibility"][0].as_str().unwrap_or("public") != "public" {
                        span."p-visibility"[value=post["properties"]["visibility"][0].as_str().unwrap()] {
                    @if post["properties"]["category"].is_array() {
                        span {
                            ul.categories {
                                "Tagged: "
                                @for cat in post["properties"]["category"].as_array().unwrap() {
                                    li."p-category" { @cat.as_str().unwrap() }
                    @if post["properties"]["in-reply-to"].is_array() {
                        // TODO: Rich reply contexts - blocked on MF2 parser
                        span {
                            "In reply to: "
                            ul.replyctx {
                                @for ctx in post["properties"]["in-reply-to"].as_array().unwrap() {
                                    li { a."u-in-reply-to"[href=ctx.as_str().unwrap()] {
                                    } }
                @if post["properties"]["url"].as_array().unwrap().len() > 1 {
                    ul {
                        "Pretty permalinks for this post:"
                        @for url in post["properties"]["url"].as_array().unwrap().iter().filter(|i| **i != post["properties"]["uid"][0]).map(|i| i.as_str().unwrap()) {
                            li {
                                a."u-url"[href=url] { @url }
                @if post["properties"]["location"].is_array() || post["properties"]["checkin"].is_array() {
                    div {
                        @if post["properties"]["checkin"].is_array() {
                            span {
                                "Check-in to: "
                                @if post["properties"]["checkin"][0].is_string() {
                                    // It's a URL
                                    a."u-checkin"[href=post["properties"]["checkin"][0].as_str().unwrap()] {
                                } else {
                                    a."u-checkin"[href=post["properties"]["checkin"][0]["properties"]["uid"][0].as_str().unwrap()] {
                        @if post["properties"]["location"].is_array() {
                            span {
                                "Location: "
                                @if post["properties"]["location"][0].is_string() {
                                    // It's a geo: URL
                                    // We need to decode it
                                    a."u-location"[href=post["properties"]["location"][0].as_str().unwrap()] {
                                } else {
                                    // It's an inner h-geo object
                                    a."u-location"[href=post["properties"]["location"][0]["value"].as_str().map(|x| x.to_string()).unwrap_or(format!("geo:{},{}", post["properties"]["location"][0]["properties"]["latitude"][0].as_str().unwrap(), post["properties"]["location"][0]["properties"]["longitude"][0].as_str().unwrap()))] {
                                        // I'm a lazy bitch
                                        @decode_geo_uri(&post["properties"]["location"][0]["value"].as_str().map(|x| x.to_string()).unwrap_or(format!("geo:{},{}", post["properties"]["location"][0]["properties"]["latitude"][0].as_str().unwrap(), post["properties"]["location"][0]["properties"]["longitude"][0].as_str().unwrap())))
                @if post["properties"]["ate"].is_array() || post["properties"]["drank"].is_array() {
                    div {
                        @if post["properties"]["ate"].is_array() {
                            span { ul {
                                @for food in post["properties"]["ate"].as_array().unwrap() {
                                    li {
                                        @if food.is_string() {
                                            // If this is a string, it's a URL.
                                            a."u-ate"[href=food.as_str().unwrap()] {
                                        } else {
                                            // This is a rich food object (mm, sounds tasty! I wanna eat something tasty)
                                            a."u-ate"[href=food["properties"]["uid"][0].as_str().unwrap_or("#")] {
                            } }
                        @if post["properties"]["drank"].is_array() {
                            span { ul {
                                @for food in post["properties"]["drank"].as_array().unwrap() {
                                    li {
                                        @if food.is_string() {
                                            // If this is a string, it's a URL.
                                            a."u-drank"[href=food.as_str().unwrap()] {
                                        } else {
                                            // This is a rich food object (mm, sounds tasty! I wanna eat something tasty)
                                            a."u-drank"[href=food["properties"]["uid"][0].as_str().unwrap_or("#")] {
                            } }
            @PhotoGallery { photos: post["properties"]["photo"].as_array() }
            @if post["properties"]["content"][0]["html"].is_string() {
                main."e-content" {
            @WebInteractions { post }
    PhotoGallery<'a>(photos: Option<&'a Vec<serde_json::Value>>) {
        @if photos.is_some() {
            @for photo in photos.unwrap() {
                @if photo.is_string() {
                    img."u-photo"[src=photo.as_str().unwrap(), loading="lazy"];
                } else if photo.is_array() {
                    @if photo["thumbnail"].is_string() {
                        a."u-photo"[href=photo["value"].as_str().unwrap()] {
                            img[src=photo["thumbnail"].as_str().unwrap(), loading="lazy", alt=photo["alt"].as_str().unwrap_or("")];
                    } else {
                        img."u-photo"[src=photo["value"].as_str().unwrap(), loading="lazy", alt=photo["alt"].as_str().unwrap_or("")];
    WebInteractions<'a>(post: &'a serde_json::Value) {
        footer.webinteractions {
            ul.counters {
                li {
                    span.icon { "❤️" }
                    span.counter { @post["properties"]["like"].as_array().map(|a| a.len()).unwrap_or(0) }
                li {
                    span.icon { "💬" }
                    span.counter { @post["properties"]["comment"].as_array().map(|a| a.len()).unwrap_or(0) }
                li {
                    span.icon { "🔄" }
                    span.counter { @post["properties"]["repost"].as_array().map(|a| a.len()).unwrap_or(0) }
                li {
                    span.icon { "🔖" }
                    span.counter { @post["properties"]["bookmark"].as_array().map(|a| a.len()).unwrap_or(0) }
            // Needs rich webmention support which may or may not depend on an MF2 parser
            // Might circumvent with an external parser with CORS support
            // why write this stuff in rust then tho
            /*details {
                summary { "Show comments and reactions" }
                @if post["properties"]["like"].as_array().map(|a| a.len()).unwrap_or(0) > 0 {
                    // Show a facepile of likes for a post
                @if post["properties"]["bookmark"].as_array().map(|a| a.len()).unwrap_or(0) > 0 {
                    // Show a facepile of bookmarks for a post
                @if post["properties"]["repost"].as_array().map(|a| a.len()).unwrap_or(0) > 0 {
                    // Show a facepile of reposts for a post
                @if post["properties"]["comment"].as_array().map(|a| a.len()).unwrap_or(0) > 0 {
                    // Show all the comments recursively (so we could do Salmention with them)
    VCard<'a>(card: &'a serde_json::Value) {
        article."h-card" {
            @if card["properties"]["photo"][0].is_string() {
            h1 {
                a."u-url"."u-uid"."p-name"[href=card["properties"]["uid"][0].as_str().unwrap()] {
            @if card["properties"]["pronoun"].is_array() {
                span {
                    @for (i, pronoun) in card["properties"]["pronoun"].as_array().unwrap().iter().filter_map(|v| v.as_str()).enumerate() {
                        span."p-pronoun" {
                        // Insert commas between multiple sets of pronouns
                        @if i < (card["properties"]["pronoun"].as_array().unwrap().len() - 1) {", "}
            @if card["properties"]["note"].is_array() {
                p."p-note" {
                    @card["properties"]["note"][0]["value"].as_str().unwrap_or_else(|| card["properties"]["note"][0].as_str().unwrap())
            @if card["properties"]["url"].is_array() {
                ul {
                    "Can be found elsewhere at:"
                    @for url in card["properties"]["url"].as_array().unwrap().iter().filter_map(|v| v.as_str()).filter(|v| v != &card["properties"]["uid"][0].as_str().unwrap()).filter(|v| !v.starts_with(&card["properties"]["author"][0].as_str().unwrap())) {
                        li { a."u-url"[href=url, rel="me"] { @url } }
    Food<'a>(food: &'a serde_json::Value) {
        article."h-food" {
            header.metadata {
                h1 {
                    a."p-name"."u-url"[href=food["properties"]["url"][0].as_str().unwrap()] {
            @PhotoGallery { photos: food["properties"]["photo"].as_array() }
    Feed<'a>(feed: &'a serde_json::Value) {
        div."h-feed" {
            div.metadata {
                @if feed["properties"]["name"][0].is_string() {
                    h1."p-name".titanic {
                        a[href=feed["properties"]["uid"][0].as_str().unwrap(), rel="feed"] {
            @if feed["children"].is_array() {
                @for child in feed["children"].as_array().unwrap() {
                    @match child["type"][0].as_str().unwrap() {
                        "h-entry" => { @Entry { post: child } }
                        "h-feed" => { @Feed { feed: child } }
                        "h-event" => {
                            @{error!("Templating error: h-events aren't implemented yet");}
                        "h-card" => { @VCard { card: child }}
                        something_else => {
                            @{error!("Templating error: found a {} object that couldn't be parsed", something_else);}
            @if feed["children"].as_array().map(|a| a.len()).unwrap_or(0) == 0 {
                p {
                    "Looks like you reached the end. Wanna jump back to the "
                    a[href=feed["properties"]["uid"][0].as_str().unwrap()] {
                    } "?"
            @if feed["children"].as_array().map(|a| a.len()).unwrap_or(0) == super::POSTS_PER_PAGE {
                a[rel="prev", href=feed["properties"]["uid"][0].as_str().unwrap().to_string()
                    + "?after=" + feed["children"][super::POSTS_PER_PAGE - 1]["properties"]["uid"][0].as_str().unwrap()] {
                    "Older posts"
    MainPage<'a>(feed: &'a serde_json::Value, card: &'a serde_json::Value) {
        .sidebyside {
            @VCard { card }
            #dynamicstuff {
                p { "This section will provide interesting statistics or tidbits about my life in this exact moment (with maybe a small delay)." }
                p { "It will probably require JavaScript to self-update, but I promise to keep this widget lightweight and open-source!" }
                p { small {
                    "JavaScript isn't a menace, stop fearing it or I will switch to WebAssembly "
                    "and knock your nico-nico-kneecaps so fast with its speed you won't even notice that... "
                    small { "omae ha mou shindeiru" }
                    @markup::raw("<!-- NANI?!!! -->")
                } }
        @Feed { feed }
    ErrorPage(code: StatusCode, msg: Option<String>) {
        h1 { @format!("HTTP {}", code) }
        @match *code {
            StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED => {
                p { "Looks like you need to authenticate yourself before seeing this page. Try logging in with IndieAuth using the Login button above!" }
            StatusCode::FORBIDDEN => {
                p { "Looks like you're forbidden from viewing this page." }
                p {
                    "This might've been caused by being banned from viewing my website"
                    "or simply by trying to see what you're not supposed to see, "
                    "like a private post that's not intended for you. It's ok, it happens."
            StatusCode::GONE => {
                p { "Looks like the page you're trying to find is gone and is never coming back." }
            StatusCode::UNAVAILABLE_FOR_LEGAL_REASONS => {
            p { "The page is there, but I can't legally provide it to you because the censorship said so." }
            StatusCode::NOT_FOUND => {
                p { "Looks like there's no such page. Maybe you or someone else mistyped a URL or my database experienced data loss." }
            StatusCode::IM_A_TEAPOT => {
                p { "Wait, do you seriously expect my website to brew you coffee? It's not a coffee machine!" }

                p {
                    small {
                        "I could brew you some coffee tho if we meet one day... "
                        small {
                            i {
                                "i-it's nothing personal, I just like brewing coffee, b-baka!!!~ >.<!"
            StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST => {
                @match msg {
                    None => {
                        p {
                            "There was an undescribed error in your request. "
                            "Please try again later or with a different request."
                    Some(msg) => {
                        p {
                            "There was a following error in your request:"
                        blockquote { pre { @msg } }
            StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR => {
                @match msg {
                    None => {
                        p { "It seems like you have found an error. Not to worry, it has already been logged." }
                    Some(msg) => {
                        p { "The server encountered an error while processing your request:" }
                        blockquote { @msg }
                        p { "Don't worry, it has already been logged." }
            _ => {
                p { "It seems like you have found an error. Not to worry, it has already been logged." }
        P { "For now, may I suggest to visit " a[href="/"] {"the main page"} " of this website?" }
