/// Database abstraction layer for Kittybox, allowing the CMS to work with any kind of database.
pub mod database;
pub mod frontend;
pub mod media;
pub mod micropub;
pub mod indieauth;
pub mod companion {
use std::{collections::HashMap, sync::Arc};
use axum::{
extract::{Extension, Path},
response::{IntoResponse, Response}
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct Resource {
data: &'static [u8],
mime: &'static str
impl IntoResponse for &Resource {
fn into_response(self) -> Response {
[("Content-Type", self.mime)],
// TODO replace with the "phf" crate someday
type ResourceTable = Arc<HashMap<&'static str, Resource>>;
async fn map_to_static(
Path(name): Path<String>,
Extension(resources): Extension<ResourceTable>
) -> Response {
tracing::debug!("Searching for {} in the resource table...", name);
match resources.get(name.as_str()) {
Some(res) => res.into_response(),
None => {
#[cfg(debug_assertions)] tracing::error!("Not found");
[("Content-Type", "text/plain")],
"Not found. Sorry.".as_bytes()).into_response()
pub fn router() -> axum::Router {
let resources: ResourceTable = {
let mut map = HashMap::new();
macro_rules! register_resource {
($map:ident, $prefix:expr, ($filename:literal, $mime:literal)) => {{
$map.insert($filename, Resource {
data: include_bytes!(concat!($prefix, $filename)),
mime: $mime
($map:ident, $prefix:expr, ($filename:literal, $mime:literal), $( ($f:literal, $m:literal) ),+) => {{
register_resource!($map, $prefix, ($filename, $mime));
register_resource!($map, $prefix, $(($f, $m)),+);
register_resource! {
concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/", "companion", "/"),
("index.html", "text/html; charset=\"utf-8\""),
("main.js", "text/javascript"),
("micropub_api.js", "text/javascript"),
("indieauth.js", "text/javascript"),
("base64.js", "text/javascript"),
("style.css", "text/css")