blob: 08fce6216bc8fec1847eccd46b0e08b3c90ad645 (
plain) (
inputs = {
flake-utils = {
type = "github";
owner = "numtide";
repo = "flake-utils";
ref = "main";
crane = {
url = "github:ipetkov/crane";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
nixpkgs = {
type = "github";
owner = "nixos";
repo = "nixpkgs";
ref = "nixos-unstable";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, flake-utils, crane }: let
supportedSystems = ["aarch64-linux" "x86_64-linux"];
forAllSystems = f: flake-utils.lib.eachSystem supportedSystems f;
in {
nixosModules.default = import ./configuration.nix self;
} // forAllSystems (system: let
pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system};
crane' = crane.mkLib pkgs;
kittybox = pkgs.callPackage ./kittybox.nix {
# TODO: this may break cross-compilation. It may be better to
# inject it as an overlay. However, I am unsure whether Crane
# can recognize it's being passed a cross-compilation set.
crane = crane';
nixosTests = {
smokeTest = self.checks.${system}.nixos-test;
postgresSmokeTest = self.checks.${system}.nixos-test-postgres;
in {
packages = {
kittybox = kittybox;
default = self.packages.${system}.kittybox;
checks = {
kittybox = self.packages.${system}.kittybox;
deps = self.packages.${system}.kittybox.cargoArtifacts;
clippy = self.packages.${system}.kittybox.clippy;
distributed-test = pkgs.nixosTest (import ./nixos-tests/distributed-test.nix self);
nixos-test = pkgs.nixosTest (import ./nixos-tests/smoke-test.nix self);
nixos-test-postgres = pkgs.nixosTest (import ./nixos-tests/postgres-smoke-test.nix self);
webmention-test = pkgs.nixosTest (import ./nixos-tests/webmention-test.nix self);
dockerContainer = pkgs.callPackage ./docker.nix {
inherit (self.packages.${system}) kittybox;
rev = self.rev or "development";
inherit (self) lastModifiedDate;
devShells.default = pkgs.callPackage ./shell.nix {};