The libsecret-rs crate is unmaintained, so I'm vendoring it for
now. Bumping the glib version turned out to be enough.
The exact process I used was:
1. Cloning the repository
2. Making changes
3. `cargo build` to ensure it works
4. `cargo package --no-verify` (b/c it tries to build all crates
separately instead of the entire workspace as a whole)
5. `mkdir libsecret/sys -p`
6. `tar --strip-components 1 -C libsecret -xvf ../libsecret-rs/target/package/libsecret-0.6.0.crate`
7. `tar --strip-components 1 -C libsecret/sys -xvf ../libsecret-rs/target/package/libsecret-sys-0.6.0.crate`
Then `Cargo.toml` is modified to ensure the libsecret and its `-sys`
crate build out of my vendored sources.
In the future, if I gain maintainership of the `libsecret` crate, I
could just revert this commit to make it point back to the upstream.