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authorVika <>2025-01-30 09:52:02 +0300
committerVika <>2025-01-30 11:03:24 +0300
commit14993401216f4236d632a18770d91f63e70bc155 (patch)
parent29568a14b389049480591e67a116400d030e8db1 (diff)
Bonus goodies: Icon in Colloid style
2 files changed, 40 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/extras/colloid-icon.svg b/extras/colloid-icon.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c00a969
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/colloid-icon.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<svg version="1.1" width="64" height="64" xmlns="">
+  <defs>
+    <linearGradient id="outsides">
+      <stop offset="0%" stop-color="#F0F0F0" />
+      <stop offset="20%" stop-color="#C0C0C0" />
+      <stop offset="80%" stop-color="#F0F0F0" />
+      <stop offset="100%" stop-color="lightgray" />
+    </linearGradient>
+    <!-- TODO: could be improved by using SVG filters instead of a gradient? -->
+    <radialGradient id="insides" cy="1">
+      <stop offset="0%" stop-color="#404040" />
+      <stop offset="60%" stop-color="gray" />
+      <stop offset="100%" stop-color="#D2D2D2" />
+    </radialGradient>
+  </defs>
+  <g id="colloid">
+    <rect x="4" y="3.9686" width="56.002" height="56.002" rx="13.002" ry="13.002" fill="#f2f2f2" stroke-width="3.7796"/>
+    <path d="m3.998 45.998v1c0 7.2032 5.8006 13.004 13.004 13.004h29.996c7.2032 0 13.004-5.8006 13.004-13.004v-1c0 7.2033-5.8007 13.002-13.004 13.002h-29.996c-7.2033 0-13.004-5.7988-13.004-13.002z" opacity=".1"/>
+    <path d="m3.998 18.004v-1c0-7.2032 5.8006-13.004 13.004-13.004h29.996c7.2032 0 13.004 5.8006 13.004 13.004v1c0-7.2033-5.8007-13.002-13.004-13.002h-29.996c-7.2033 0-13.004 5.7988-13.004 13.002z" fill="#fff" opacity=".5"/>
+  </g>
+ <g stroke="#202020" stroke-width="2">
+    <!-- The outer border of the bowl: two Bezier curves joined by an arc on the bottom -->
+    <path d="M 15.5 30
+             Q 13.5 33.75 12 38
+             A 20 7 0 0 0 52 38
+             Q 50.5 33.75 48.5 30
+             " fill="url(#outsides)" />
+    <!-- Insides of the bowl -->
+    <ellipse cx="32" cy="30" rx="16.5" ry="5" fill="url(#insides)" />
+  </g>
diff --git a/flake.nix b/flake.nix
index 0d4ce20..d309bf4 100644
--- a/flake.nix
+++ b/flake.nix
@@ -36,6 +36,14 @@
       default = self.packages.${system}.bowl;
       # Needed for translations
       xtr = pkgs.callPackage ./pkgs/xtr {};
+      colloid-icon = pkgs.runCommand "bowl-colloid-icon" {} ''
+        mkdir -p $out/share/icons/Colloid-{Dark,Light}/apps/scalable
+        install -Dm755 ${./extras/colloid-icon.svg} $out/share/icons/Colloid-Light/apps/scalable/xyz.vikanezrimaya.kittybox.Bowl.svg
+        cd $out/share/icons/Colloid-Dark/apps/scalable
+        ln -sr ../../../Colloid-Light/apps/scalable/xyz.vikanezrimaya.kittybox.Bowl.svg $out/share/icons/Colloid-Dark/apps/scalable/xyz.vikanezrimaya.kittybox.Bowl.svg
+      '';
     overlays.default = final: prev: {