// Furtherance - Track your time without being tracked // Copyright (C) 2022 Ricky Kresslein // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . use adw::subclass::prelude::*; use glib::clone; use gtk::subclass::prelude::*; use gtk::{glib, prelude::*, CompositeTemplate}; use chrono::{DateTime, NaiveDateTime, Local, ParseError, offset::TimeZone}; use crate::FurtheranceApplication; use crate::ui::FurtheranceWindow; use crate::database; use crate::settings_manager; mod imp { use super::*; use glib::subclass; use std::cell::RefCell; #[derive(Debug, Default, CompositeTemplate)] #[template(resource = "/com/lakoliu/Furtherance/gtk/task_details.ui")] pub struct FurTaskDetails { #[template_child] pub headerbar: TemplateChild, #[template_child] pub dialog_title: TemplateChild, #[template_child] pub scrolled_window: TemplateChild, #[template_child] pub task_name_label: TemplateChild, #[template_child] pub main_box: TemplateChild, #[template_child] pub delete_all_btn: TemplateChild, pub all_boxes: RefCell>, pub all_task_ids: RefCell>, } #[glib::object_subclass] impl ObjectSubclass for FurTaskDetails { const NAME: &'static str = "FurTaskDetails"; type ParentType = adw::Window; type Type = super::FurTaskDetails; fn class_init(klass: &mut Self::Class) { Self::bind_template(klass); } fn instance_init(obj: &subclass::InitializingObject) { obj.init_template(); } } impl ObjectImpl for FurTaskDetails { fn constructed(&self, obj: &Self::Type) { obj.setup_signals(); obj.setup_delete_all(); self.parent_constructed(obj); } } impl WidgetImpl for FurTaskDetails {} impl WindowImpl for FurTaskDetails {} impl AdwWindowImpl for FurTaskDetails {} } glib::wrapper! { pub struct FurTaskDetails(ObjectSubclass) @extends gtk::Widget, gtk::Window, adw::Window; } impl FurTaskDetails { pub fn new() -> Self { let dialog: Self = glib::Object::new(&[]).unwrap(); let window = FurtheranceWindow::default(); dialog.set_transient_for(Some(&window)); let app = FurtheranceApplication::default(); app.add_window(&window); dialog } pub fn setup_widgets(&self, mut task_group: Vec) { let imp = imp::FurTaskDetails::from_instance(self); imp.task_name_label.set_text(&task_group[0].task_name); for task in task_group.clone() { imp.all_task_ids.borrow_mut().push(task.id); } let task_group_len = task_group.len(); task_group.reverse(); for task in task_group { let task_box = gtk::Box::new(gtk::Orientation::Horizontal, 5); task_box.set_homogeneous(true); let start_time = DateTime::parse_from_rfc3339(&task.start_time).unwrap(); let mut start_time_str = start_time.format("%H:%M:%S").to_string(); if !settings_manager::get_bool("show-seconds") { start_time_str = start_time.format("%H:%M").to_string(); } let start = gtk::Button::new(); start.set_label(&start_time_str); task_box.append(&start); let stop_time = DateTime::parse_from_rfc3339(&task.stop_time).unwrap(); let mut stop_time_str = stop_time.format("%H:%M:%S").to_string(); if !settings_manager::get_bool("show-seconds") { stop_time_str = stop_time.format("%H:%M").to_string(); } let stop = gtk::Button::new(); stop.set_label(&stop_time_str); task_box.append(&stop); let total_time = stop_time - start_time; let total_time = total_time.num_seconds(); let h = total_time / 60 / 60; let m = (total_time / 60) - (h * 60); let s = total_time - (m * 60); let mut total_time_str = format!("{:02}:{:02}:{:02}", h, m, s); if !settings_manager::get_bool("show-seconds") { total_time_str = format!("{:02}:{:02}", h, m); } let total = gtk::Button::new(); total.set_label(&total_time_str); total.add_css_class("inactive-button"); total.set_hexpand(false); task_box.append(&total); imp.main_box.append(&task_box); imp.all_boxes.borrow_mut().push(task_box); start.connect_clicked(clone!(@weak self as this => move |_|{ let window = FurtheranceWindow::default(); let dialog = gtk::MessageDialog::new( Some(&window), gtk::DialogFlags::MODAL, gtk::MessageType::Question, gtk::ButtonsType::OkCancel, "Edit Task", ); dialog.set_use_markup(true); let message_area = dialog.message_area().downcast::().unwrap(); let vert_box = gtk::Box::new(gtk::Orientation::Vertical, 5); let task_name_edit = gtk::Entry::new(); task_name_edit.set_text(&task.task_name); let labels_box = gtk::Box::new(gtk::Orientation::Horizontal, 5); labels_box.set_homogeneous(true); let start_label = gtk::Label::new(Some("Start")); start_label.add_css_class("title-4"); let stop_label = gtk::Label::new(Some("Stop")); stop_label.add_css_class("title-4"); let times_box = gtk::Box::new(gtk::Orientation::Horizontal, 5); times_box.set_homogeneous(true); let mut start_time_w_year = start_time.format("%h %e %Y %H:%M:%S").to_string(); if !settings_manager::get_bool("show-seconds") { start_time_w_year = start_time.format("%h %e %Y %H:%M").to_string(); } let mut stop_time_w_year = stop_time.format("%h %e %Y %H:%M:%S").to_string(); if !settings_manager::get_bool("show-seconds") { stop_time_w_year = stop_time.format("%h %e %Y %H:%M").to_string(); } let start_time_edit = gtk::Entry::new(); start_time_edit.set_text(&start_time_w_year); let stop_time_edit = gtk::Entry::new(); stop_time_edit.set_text(&stop_time_w_year); let instructions = gtk::Label::new(Some( "*Use the format MMM DD YYYY HH:MM:SS")); if !settings_manager::get_bool("show-seconds") { instructions.set_text("*Use the format MMM DD YYYY HH:MM"); } instructions.set_visible(false); instructions.add_css_class("error_message"); let time_error = gtk::Label::new(Some( "*Start time cannot be later than stop time.")); time_error.set_visible(false); time_error.add_css_class("error_message"); let future_error = gtk::Label::new(Some( "*Time cannot be in the future.")); future_error.set_visible(false); future_error.add_css_class("error_message"); let delete_task_btn = gtk::Button::new(); delete_task_btn.set_icon_name("user-trash-symbolic"); delete_task_btn.set_tooltip_text(Some("Delete task")); delete_task_btn.set_hexpand(false); delete_task_btn.set_vexpand(false); delete_task_btn.set_halign(gtk::Align::End); vert_box.append(&task_name_edit); labels_box.append(&start_label); labels_box.append(&stop_label); times_box.append(&start_time_edit); times_box.append(&stop_time_edit); vert_box.append(&labels_box); vert_box.append(×_box); vert_box.append(&instructions); vert_box.append(&time_error); vert_box.append(&future_error); message_area.append(&delete_task_btn); message_area.append(&vert_box); delete_task_btn.connect_clicked(clone!( @strong task, @strong dialog, @weak this => move |_| { let delete_confirmation = gtk::MessageDialog::with_markup( Some(&window), gtk::DialogFlags::MODAL, gtk::MessageType::Question, gtk::ButtonsType::OkCancel, Some("Delete task?"), ); delete_confirmation.connect_response(clone!( @strong dialog, @strong delete_confirmation => move |_, resp| { if resp == gtk::ResponseType::Ok { let _ = database::delete_by_id(task.id); if task_group_len == 1 { delete_confirmation.close(); dialog.close(); this.close(); let window = FurtheranceWindow::default(); window.reset_history_box(); } else { delete_confirmation.close(); this.clear_task_list(); dialog.close(); } } else { delete_confirmation.close(); } })); if settings_manager::get_bool("delete-confirmation") { delete_confirmation.show(); } else { delete_confirmation.response(gtk::ResponseType::Ok); } })); dialog.connect_response( clone!(@strong dialog, @strong task.task_name as name @strong task.start_time as start_time @strong task.stop_time as stop_time => move |_ , resp| { if resp == gtk::ResponseType::Ok { instructions.set_visible(false); time_error.set_visible(false); future_error.set_visible(false); let mut start_successful = false; let mut stop_successful = false; let mut do_not_close = false; let mut new_start_time_edited: String = "".to_string(); let mut new_start_time_local = Local::now(); let new_stop_time_edited: String; if start_time_edit.text() != start_time_w_year { let new_start_time_str = start_time_edit.text(); let new_start_time: Result; if settings_manager::get_bool("show-seconds") { new_start_time = NaiveDateTime::parse_from_str( &new_start_time_str, "%h %e %Y %H:%M:%S"); } else { new_start_time = NaiveDateTime::parse_from_str( &new_start_time_str, "%h %e %Y %H:%M"); } if let Err(_) = new_start_time { instructions.set_visible(true); do_not_close = true; } else { new_start_time_local = Local.from_local_datetime(&new_start_time.unwrap()).unwrap(); new_start_time_edited = new_start_time_local.to_rfc3339(); start_successful = true; } } if stop_time_edit.text() != stop_time_w_year { let new_stop_time_str = stop_time_edit.text(); let new_stop_time: Result; if settings_manager::get_bool("show-seconds") { new_stop_time = NaiveDateTime::parse_from_str( &new_stop_time_str, "%h %e %Y %H:%M:%S"); } else { new_stop_time = NaiveDateTime::parse_from_str( &new_stop_time_str, "%h %e %Y %H:%M"); } if let Err(_) = new_stop_time { instructions.set_visible(true); do_not_close = true; } else { let new_stop_time = Local.from_local_datetime(&new_stop_time.unwrap()).unwrap(); new_stop_time_edited = new_stop_time.to_rfc3339(); if start_successful { if (new_stop_time - new_start_time_local).num_seconds() >= 0 { database::update_stop_time(task.id, new_stop_time_edited.clone()) .expect("Failed to update stop time."); database::update_start_time(task.id, new_start_time_edited.clone()) .expect("Failed to update stop time."); } } else { let old_start_time = DateTime::parse_from_rfc3339(&start_time); let old_start_time = old_start_time.unwrap().with_timezone(&Local); if (Local::now() - new_stop_time).num_seconds() < 0 { future_error.set_visible(true); do_not_close = true; } else if (new_stop_time - old_start_time).num_seconds() >= 0 { database::update_stop_time(task.id, new_stop_time_edited) .expect("Failed to update stop time."); } else { time_error.set_visible(true); do_not_close = true; } } stop_successful = true; } } if task_name_edit.text() != name { database::update_task_name(task.id, task_name_edit.text().to_string()) .expect("Failed to update start time."); } if start_successful && !stop_successful { let old_stop_time = DateTime::parse_from_rfc3339(&stop_time); let old_stop_time = old_stop_time.unwrap().with_timezone(&Local); if (old_stop_time - new_start_time_local).num_seconds() >= 0 { database::update_start_time(task.id, new_start_time_edited) .expect("Failed to update start time."); } else { time_error.set_visible(true); do_not_close = true; } } if !do_not_close { this.clear_task_list(); dialog.close(); } } else { // If Cancel, close dialog and do nothing. dialog.close(); } }), ); dialog.show(); })); stop.connect_clicked(move |_|{ start.emit_clicked(); }); } } fn clear_task_list(&self) { let imp = imp::FurTaskDetails::from_instance(&self); for task_box in &*imp.all_boxes.borrow() { imp.main_box.remove(task_box); } imp.all_boxes.borrow_mut().clear(); // Get list from database by a vec of IDs let updated_list = database::get_list_by_id(imp.all_task_ids.clone().borrow().to_vec()); imp.all_task_ids.borrow_mut().clear(); let window = FurtheranceWindow::default(); window.reset_history_box(); self.setup_widgets(updated_list.unwrap()); } fn setup_signals(&self) { let imp = imp::FurTaskDetails::from_instance(self); // Add headerbar to dialog when scrolled far imp.scrolled_window.vadjustment().connect_value_notify( clone!(@weak self as this => move |adj|{ let imp = imp::FurTaskDetails::from_instance(&this); if adj.value() < 120.0 { imp.headerbar.add_css_class("hidden"); imp.dialog_title.set_visible(false); }else { imp.headerbar.remove_css_class("hidden"); imp.dialog_title.set_visible(true); } }), ); // Make dialog header smaller if the name is long imp.task_name_label.connect_label_notify(|label| { let large_title = !(label.text().len() > 25); if large_title { label.remove_css_class("title-2"); label.add_css_class("title-1"); } else { label.remove_css_class("title-1"); label.add_css_class("title-2"); } }); } fn setup_delete_all(&self) { let imp = imp::FurTaskDetails::from_instance(self); let window = FurtheranceWindow::default(); imp.delete_all_btn.connect_clicked(clone!(@weak self as this => move |_|{ let dialog = gtk::MessageDialog::with_markup( Some(&window), gtk::DialogFlags::MODAL, gtk::MessageType::Warning, gtk::ButtonsType::None, Some("Delete All?"), ); dialog.set_secondary_text(Some("This will delete all occurrences of this task on this day.")); dialog.add_buttons(&[ ("Delete", gtk::ResponseType::Accept), ("Cancel", gtk::ResponseType::Reject) ]); dialog.connect_response(clone!(@strong dialog => move |_,resp|{ if resp == gtk::ResponseType::Accept { this.delete_all(); dialog.close(); this.close(); let window = FurtheranceWindow::default(); window.reset_history_box(); } else { dialog.close(); } })); if settings_manager::get_bool("delete-confirmation") { dialog.show(); } else { dialog.response(gtk::ResponseType::Accept); } })); } fn delete_all(&self) { let imp = imp::FurTaskDetails::from_instance(self); let _ = database::delete_by_ids(imp.all_task_ids.borrow().to_vec()); } }