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path: root/src/ui/preferences_dialog.rs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/ui/preferences_dialog.rs')
1 files changed, 294 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ui/preferences_dialog.rs b/src/ui/preferences_dialog.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2396aef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/preferences_dialog.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+// Furtherance - Track your time without being tracked
+// Copyright (C) 2022  Ricky Kresslein <rk@lakoliu.com>
+// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+use adw::prelude::*;
+use adw::subclass::prelude::*;
+use gettextrs::*;
+use glib::clone;
+use gtk::glib;
+use gtk::CompositeTemplate;
+use crate::settings_manager;
+use crate::ui::FurtheranceWindow;
+use crate::FurtheranceApplication;
+use crate::database;
+mod imp {
+    use super::*;
+    use glib::subclass;
+    #[derive(Default, Debug, CompositeTemplate)]
+    #[template(resource = "/com/lakoliu/Furtherance/gtk/preferences_dialog.ui")]
+    pub struct FurPreferencesDialog {
+        // General Page
+        // Appearance Group
+        #[template_child]
+        pub appearance_group: TemplateChild<adw::PreferencesGroup>,
+        #[template_child]
+        pub dark_theme_switch: TemplateChild<adw::SwitchRow>,
+        // Idle Group
+        #[template_child]
+        pub notify_of_idle_expander: TemplateChild<adw::ExpanderRow>,
+        #[template_child]
+        pub notify_of_idle_spin: TemplateChild<adw::SpinRow>,
+        // Timer Group
+        #[template_child]
+        pub pomodoro_expander: TemplateChild<adw::ExpanderRow>,
+        #[template_child]
+        pub pomodoro_spin: TemplateChild<adw::SpinRow>,
+        #[template_child]
+        pub autosave_expander: TemplateChild<adw::ExpanderRow>,
+        #[template_child]
+        pub autosave_spin: TemplateChild<adw::SpinRow>,
+        #[template_child]
+        pub inclusive_total_switch: TemplateChild<adw::SwitchRow>,
+        // Tasks Page
+        // Task List Group
+        #[template_child]
+        pub delete_confirmation_switch: TemplateChild<adw::SwitchRow>,
+        #[template_child]
+        pub limit_tasks_expander: TemplateChild<adw::ExpanderRow>,
+        #[template_child]
+        pub limit_days_spin: TemplateChild<adw::SpinRow>,
+        #[template_child]
+        pub show_daily_sums_switch: TemplateChild<adw::SwitchRow>,
+        #[template_child]
+        pub show_seconds_switch: TemplateChild<adw::SwitchRow>,
+        #[template_child]
+        pub show_tags_switch: TemplateChild<adw::SwitchRow>,
+        // Task Input Group
+        #[template_child]
+        pub autocomplete_switch: TemplateChild<adw::SwitchRow>,
+        // Data Page
+        // Reports Group
+        #[template_child]
+        pub week_start_combo: TemplateChild<adw::ComboRow>,
+        // Database Group
+        #[template_child]
+        pub database_loc_row: TemplateChild<adw::ActionRow>,
+        #[template_child]
+        pub database_browse_btn: TemplateChild<gtk::Button>,
+    }
+    #[glib::object_subclass]
+    impl ObjectSubclass for FurPreferencesDialog {
+        const NAME: &'static str = "FurPreferencesDialog";
+        type ParentType = adw::PreferencesDialog;
+        type Type = super::FurPreferencesDialog;
+        fn class_init(klass: &mut Self::Class) {
+            Self::bind_template(klass);
+        }
+        fn instance_init(obj: &subclass::InitializingObject<Self>) {
+            obj.init_template();
+        }
+    }
+    impl ObjectImpl for FurPreferencesDialog {
+        fn constructed(&self) {
+            let obj = self.obj();
+            obj.setup_signals();
+            obj.setup_widgets();
+            self.parent_constructed();
+        }
+    }
+    impl WidgetImpl for FurPreferencesDialog {}
+    impl AdwDialogImpl for FurPreferencesDialog {}
+    impl PreferencesDialogImpl for FurPreferencesDialog {}
+glib::wrapper! {
+    pub struct FurPreferencesDialog(
+        ObjectSubclass<imp::FurPreferencesDialog>)
+        @extends gtk::Widget, adw::Dialog, adw::PreferencesDialog;
+impl FurPreferencesDialog {
+    pub fn new() -> Self {
+        glib::Object::new::<FurPreferencesDialog>()
+    }
+    fn setup_widgets(&self) {
+        let imp = imp::FurPreferencesDialog::from_obj(self);
+        let manager = adw::StyleManager::default();
+        let support_darkmode = manager.system_supports_color_schemes();
+        imp.appearance_group.set_visible(!support_darkmode);
+        let db_dir = database::get_directory().to_string_lossy().to_string();
+        imp.database_loc_row.set_subtitle(&db_dir);
+    }
+    fn setup_signals(&self) {
+        let imp = imp::FurPreferencesDialog::from_obj(self);
+        settings_manager::bind_property("dark-mode", &*imp.dark_theme_switch, "active");
+        settings_manager::bind_property(
+            "notify-of-idle",
+            &*imp.notify_of_idle_expander,
+            "enable-expansion",
+        );
+        settings_manager::bind_property("idle-time", &*imp.notify_of_idle_spin, "value");
+        settings_manager::bind_property(
+            "limit-tasks",
+            &*imp.limit_tasks_expander,
+            "enable-expansion",
+        );
+        settings_manager::bind_property("limit-days", &*imp.limit_days_spin, "value");
+        settings_manager::bind_property(
+            "delete-confirmation",
+            &*imp.delete_confirmation_switch,
+            "active",
+        );
+        settings_manager::bind_property("show-seconds", &*imp.show_seconds_switch, "active");
+        settings_manager::bind_property("show-daily-sums", &*imp.show_daily_sums_switch, "active");
+        settings_manager::bind_property("show-tags", &*imp.show_tags_switch, "active");
+        settings_manager::bind_property("autocomplete", &*imp.autocomplete_switch, "active");
+        settings_manager::bind_property("pomodoro", &*imp.pomodoro_expander, "enable-expansion");
+        settings_manager::bind_property("pomodoro-time", &*imp.pomodoro_spin, "value");
+        settings_manager::bind_property("autosave", &*imp.autosave_expander, "enable-expansion");
+        settings_manager::bind_property("autosave-time", &*imp.autosave_spin, "value");
+        settings_manager::bind_property("inclusive-total", &*imp.inclusive_total_switch, "active");
+        settings_manager::bind_property("week-starts", &*imp.week_start_combo, "selected");
+        imp.dark_theme_switch.connect_active_notify(move |_| {
+            let app = FurtheranceApplication::default();
+            app.update_light_dark();
+        });
+        imp.limit_tasks_expander
+            .connect_enable_expansion_notify(move |_| {
+                let window = FurtheranceWindow::default();
+                window.reset_history_box();
+            });
+        imp.limit_days_spin.connect_value_notify(move |_| {
+            let window = FurtheranceWindow::default();
+            window.reset_history_box();
+        });
+        imp.show_seconds_switch.connect_active_notify(move |_| {
+            let window = FurtheranceWindow::default();
+            window.reset_history_box();
+        });
+        imp.show_daily_sums_switch.connect_active_notify(move |_| {
+            let window = FurtheranceWindow::default();
+            window.reset_history_box();
+        });
+        imp.show_tags_switch.connect_active_notify(move |_| {
+            let window = FurtheranceWindow::default();
+            window.reset_history_box();
+        });
+        imp.autocomplete_switch.connect_active_notify(move |_| {
+            let window = FurtheranceWindow::default();
+            window.reset_autocomplete();
+        });
+        imp.pomodoro_expander
+            .connect_enable_expansion_notify(move |_| {
+                let window = FurtheranceWindow::default();
+                window.refresh_timer();
+        });
+        imp.pomodoro_spin.connect_value_notify(move |new_val| {
+            settings_manager::set_int("pomodoro-time", new_val.value() as i32);
+            let window = FurtheranceWindow::default();
+            window.refresh_timer();
+        });
+        imp.inclusive_total_switch.connect_active_notify(move |_| {
+            let window = FurtheranceWindow::default();
+            window.reset_history_box();
+        });
+        imp.database_browse_btn.connect_clicked(clone!(@weak self as this => move |_| {
+            let window = FurtheranceApplication::default().active_window().unwrap();
+            let dialog = gtk::FileChooserDialog::new(
+                Some(&gettext("Backup Database")),
+                Some(&window),
+                gtk::FileChooserAction::Save,
+                &[
+                    (&gettext("Cancel"), gtk::ResponseType::Reject),
+                    (&gettext("Save"), gtk::ResponseType::Accept),
+                ]
+            );
+            dialog.set_modal(true);
+            // Set a filter to show only SQLite files
+            let filter = gtk::FileFilter::new();
+            gtk::FileFilter::set_name(&filter, Some("*.db"));
+            filter.add_mime_type("application/x-sqlite3");
+            dialog.add_filter(&filter);
+            dialog.set_current_name("furtherance.db");
+            dialog.connect_response(
+                clone!(@strong dialog, @weak this as this2 => move |filechooser, resp| {
+                    if resp == gtk::ResponseType::Accept {
+                        if let Some(path) = filechooser.file().and_then(|file| file.path()) {
+                            let path = &path.to_string_lossy();
+                            let _bkup = database::backup_db(path.to_string());
+                            let settings = settings_manager::get_settings();
+                            let _ = settings.set_string("database-loc", &path.to_string());
+                            let imp2 = imp::FurPreferencesDialog::from_obj(&this2);
+                            imp2.database_loc_row.set_subtitle(&path.to_string());
+                            let window = FurtheranceWindow::default();
+                            window.reset_history_box();
+                        }
+                        dialog.close();
+                    } else {
+                        dialog.close();
+                    }
+                }),
+            );
+            dialog.show();
+        }));
+    }